Title: Aquatic%20Restoration%20Rivers
1Aquatic RestorationRivers
- Unit 6, Module 25 July 2003
- Students will be able to
- describe current statistics regarding the
physical degradation, water quantity, and water
quality of streams. - identify goals and considerations of stream
restoration. - evaluate the factors that influence the dynamic
equilibrium of streams. - provide examples of potential causes of bank
erosion. - describe restoration techniques used to alter
accelerated bank erosion. - identify potential causes and restoration
measures for altered width/depth ratios in
streams. - identify potential causes and restoration
measures for altered sinuosity in streams. - identify potential causes and restoration
measures for altered flow in streams. - identify potential causes and restoration
measures for altered temperatures and dissolved
oxygen levels in streams.
- Introduction
- Lake Restoration
- Stream Restoration
- Wetland Restoration
4Restoration philosophy
- Process of returning a river or watershed to a
condition that relaxes human constraints on the
development of natural patterns of diversity.
5Restoration philosophy
- Restoration does not create a single, stable
state, but enables the system to express a range
of conditions dictated by the biological and
physical characteristics of the watershed and its
natural disturbance regime - (Frissell and Ralph 1998)
6State of the Streams
- Approximately 3.2 million miles (5.15 km) of
streams in the U.S. - Only about 2 of streams remain in relatively
undisturbed, natural conditions - Less than 1/3 of 1 preserved as national and
scenic rivers - (Echeverria 1989)
7Physical Degradation
- 40 U.S. perennial streams affected by siltation
Miles Percent Siltation 265,000
39.8 Bank erosion 152,000 22.8 Channel
modifications 143,500 21.5 Migratory blockages
9,700 6.0 Bank encroachment 9,000 1.4
(Modified from Judy et al. 1984)
8Water Quantity Issues
- 40 U.S. perennial streams affected by low flows
Miles Percent Diversions Agricultural 105
,000 15.8 Municipal 10,700
1.6 Industrial 3,290 0.5 Dams Water
supply 30,800 4.6 Flood control 26,900
4.0 Power 24,800 3.7 (Modified from Judy
et al. 1984)
9Water quantity issues
- Over 2.5 million dams in the U.S. (Johnston
Associates 1989) - Only about 75,000 dams more than 6 feet tall
(USACE 2002) - 600,000 stream miles are under reservoirs
(Echeverria 1989)
10Water Quality Issues
- Over 41 of nations streams impacted by
Miles Percent Turbidity 277,000 41.6 Elev
ated temperature 215,000 32.3 Excess
nutrients 144,000 21.6 Toxic substances
90,900 13.6 Dissolved oxygen
75,400 11.3 pH 26,000 3.9 Salinity
14,600 2.2 Gas supersaturation 5,500
0.8 (Modified from Judy et al. 1984)
11Stream restoration goal
- To alter biophysical processes and structures to
promote a dynamic equilibrium with diverse
abundant aquatic species and channel stability
12Other stream restoration considerations
- In addition to in-stream habitat, current
restoration projects should consider - Geomorphology at a watershed scale
- Inclusion of physical scientists
(interdisciplinary) - Fluvial geomorphology, sediment transport,
channel hydraulics, hydrology - Historical information to document the evolution
of the channel - How processes have been altered by human
activities in the watershed
13Stream channel stability
- Morphologically defined as the ability of the
stream to maintain, over time, its dimension,
pattern, and profile in such a manner that it is
neither aggrading nor degrading and is able to
transport without adverse consequences the flows
and detritus of its watershed (Rosgen 1996)
14Dimension (cross section)
- Width/depth ratio at bankfull stage
- Entrenchment ratio
- Width of flood prone area/bankfull width
- Dominant channel materials
- sizes or types
15Pattern (plan view)
- Sinuosity
- stream length/valley length
- Meander width ratio (secondary measurement)
- meander belt width/bankfull width
16Profile (longitudinal)
- Slope
- difference in elevation/stream length
- Bed features (secondary measurement)
- Description of characteristics such as
- Image Stream Corridor Restoration Principles,
Processes, and Practices, 10/98, by FISRWG.
17Dynamic equilibrium
- Qs . D50 in balance with Qw . S
- Qs sediment load Qw stream discharge
- D50 sediment size S stream slope
- (Lane 1955)
- Image Stream Corridor Restoration Principles,
Processes, and Practices, 10/98, by FISRWG.
18Dynamic equilibrium
- Qualitativelyvariables are in balance at channel
equilibrium. If one factor changes, the other
variables change to reach a new equilibrium.
