Title: Review of Lecture 3
1Review of Lecture 3
- Vectors Scalars
- Adding Vectors Geometrically
- Components of Vectors
- Unit Vectors
- Adding Vectors by Components
- Multiplying Vectors
- Multiplying a Vector by a Scalar
- Scalar (Dot) Product
- Vector (Cross) Product
2Position Displacement
- Lets begin with the definition of a position
vector which is a vector that extends from a
reference point (usually the origin of a
coordinate system) to a particle - In unit vector notation we therefore have
3Position Displacement
- Here we have graphically a position vector of
4Position Displacement
- As you can see, if the particle moves, then the
position vector also changes - So if the particle moves from r1 to r2, then the
displacement (vector) for the particle is given
5Position Displacement
- Written in unit vector notation we
getorand finally as
6Position Displacement
- Given an initial position vector ofand a
later position vector ofwhat is the
displacement ?r ? - Is the magnitude of r2 different from r1?
7Position Displacement
- The initial position vector for a proton
isand later is - What is the protons displacement vector?
- To what plane is the displacement vector parallel?
8Average Velocity Instantaneous Velocity
- We can see that if a particle moves through a
displacement ?r in a time interval of ?t, then
its average velocity vavg isor
9Average Velocity Instantaneous Velocity
- Because ?t is a scalar, we can see that the
vector vavg must be in the same direction as the
vector ?r - We can also rewrite vavg using unit vector
notation as
10Average Velocity Instantaneous Velocity
- We also know that as ?t ? 0, we can express the
instantaneous velocity at the time t as - So in the limit as ?t ? 0, we have vavg ? v
- Most importantly, vavg takes on the direction of
the tangent line at the time t in other words,
v is always tangent to the particles path at
the particles position
11Average Velocity Instantaneous Velocity
- Again going back to unit vector notation, we
getwhich can be simplified down to
12Average Velocity Instantaneous Velocity
- In doing this we can see that
- The values vx, vy and vz are simply the scalar
components of the vector v - So we can find the scalar components of a vector
v by simply differentiating its position vector r
13Average Velocity Instantaneous Velocity
- This is shown diagrammatically in the following
14Average Velocity Instantaneous Velocity
- Note one important point
- Unlike a position vector or a displacement
vector, a velocity vector is not drawn from one
point (here / A / F(x1, y1, z1)) to another
point (there / B / F(x2, y2, z2)) - Rather, it shows the instantaneous direction of
travel of the particle located at the tail of
the vector the magnitude can be drawn to any
arbitrary scale
15Average Velocity Instantaneous Velocity
- The position of an electron is given bywith t
in seconds and r in meters - What is the function for the electrons velocity?
- At t 2.00 s, what is v in unit vector notation
and as a magnitude direction (relative to the
positive x axis)?
16Average Acceleration Instantaneous Acceleration
- We can see that if a particles velocity changes
from v1 to v2 in a time interval of ?t, then
its average acceleration aavg isor
17Average Acceleration Instantaneous Acceleration
- And just as we did for the velocity case, if we
shrink ?t to zero about some instant t, then the
instantaneous acceleration is - Important If the particles velocity changes in
either magnitude or direction (or both), then
there is an acceleration
18Average Acceleration Instantaneous Acceleration
- We can also rewrite a using unit vector notation
19Average Acceleration Instantaneous Acceleration
- This of course leads directly towhere the
scalar components of the acceleration are
20Average Acceleration Instantaneous Acceleration
- The scalar components can also of course be
expressed as
21Average Acceleration Instantaneous Acceleration
22Average Acceleration Instantaneous Acceleration
- Again note
- Just as with the velocity vector, the
acceleration vector doesnt point from here to
there - The vector shows the instantaneous direction of
the acceleration of the particle located at the
tail of the vector the magnitude can be drawn
to any arbitrary scale
23Average Acceleration Instantaneous Acceleration
- Now lets compare the two figures that we have
for the directions of the instantaneous velocity
and instantaneous acceleration
24Average Acceleration Instantaneous Acceleration
25Average Acceleration Instantaneous Acceleration
- A proton initially has a velocityand then 4.0
seconds later has a velocityin meters per
second - For that 4.0 seconds, what is the protons
average acceleration aavg in unit vector notation
and expressed as a magnitude direction?
