Title: Meandering and Drifting Spiral Waves due to Inhomogeneities
1Meandering and Drifting Spiral Waves due to
Andrew J. Foulkes, Vadim N. Biktashev Department
of Mathematical Sciences University of
Liverpool Peach Street Liverpool L69 7ZL
2Presentation Outline
- Introduction
- Meander of Spiral Waves
- Drift of Spiral Waves
- Meandering Spiral Waves which Drift
- Numerical Observations
- Further work
- Spiral Waves in excitable media cardiac tissue
Spiral Wave in a confluent layer of rat ventricle
cell culture1
- Rigidly rotating waves simplest type of spiral
wave motion - Barkleys Model
1Hwang, Yea and Lee, Regular and Alternant
Spiral Waves of Contractile Motion on Rat
Ventricle Cell Cultures, Physical Review
Letters, 92(19),198103-1, 2004
4Meander of Spiral Waves
- Quasiperiodic motion with two or more frequencies
present. - Study simple meander 2 frequencies.
- Wave changes shape as it evolves
Laboratory Frame of Reference
Moving Frame of Reference
5Meander of Spiral Waves (cont.)
- Theory published by Biktashev et al (1996) 2 who
exploited the facts that meandering spiral waves
- System of equations are invariant under Euclidean
Symmetry - Solution change shape as the wave evolves
2 V.N.Biktashev, A.V.Holden and E.V.Nikolaev,
Spiral Wave Meander and Symmetry of the Plane,
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos,
6(12A),p2433, 1996
6Meander of Spiral Waves (cont.)
Hopf Bifurcation
7Meander of Spiral Waves (cont.)
Numerical Solution
Analytical Solution
8Drift of Spiral Waves
- Motion of the spiral wave is around a moving
point of rotation.
9Drift of Spiral Waves
- Perturbation problem3 the perturbation,
,moves the spiral.
- Represent this system in the moving frame of
reference and extract the equations of motion
from it by taking the scalar product of the
system with the eigenfunctions of the adjoint
operator (response functions).
3V.N.Biktashev and A.V.Holden, Resonant Drift of
Autowave Vortices in two dimensions and the
effects of Boundaries and Inhomogeneities,
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 5(3,4),p575, 1995
10Drift of Meandering Spiral Waves
- Aim Unify the theories of Meander and Drift
both written independently and using different
techniques. - Theory of meandering spiral waves that drift is
currently being developed (utilises results from
Orbifold Theory, Group Theory, Lie Group Theory,
Perturbation Theory and Hopf Bifurcation Theory).
11Numerical Observations
- How does the wave behave when meandering and
drifting (tip patterns, velocities (both
translational and angular), shape of wave)? - What does the solution (Quotient System) look
like? - What happens when the wave passes through a point
of resonance?
- Problem Noise in numerical data.
- Solution Tikhonov Regularisation to smooth out
data together with the double sweep method.
12Numerical Observations (cont.)
Projection of Quotient System (full Euclidean
Tip trajectory
Quotient System (Translational Group)
13Results and Further Work
- Results
- RDS has been rewritten in moving frame of
reference and a solvability condition created,
from which we can extract the equations of
motion. - Numerical observations show interesting behaviour
around a point of resonance, including a strange
deviation from the trajectory which is not at the
point of resonance.
- Further Work
- Finish completing theory of meandering spiral
waves that drift. - Study of Hypermeander.
- Development of a code to solve the quotient
To you, the Audience, for listening
To Professor Biktashev, for his guidance and for
introducing me to such an interesting project.
To the University of Liverpool, for sponsoring me
to do this project