Sediment load Sediment size
Stream discharge Stream slope
19How would the stream respond. . .
- if stream discharge (Qw) increased?
- Width, Depth (Dimension)
- Meander wavelength (Pattern)
- Slope (Profile)
- if sediment load (Qs) increased?
- Width, Depth (Dimension)
- Meander wavelength? (Pattern)
- Slope (Profile)
20How would the stream respond. . .
- if stream discharge (Qw) increased and sediment
load (Qs) decreased? - Width, Depth (Dimension)
- Sinuosity, Meander wavelength (Pattern)
- Slope (Profile)
21Potential causes of bank erosion
- Vegetative clearing
- Channelization
- Streambed disturbance
- Dams
- Levees
- Soil exposure or compaction
- Overgrazing
- Dredging for mineral extraction
- Woody debris removal
- Piped discharge
- Water withdrawal
22Measuring bank erosion potential
- Measure the following variables then rate from
very low to extreme - Bank height/bankfull height
- Root depth/bank height
- root density
- Bank angle (degrees)
- Surface protection
- Soil stratification
- Particle size
23Restoration Techniques for Accelerated Bank
- Bank shaping
- Fascines
- Live Staking
- Root wads
24Bank shaping
- Purpose
- Alter the bank angle so that bank angle (degrees)
that it is stable - Efficacy
- Usually necessary before vegetation can be added
to the bank
- Live shrubs (willow) bundled together with rope
- Purpose Vegetate eroded banks providing
stabilization and habitat (root density and soil
surface protection)
- Efficacy
- Simple and works immediately because shrubs grow
rapidly to hold soil in place - Higher success if allowed to grow for one year
before water rerouted - Works well by itself for small streams
27Live staking
- Purpose Vegetate eroded banks providing
stabilization and habitat (root density and soil
surface protection)
- Efficacy
- Effective with small erosion problems or in
combination with brush mattresses, fascines, or
erosion control blankets - Best if allowed to grow for one year before water
28Live staking
29Root wads
- Purpose
- Deflects current away from unstable banks
- Provides complex instream cover for fish and
substrate for aquatic macroinvertebrates - Efficacy
- Effective with larger erosion problems
30Stream restoration case study 1
- Vermilion River, Minnesota
- Impact - bank erosion
- Over 220 feet in length, 8 feet above water level
in one spot - Receded over 6 feet in 1 year
31Vermilion River restoration
- Goals of 1997-2000 Restorations
- Reduce the sediment load to improve downstream
water quality - Create more productive fish habitat
- Protect the adjacent property
- Provide a demonstration project for other erosion
problems on the Vermillion River
32Vermilion River Methods
33Vermilion River Methods
- Bank shaping
- Boulder vanes
34Live Staking
35Vermilion River restoration
- Evaluation
- Property is protected
- Valuable as demonstration projects
- Clear objectives
- But, were objectives based on stream morphology
or just chosen because the techniques are new? - Unknown if fish habitat and sediment loads have
been measured
36Altered width/depth ratio
- Potential causes
- Vegetative clearing
- Water withdrawal
- Channelization
- Streambank armoring
- Streambed disturbance
- Dams
- Levees
- Hard surfacing
- Roads and railroads
- Overgrazing
- Reduction of floodplain
- Dredging for mineral extraction
- Bridges
- Woody debris removal
- Piped discharge
37Altered width/depth ratio restoration
- Wing deflectors
- Purpose
- Reduces the width to depth ratio
- Forms scour pools and increases velocity and
depth providing habitat - Single wing deflectors can direct current away
from eroding banks
38Wing Deflectors
- Efficacy
- Effective, but require monitoring and
39Potential causes of altered sinuosity
- Channelization
- Streambank armoring
- Streambed disturbance
- Dams
- Levees
- Hard surfacing
- Reduction of floodplain
- Land grading
- Woody debris removal
- Piped discharge
40Sinuosity restoration
- Carbon Copy Technique
- Restore stream to the pattern before disturbance
- Use historical aerial photographs
- May not be stable with current conditions
- Empirical relationships
- Measure bankfull width and discharge then
calculate meander length and sinuosity - Use if soil conditions have remained the same
41Sinuosity restoration
- Systems approach
- Analyze meanders on a watershed scale
- Evaluate geomorphology
- Compare to find dominant meander wavelength
- (Fourier analysis)
42Potential causes of altered flow
- Vegetative Clearing
- Channelization
- Streambank armoring
- Water withdrawal
- Dams
- Levees
- Soil exposure or compaction
- Irrigation or drainage
- Hard surfacing
- Overgrazing
- Roads and railroads
- Reduction of floodplain
- Land grading
- Piped discharge
43Altered Flow Restoration
- Dam Removal
- Sediment
- Needs treatment if contaminated