26Projectile Motion
- A special case of 2-dimensional motion is when
the particle has some initial velocity v0, but
the acceleration is always the free-fall
acceleration (-g), which is downward - This case is called projectile motion in that the
particle (a baseball, a cannonball, ) is
projected or launched
27Projectile Motion
28Projectile Motion
- In studying projectile motion, we shall always
assume (unless specified otherwise) that air
friction is being ignored - This assumption considerably simplifies the
equations of motion - Lets start by examining Figure 4-10
29Projectile Motion
- The projectile is launched with an initial
velocityv0 v0xi v0yjwherev0x
v0cos?,v0y v0sin?
30Projectile Motion
- During its flight, we know that the projectiles
position vector r and velocity vector v are
constantly changing, but the acceleration vector
a is constant and always pointing directly
downward - We also know that there is no horizontal
acceleration therefore the horizontal velocity
of the particle is constant
31Projectile Motion
- This leads us to an important point
- In projectile motion the horizontal motion and
vertical motion are completely independent of
each other
32Projectile Motion
- This means that projectile motion problems can be
separated into two, single dimension problems
one with zero acceleration (the horizontal
problem) and the other with a constant downward
acceleration (-g) (the vertical problem) - We have of course seen these kinds of problems
before, but lets now take a more detailed look
33Projectile Motion(Horizontal)
- Because there is no acceleration in the
horizontal direction, the horizontal velocity vx
will always be just - The horizontal position of the particle will
therefore be
34Projectile Motion(Vertical)
- The vertical motion is just what we examined
previously when we looked at what happens when a
ball is tossed directly upwards and then
experiences free-fall - So the equations in Table 2-1 apply where the
acceleration is g in the downward direction and
we substitute y for x
35Projectile Motion(Vertical)
- We therefore have (equation 2-15)or
36Projectile Motion(Vertical)
- Similarly we can also get (equation 2-11)and
(equation 2-16) - As with a ball thrown vertically, when the
(vertical) velocity goes to zero, the projectile
is at the maximum height along its trajectory
37Projectile Motion
- Now that we have the two independent equations
(as a function of t), we should be able to create
one equation that describes the projectiles path
that is, an equation for y as a function of x - We know x as a function of t, so lets just turn
that equation around and find t as a function of x
38Projectile Motion
- To simplify things a little, we will choose to
set our x0 0 we then get - For the same reason, we will also choose to set
our y0 0
39Projectile Motion
- Substituting for t we getwhich reduces down
40Projectile Motion
- Notice that because g, ?0 and v0 are all
constants, the equationis of the
formwhich is the equation for a parabola
41Projectile Motion
42Horizontal Range
- Lets define the horizontal range that the
projectile travels to be the distance (along the
x axis) that the projectile travels when it
returns to the launch height
43Horizontal Range
- Going back to our two independent
equations,we can see that the maximum range
occurs when y y0 0
44Horizontal Range
- Lets set the distance traveled along the x axis
to beand the height at that distance to be
45Horizontal Range
- Substituting for t we getwhich reduces down
46Horizontal Range
- Using the trig identity
- we finally get
47Horizontal Range
- Note that the maximum value of sin 2?0 occurs
when ?0 45ยบ (which if you have fired many
projectiles is what you would expect) - Note that this equation does not hold true if the
final height is not the launch height
48The Effect of Air Resistance
- A complete study of the effects of air resistance
is well past the level of complexity we are
prepared to deal with in this course - The amount of air resistance (e.g., the drag
force) depends on - the shape of the projectile,
- the density of the projectile, and
- the size of the projectile
49The Effect of Air Resistance
- Depending on these factors, the air resistance
may introduce either a linear or a
non-linear(e.g., quadratic) drag force or both - In either case, the drag force increases with
velocity and eventually will match the force
provided by the acceleration of gravity - When this occurs, the object has reached its
terminal velocity and will not further accelerate
50The Effect of Air Resistance
- The effect of air resistance can be quite
substantial as you can see from Table 4-1, the
range, maximum height and total time of flight
can be dramatically reduced
51More on Acceleration
- It was noted earlier that a change in the
direction of a particle causes an acceleration
even if the magnitude of the particles velocity
vector didnt change - Why is that?
