Title: October Staff Data Funding
1October Staff DataFunding Accountability
2Staff Data Funding
- Selected EMIS staff data can effect funding in
several ways - Line 10 on the SF-3 Reports
- Line 10A Pupil-teacher ratio
- Line 10B Teacher training experience
- Line 10C Education Service Personnel
- PS Special Education Unit-funded Staff
- Gifted Unit Funded Staff
3SF-3 Line 10A - ( of Classroom Teachers)
- If a district does not maintain a 25/1 pupil to
teacher ratio, a deduction will appear in Line
10A of the SF-3 report. - IF this line has an amount that is NOT 0, you
will want to verify data on the Pupil-teacher
Ratio (PTR) Report. - PTR reports are generated after each October K
EMIS processing opportunity. - Reports are copied to oecnemis
- Menugtview oecnemismveca_ptr_06.txt
- There is one line per district, that includes
total teacher FTE, student ADM, and the ratio for
each district. - Check this each time an SF-3 is generated for
your district (each time a payment is received
from the state.)
SOURCE Ohios School Foundation Funding
Program SF3 Form Line-by-Line, FY2005-06.
4Verifying Data for Line 10A (SF-3)
- The Pupil/teacher ratio is calculated as follows
- Regular Student Population (line 25C of the SF-3)
- Regular Classroom Teachers (FTE)
- Regular Student Population This is the ADM of
regular pupils (students without disability
conditions) being educated by the district. - For details on which students are included, refer
to http//www.ode.state.oh.us/school_finance/data/
2004/foundation/f2004_regpop.asp - Regular Classroom Teacher - ORC 3317.023 (1)
"Classroom teacher" means a licensed employee who
provides direct instruction to pupils, excluding
teachers funded from money paid to the district
from federal sources educational service
personnel and vocational and special education
teachers. - These are teachers reported with position code
SOURCE Ohios School Foundation Funding
Program SF3 Form Line-by-Line, FY2005-06.
5Verifying Data for Line 10A (SF-3) PTR reports
- If the K-12 Pupil-Teacher Ratio is greater than
251, check to see if the problem rests with the
pupil or staff count. - The pupil count can be checked for reasonableness
by comparing the regular student ADM counts in
FY2006, to those from FY2005. If the ADM counts
are similar, then the staff data should be
checked. - If ADM counts differ unexpectedly and/or
significantly, use student reports to see why
there is a difference. - If the number of K-12 Teachers appears low, the
problem may be an incorrect position code for a
K-12 staff member.
6SF-3 Line 10B - (Teacher Training Experience)
- If regular classroom teachers in the district (as
a group) are above the state average in education
and experience, the district will receive
additional funds. - This is determined by where all regular classroom
teachers fall on the state minimum teachers
salary schedule. - The following data elements are used to place
teachers on the minimum salary schedule to
determine whether the District Mean Salary is
above the State Mean Salary. - Education level
- Authorized Teaching Experience Years
SOURCE Ohios School Foundation Funding
Program SF3 Form Line-by-Line, FY2005-06.
7Verifying Data for SF-3 Line 10B
- These data can be verified on the ODE Generated
DEMO_JOB_CERT report. - It is helpful to verify the data on the Staff
Demo Job report, so you know that ODE received
the data, and there are no errors flagged on that
report by ODE.
8SF-3 Line 10C - (Educational Service Personnel)
- Districts are required to hire at least 5
Educational Service Personnel (ESP) in the
following categories for each 1,000 students. - Counselors (position code 202),
- Social Workers (323),
- Visiting Teacher (330),
- Librarian/Media Specialists (203),
- Registered Nurses (320),
- Art Teachers Position code 211, Assignment
Area "999050", - Physical Education Teachers Position code 211,
Assignment Area 999418, - Music Teachers Position code 211, Assignment
Area 999570. - Failure to meet this requirement means a
deduction in state foundation aid. (ORC 3317.023)
SOURCE Ohios School Foundation Funding
Program SF3 Form Line-by-Line, FY2005-06.
