Title: Zscores
- Standardizing Scores Distributions
2From now on...
3What are z-scores?
- z-scores are standardized scores that tell where
a raw score (X) is located in an entire
distribution in terms of standard deviation (SD)
4What are z-scores?
5Purpose of z-scores
- Z-scores enable you to
- determine the relative standing of a raw score
with a distribution. - compare scores that come from different
6Purpose of z-scores
- Z-scores enable you to
- standardize a distribution to have a mean of 0
and a standard deviation of 1, or any mean and
standard deviation you specify. - determine probability values associated with a
range of raw scores.
7Computing z-scores
8Components of z-score
- 1. Sign tells you if the score is above
- (z gt0), below (z lt 0), or at (z 0) the
- mean.
- 2. Magnitude tells you how far away the
- score is from the mean in standard
- deviation units.
9Z-Score Transformations Finding location of a
raw score within a distribution
10Converting z-score to raw score
- Apply z-score formula in reverse
11Z-score TransformationsComparing Scores from
different distributions
- For which class would you expect a
- higher grade?
- Bio test X 56, µ 48
- Psy test X 60, µ 50
12Z-score TransformationsComparing Scores from
different distributions
- To compare scores, need to put them on a common
metric. - To do this, raw scores within each distribution
are transformed to z-scores.
13Z-score TransformationsComparing Scores from
different distributions
- Bio test X56
- If µ 48 and s 4
- Psy test X60
- If µ 50 and s 10
14Comparing Exam ScoresRole of the mean and
15Extreme Scores
16Transforming Distributions of Scores
17Standardizing a Distribution to Have a Mean of 0
and SD1
18Transforming Raw ScoresDesignating your own µ
and s
- Sam got a 64 on his achievement test (µ 57, s
14). - To make score more digestible, you decide to
standardize the original distribution to have a µ
50 and s 10. - After so doing, what is Sams new raw score?
19Transforming Raw ScoresDesignating your own µ
and s
- Convert raw score to z score using parameters
from original distribution - Calculate new raw score, substituting in the new
µ and s
20Transforming Raw ScoresDesignating your own µ
and s
- Given X64, first calculate Sams z-score, using
the original parameter values µ 57, s 14) - Second, calculate Sams new raw score on the new
distribution, substituting in the new parameter
values - µ 50 and s 10
21Transforming Raw Scores to Z-scores
- Transforming a set of raw scores to z-scores
- Does not change the shape of the distribution.
- Does not change the location of individual scores
within the distribution.