- Concentrations of nutrients in sediment probably
high - Hard to predict what will happen when dam removed
- Stream type will evolve after dam removal
44Dam removal
- 2. Temporary coffer-dams built to work behind
- 4. Disposal of timbers off-site
45Increased Water Temperatures and Reduced Instream
Oxygen Concentrations
- Potential Causes
- Vegetative Clearing
- Channelization
- Streambank armoring
- Water withdrawal
- Dams
- Levees
- Hard surfacing
- Overgrazing
- Reduction of floodplain
- Dredging for mineral extraction
- Woody debris removal
- Piped discharge
46Altered Temp and DO Restoration
- Revegetation of riparian areas
- Site preparation
- Possibly re-grade bank
- Control existing exotic species
- Check the soil conditions (lack of nutrients)
- Tillage and mulching may increase planting
success and decrease weediness - Best management practices such as fencing
- Method
- Use a reference site
- Determine species diversity, horizontal and
vertical structure of canopy, sub-canopy,
understory, and ground-layer - Determine which plants will recolonize site
naturally - Small existing plant populations, seed bank,
nearby populations of wind and animal dispersed
species a reference site
- Planting techniques
- Final density, multi-stage, dense initial, or
accelerated succession - Works well as a community stewardship project
- Other considerations
- Landscape connectivity to existing habitats
- Increase in woody debris could be positive
- How will nutrient cycles be impacted?
- Management
- Vital to water plants
- Continue to control exotic species
- Consider impacts of herbivores
51Stream restoration case study 2
- Weminuche River, CO
- Drains 30 mi2 in southwestern Colorado
- Shows how observation and understanding of stream
classification and historical information helped
set specific goals to create channel stability
based on the stream type
52Weminuche River, Colarado
- Impacts of 1978 riparian vegetation removal
(government cost-share program increasing grazing
areas) caused channel instability - Width/depth ratio increased form 14 to 35
- Meander width ratio decreased from 10 to 2
- Down valley meander migration rate increased
approximately 8 feet/year - Increased sediment supply (erosion) and decreased
transport capacity led to excessive bar
deposition (aggradation) - Meander length and radius of curvature increased
(sinuosity decreased) - Fish habitat and aesthetic values decreased
- Poised to cut through banks to create new main
53Weminuche River, Colorado
- Funded as a mitigation
- Goal of 1987 restoration
- Return stream function and channel stability to
benefit brook trout - Techniques
- Recreated dimension, pattern, profile of a
stable stream type - Studied pre-disturbance features, developed
empirical relationships
54Weminuche River, Colorado
- Evaluation
- Channel stability returned
- Width/depth returned to 14
- Slope from 0.01 to 0.005
- Sinuosity returned to 2.0
- Meander wavelength established at 10 bankfull
widths - Meander radius of curvature at 2.8 bankfull
widths - Willow transplanted along streambanks
- Great example of considering stream morphology
instead of just addressing bank erosion in small
55Stream restoration case study 3
- Merrimack River,New Hampshire Massachusetts
- Drains 5010 mi2 in NH and MA flowing to the
Atlantic Ocean - Demonstrates a watershed approach to stream
restoration of point and non-point pollution
56Merrimack River, MA and NH
- Impact from human use
- 1930s contamination from pollutants such as raw
sewage, paper mill waste, tannery sludge - Too polluted for domestic water supply uses
- One of the 10 most polluted streams in nation
57Merrimack River, MA and NH
- Passing of the Clean Water Act of 1977 (water
quality standards) and formation of the Merrimack
Watershed Council brought about restoration
actions - 84 wastewater treatment plants constructed
- Majority (85) of industries complying with
federal standards - Suspended solids decreased (by 1/3 in one reach),
coliform bacteria and organic loading
concentrations reduced, dissolved oxygen levels
58Merrimack River, MA and NH
- Future goals of the Merrimack Watershed Council
- Improve the protection of present and future
water supply - Improve water quality throughinteragency
cooperation on water quality issues - Continue work on flow issues
- Promote growth management within the Watershed
- Continue to improve access to the River and the
acquisition of open space
59Merrimack River, MA and NH
- Evaluation
- Good example of a watershed scale restoration
with cooperation between multi-state agencies and
organizations - Reminder that some industries still not in
compliance with water quality standards set in
1977 - Shift from a point pollution focus to non-point
and water quantity issues
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