9Verifying Data for SF-3 Line 10C
- This information can be verified on the ESP Data
Verification Report produced by ODE. - If FTE are not approved for one of the
individuals on this report, check - The fund source reported on the Staff-Demo job
report, (does not include federal sources) - Whether the course (elementary art, music and PE)
for that teacher appears on the Invl_K8_CRSE
report, due to invalid teacher certification/licen
sure. - Whether other ESP staff appear on the
Invl_CRT_JOB report, due to invalid
10SF-3 Line 21APreschool Classroom Unit Funds
- This line includes both teacher and related
services unit funding. - This information can be verified on the Preschool
Units EMIS Staff Report (ECE_STAFF_UNITS). - There are two sources of data on that report
- Student and staff data reported in EMIS during
October K, and - Preschool special education state-funded unit
allocations made on the ODE ECE Unit Funding web
application. (Which requires a SAFE account.)
11FY2006 Change to ECE Preschool Unit Funding Web
- NOTE Prior to applying for units, districts must
have the following roles designated in the Ohio
Educational Directory System (OEDS) - Help Me Grow Contact
- Preschool Special ED Contact
- Preschool Special ED Supervisor Contact
12Verifying data forSF-3 Line 21A (PS Sp. Ed. Unit
- This ODE-generated report is called
ECE_STAFF_UNITS.pdf. - This report includes a section for teacher units,
and related services/adapted PD units. - To verify teacher data, look at
- Type of unit will be either center-based (D08)
or itinerant (ITR). - Make sure Position Fund Source (called FUND
Srce) is Z. - Please note elements Education level and
Authorized Teaching Experience Years on the
Staff Employment Record, are used to determine
where teacher falls on the state minimum salary
schedule that was in effect in FY2001.
13Verifying data forSF-3 Line 21A (PS Sp. Ed. Unit
- The following data elements must be reported on
the Staff Employment Record, in order for a
preschool special education teacher unit to be
funded - Employee ID Valid Social Security Number
(converted to State ID) - Position Code 206
- Assignment Area
- 999412 - for center-based teachers
- 999413 - for itinerant teachers
- Position Fund Source Z - Preschool State Unit
Funding - Fund Source Percent 100 to receive a fully
funded unit - Position Type R - Regular
- Position Status C, D, O, R, or N (described on
next slide) - Type of Appointment 1, 3, 4, or 5 (described on
next slide) - Position FTE appropriate FTE
SOURCE Preschool Units EMIS Staff Report
Explanation for FY2005 NOTE FY2006 documentation
has not yet been released. Watch for the FY2006
release on the ODE/EMIS web site to check for
14Verifying data forSF-3 Line 21A (PS Sp. Ed. Unit
- (Options described from previous slide)
- Position Status
- C - Active/continuing in the same position in the
district - D - Active/new position in district
- O - Retired then rehired in same or different
position w/in the district w/in a three month
period - R - Returning from leave of absence, or
- N - New to district
- Type of Appointment
- 1 Certificated/licensed
- 3 Internship
- 4 Six-hour lay teacher, or
- 5 Veteran ORC 3319.283
SOURCE Preschool Units EMIS Staff Report
Explanation for FY2005 NOTE FY2006 documentation
has not yet been released. Watch for the FY2006
release on the ODE/EMIS web site to check for
15Verifying data forSF-3 Line 21A (PS Sp. Ed. Unit
- A combination teacher is an individual that
teaches a center-based preschool special
education class AND is also an itinerant teacher. - Report only ONE Staff Job/Employment record with
a position code of 206 with the following
assignment areas in the first two assignment area
positions - 999412 Center-based teachers
- 999413 Itinerant teachers
SOURCE Preschool Units EMIS Staff Report
Explanation for FY2005 NOTE FY2006 documentation
has not yet been released. Watch for the FY2006
release on the ODE/EMIS web site to check for
16Verifying data forSF-3 Line 21A (PS Sp. Ed. Unit
- Preschool Special Education Itinerant-ONLY
Teachers - An itinerate teacher teacher is one who ONLY
provides itinerant services AND does NOT provide
any center-based services. - No course master is required for the
itinerate-only teacher. - Employee ID still needs to be reported in the
State ID field in the childs program record.
