Title: The Sextant Quiz Q
1The Sextant
Quiz Q A
Junior Navigation Chapter 2
2 1. When reading sextant altitude, in what order
are degrees, minutes, and tenths of minutes read?
Degrees Minutes Tenth of Minutes
3 2. When timing sights, in what order are hours,
minutes, and seconds read from the watch?
Seconds Minutes Hours
4 3. Before taking sights on the Sun, you sight
the horizon and align the direct and reflected
images of the horizon. Your Sextant reading is
1.8' on the arc.
- What is the IE?
- b. What is the IC?
1.8' -1.8'
5 4. Before taking sights on the Sun, you sight
the horizon and align the direct and reflected
images of the horizon. Your Sextant reading is
58.2' off the arc.
- What is the IE?
- b. What is the IC?
-1.8' 1.8'
6 5. You need to use the shade glasses on the
sextant when taking sights on the sun. a.
True b. False
7 6. You take a run of sights on the Sun with the
following times of sights and sextant altitudes.
Which of the sights are probably erroneous?
WT hs 17-42-33 27 01.4' 17-43-12
26 57.8' 17-43-52 26 58.7' 17-44-27
26 50.1' 17-44-49 26 50.0' 17-45-17
26 45.8'
Bad Sight
Bad Sight
Hint Plot the run of sights See next slide for
8Plot of hs versus WT
Bad Sight
Bad Sight
9 7. What is the purpose of "swinging the arc"
when taking a sight with a sextant? a. To help
obtain a clear view of the horizon. b. To
be sure that the sextant is horizontal at
the time of the sight. c. To help focus the
body in the sextant telescope. d. To be
sure that the sextant is vertical at the
time of the sight.
10The Sextant
- End of Quiz Q A
- Junior Navigation
- Chapter 2