52Uniform Circular Motion
- Suppose that we have a particle on the end of a
string and we are swinging it in a circle at a
constant (e.g., uniform) speed - We would not normally think that the particle is
accelerating as its speed is constant - But the particles velocity (being a vector
quantity) is not constant (because it is
constantly changing direction)
53Uniform Circular Motion
- Given our definition of acceleration (a
non-constant velocity), then it must be that the
particle is accelerating - Here we see the velocity and acceleration vectors
for our particle moving at a uniform speed in a
54Uniform Circular Motion
- The velocity vector is always tangent to the
circle in the direction of motion - As a result, the acceleration is directed
radially inward
55Uniform Circular Motion
- This inward directed acceleration is called
centripetal (center seeking) acceleration and
is given by the equationwhere a is the
magnitude of the acceleration, r is the radius of
the circle and v is the speed of the particle - We will derive this equation shortly
56Uniform Circular Motion
- The period of revolution (or simply the period)
is the time it takes to go around the circle once - The period is given by
57Uniform Circular Motion
- Now lets derive the centripetal acceleration
equation - Here we see our particle at some instant it is
moving at a constant speed v and is located at
the point(xp, yp)
58Uniform Circular Motion
- We know that the velocity v is always tangent to
the particles path - That means that v is perpendicular to the radius
r drawn from the origin to the particles position
59Uniform Circular Motion
- And using a little geometry, we can see that the
angle ? between the velocity vector and the
vertical line at p matches the angle the radius
makes with the x axis
60Uniform Circular Motion
- The scalar components of v are shown here asvx
and vy - The velocity can also be written as
61Uniform Circular Motion
- Replacing sin ? with yp/r and cos ? with xp/r we
get - We know that we have to take the time derivative
of the velocity to get the acceleration
62Uniform Circular Motion
63Uniform Circular Motion
- But we know that dyp/dt is nothing more than the
velocity component vy similarly, we know that
dxp/dt vx - We also know from earlier that vx - v sin ? and
vy v cos ?
64Uniform Circular Motion
- Making those substitutions we finally get
65Uniform Circular Motion
- To compute the magnitude of a we have
66Uniform Circular Motion
- To compute the angle ? we have
67Relative Motionin One Dimension
- So far we have discussed the motion of a particle
in 1 and 2 dimensions - Now lets discuss how different observers in
different frames of reference would see that
particle - We will begin by defining what we mean by a
reference frame
68Relative Motionin One Dimension
- The easiest way to think of a reference frame is
that its a physical object to which we attach our
coordinate system - For most purposes that is the ground, and
sometimes we want an absolute reference - Boire Field is at 42-46-54.347N / 071-30-53.206W
(42.7817631 / -71.5147794) (estimated)
69Relative Motionin One Dimension
- Sometimes though our reference is relative
- Your honor, he was going 55 mph in a 35 mph
zone - Here the speed of the particle (the car in this
case) was relative to the ground and also
relative to the observer (the police officer
who we assume was not moving) - But what would happen if the officer were moving
what would be observed then?
70Relative Motionin One Dimension
- Lets create two reference frames A and B
- Frame A is not moving relative to the ground, but
frame B is moving at a constant speed along the
highway - An observer at the origin of each frame Alex in
Frame A and Barbara in Frame B each measure the
position of a car moving down the highway
71Relative Motionin One Dimension
- We can see that the following is true
72Relative Motionin One Dimension
- This tells us that The position xPA of P as
measured by A is equal to the position xPB of P
as measured by B plus the position xBA of B as
measured by A - If we take the time derivative of that relation
we get
73Relative Motionin One Dimension
- We know that v dx/dt, so we then get
- This tells us that The velocity vPA of P as
measured by A is equal to the velocity vPB of P
as measured by B plus the velocity vBA of B as
measured by A
74Relative Motionin One Dimension
- Now lets differentiate once again to get the
acceleration of particle P as viewed in both
frames of reference
75Relative Motionin One Dimension
- The result is
- This is because vBA is constant and therefore
drops out when the differential is taken - Observers in two different frames of reference
(moving with a constant velocity relative to each
other) will see that a moving particle has the
same acceleration
76Relative Motionin One Dimension
- It is important to note that our frames of
reference (A and B) are moving with a constant
velocity relative to one another - As such, these are called inertial frames of
reference (from Newtons 1st Law the Law of
Inertia) - We would not get the same result if frame B were
accelerating relative to frame A
77Relative Motionin Two Dimensions
- So far we have limited ourselves to relative
motion in one dimension - By extension this can of course be applied to 2
(or 3) dimensions
78Relative Motionin Two Dimensions
- The relationship for positions gives us
- For velocities we get
- And finally for acceleration we get
79Next Class
- Homework Problems Chapter 421, 23, 59, 85, 88,
97 - Read sections Chapter 5