SOURCE Preschool Units EMIS Staff Report
Explanation for FY2005 NOTE FY2006 documentation
has not yet been released. Watch for the FY2006
release on the ODE/EMIS web site to check for
17Verifying data forSF-3 Line 21A (PS Sp. Ed. Unit
- Waivers could affect whether units will appear
as approved on the PS Sp. Ed. Units Report. - If class or caseload size exceeds limits
specified in Ohio Revised Code, a unit may not be
approved. Districts can apply to ODE for
waivers, as per 3301-51-09(G)(2)(a) and (b). - Center-based class size waivers
- Information on class size waivers can be found at
_web_6_04.pdf. - Itinerant teacher caseload waiver
- Information on caseload size waivers can be found
at http//www.ode.state.oh.us/ece/superintendent/p
18Verifying data forSF-3 Line 21A (PS Sp. Ed. Unit
- The following EMIS data elements on the Staff
Employment Record affect funding for related
services and adapted PE units - Position FTE
- Position code/assignment area
- Position Fund Source (must be Z - Preschool
State Unit Funding) - Position Fund Source Percent
- Position Code (Determines the Type of Unit)
SOURCE Preschool Units EMIS Staff Report
Explanation for FY2005 NOTE FY2006 documentation
has not yet been released. Watch for the FY2006
release on the ODE/EMIS web site to check for
19Verifying data forSF-3 Line 21A (PS Sp. Ed. Unit
- If Preschool Special Education Units are not
approved for one of the individuals on this
report, check - Are staff data reported correctly? (e.g. Position
Fund Source must be Z - Preschool State Unit
Funding) - If the teacher provides center-based services,
check to see if the teacher appears on the
Invl_K8_CRSE report, due to invalid
certification/licensure. - For itinerant teachers and related services
staff, check to see if the individual appears on
the Invl_CRT_JOB report, due to invalid
certification/licensure. - Is class/caseload size limit exceeded? (Is a
waiver needed?)
SOURCE Preschool Units EMIS Staff Report
Explanation for FY2005 NOTE FY2006 documentation
has not yet been released. Watch for the FY2006
release on the ODE/EMIS web site to check for
20Verifying data forSF-3 Line 21A (PS Sp. Ed. Unit
- Individuals hired to provide the following
related service positions may be contracted
staff - 333 Preschool Adaptive Physical Ed
- 327 Preschool Occupational Therapist
- 325 Preschool Physical Therapist
- 326 Preschool Speech and Language
- 304 Preschool Audiologist
- 328 Preschool Orientation and Mobility
- 318 Preschool Psychologist
SOURCE Preschool Units EMIS Staff Report
Explanation for FY2005 NOTE FY2006 documentation
has not yet been released. Watch for the FY2006
release on the ODE/EMIS web site to check for
21Reporting PS Special Education Related Service
Adapted PE Staff
- Employee ID Valid social security number of the
staff - Assignment Area 999412
- Fund Source Z
- Position Status C, D N, O or R for district
employees A or I for
contracted staff - Position Type R
- Type of appointment 1, 3, 4, or 5
- Position Code (one of the following)
- 333 Preschool Adaptive Physical Ed
- 327 Preschool Occupational Therapist
- 325 Preschool Physical Therapist
- 326 Preschool Speech and Language
- 304 Preschool Audiologist
- 328 Preschool Orientation and Mobility
- 318 Preschool Psychologist
- 110 Preschool Special Ed Supervisor
SOURCE Preschool Units EMIS Staff Report
Explanation for FY2005 NOTE FY2006 documentation
has not yet been released. Watch for the FY2006
release on the ODE/EMIS web site to check for
22Verifying data forSF-3 Line 21A (PS Sp. Ed. Unit
- Be sure to include both STUDENT AND STAFF data
when submitting PS Special Education data. - This is because student and staff data are
closely linked and funding depends upon both.
23Gifted Aid (SF-3 Line 12)
- This line reflects aid for gifted children (i.e.
gifted unit funding.) - This is based upon staff data reported in EMIS
during the October K reporting period. - The number of approved gifted units can be
verified on the Gifted_staff report generated by
24Verifying Data for SF-3 Line 12(Gifted Aid)
- The position code/assignment area combination
determines the type of unit. - The disapproval reason may help in tracking down
reporting errors and other issues, depending upon
the reason (e.g. reporting position fund source,
certification/licensure issues).
25Verifying Data for SF-3 Line 12(Gifted Aid)
- The following elements on the Staff Employment
Records can affect gifted unit funding for gifted
teachers and gifted coordinators - Education Level
- Authorized Teaching Experience Years (teachers)
- Position Code
- Position Status
- Position FTE
- Position Fund Source
- Assignment Area
26Verifying Data for SF-3 Line 12 (Gifted Aid)
- Data elements on the Staff Employment Record can
be verified on the ODE-generated DEMO_JOB_CERT
report. - It is helpful to verify the data on the
Demo_Job_Cert report, so you know that ODE
received the data, and there are no errors
flagged on that report by ODE.
27Verifying Data for SF-3 Line 12 (Gifted Aid)
- Position Funding Source must be U or L for
Gifted units. - Before 2000, there was a law making a distinction
between Unit and Local funding for gifted units
but that law no longer exists. - Fund Sources "U" and "L" are treated equally for
Gifted units.
28Verifying Data for SF-3 Line 12 (Gifted Aid)
- The Education Level and Authorized Teaching
Experience Years elements are used to place
Gifted Intervention Specialists on the state
minimum teachers salary schedule that was in
effect in FY2001. - Teachers are ranked based upon where they fall on
the state minimum salary schedule, from highest
to lowest. The gifted units for the teachers
with the higher salaries are funded first. - According to ODE, the intent is to maximize the
amount of funding that the district would receive.
29Verifying Data for SF-3 Line 12 (Gifted Aid)
- One criterion for gifted unit funding is that the
Gifted Intervention Specialist (GIS) and/or the
Gifted Coordinator have the appropriate
credentials. - Requirements for being a Gifted Intervention
Specialist OR a Gifted Coordinator are in the
Ohio Administrative Code 3301-51-15 (E). - If a GIS or Gifted Coordinator appears on the
INVL_CERT_JOB report, this means that the
individual did not have a valid
license/certificate for that position (based upon
data on file in the Office of Certification and
Licensure at ODE). - Specific certification/licensure codes for these
positions can be identified using the ODE
Certification and Licensure Search, located at
30Reporting Gifted Staff Data
- Gifted Intervention Specialists are reported as
follows - Position Code 206
- Assignment Area 999380 Gifted and Talented
- Position Fund Source
- U State Unit Funding, or
- L Local Funds and/or State Foundation Funds
- Gifted Coordinators are reported as follows
- Position Code 110, 113, or 115
- Assignment Area 999380 - Gifted and Talented
- Position Fund Source
- U - State Unit Funding, or
- L - Local Funds and/or State Foundation Funds
- Gifted coordinators reported with position code
113 do not have to hold an administrative
credential. (SOURCE ODE.)
31Reporting Gifted Staff Data
- Teacher/Coordinators and teachers who are part
time gifted/part time regular ed should have
multiple employment records, each with the
appropriate coding and FTE. - Districts will report the Employee ID of the
gifted intervention specialist on the Student
Program Record for students receiving Gifted
Education Services provided by a Gifted
Intervention Specialist (GIS) (206XXX program
codes.) - If multiple Gifted Intervention Specialists work
with a particular student, the ODE Office of
Exceptional Children suggests that you consider
designating one gifted intervention specialist as
the case manager for that student. - This can be done by using that GISs Employee ID
number with all Program Records for that student
that are reported with 206XXX program codes. - This is recommended to prevent the same student
from being counted towards the student load of
multiple teachers.
Source Gifted Education EMIS Data Guide for
FY2005, http//www.ode.state.oh.us/exceptional_chi
ldren/gifted_children/default.asp (under
Frequently Used Documents). This is still true
for FY2006, as confirmed with the EMIS program