Title: Typologies of tourists in Spain
1 Typologies of tourists in Spain
Augusto Huéscar Lerena. Instituto Estudios
Turísticos. Spain (augusto.huescar_at_iet.tourspain.e
2Main purposes of the analysis
- Stressing the need for reliable, deep and
standardized information on tourism flows - Pointing out the need for deeper analyses on
these data (tourists destinations) - Showing the enhancement that can be reached
segmenting is the flashlight that shows the path
Augusto Huéscar Lerena. IET. Spain.
3Augusto Huéscar Lerena. IET. Spain.
4Augusto Huéscar Lerena. IET. Spain.
5Methodological note
- Sample 14.000 surveys, years 2001-2003
- Results on
- Tourists (air or road)
- Destinations (specific attraction of each zone)
- Multiple correspondence analysis of variables
- Accommodation
- Main purpose of the trip
- Municipalities of overnight stays
- Type of transport
- Packaged trip or not
- Country of residence
- Number of overnight stays
- Month
Cluster analysis (dendograms)
Augusto Huéscar Lerena. IET. Spain.
6Typologies obtained
- Typology of tourists in País Vasco
- Typology of tourism destinations
- Typology of tourists received by road in País
Vasco - Typology of destinations of tourists received by
Augusto Huéscar Lerena. IET. Spain.
71. Types of tourists in País Vasco
- Leisure tourism in San Sebastián (29)
- Transit tourism (20)
- With overnight (8,4)
- Without overnight (11,6)
- Family related french tourism (12,5)
- Business tourism (20,2)
- Others
- Students (8,3)
- International family stays (4,1)
- Dutch leisure tourism (6)
Augusto Huéscar Lerena. IET. Spain.
82. Types of destinations in País Vasco
- Type 1 Poles of attraction of transit tourists
Augusto Huéscar Lerena. IET. Spain.
92. Types of destinations in País Vasco
- Type 2 Poles of attraction of leisure tourists
Augusto Huéscar Lerena. IET. Spain.
102. Types of destinations in País Vasco
- Type 3 Poles of attraction of family related
Augusto Huéscar Lerena. IET. Spain.
112. Types of destinations in País Vasco
- Type 4 Poles of attraction of business tourists
Augusto Huéscar Lerena. IET. Spain.
123. Types of tourists received by road
- French leisure tourists to San Sebastián (21,5)
- Transit tourism
- Portuguese and belge (15,4)
- Transit tourism with hotel overnight stay (6,5)
- Transit tourism without hotel overnight stay
(11,7) - Visiting friends and relatives (15,2)
- Cultural tourism (11,0)
- Group tourism (6,2)
- Others
- Study (5,4)
- French campsite (4,2)
- Leisure tourism in Zarautz
Augusto Huéscar Lerena. IET. Spain.
134. Types of destinations in País Vasco of
tourists received by road
Augusto Huéscar Lerena. IET. Spain.
144. Types of destinations in País Vasco of
tourists received by road
- Type 3 Zones of leisure and recreation holidays
Augusto Huéscar Lerena. IET. Spain.
154. Types of destinations in País Vasco of
tourists received by road
- Type 7 Cultural Tourism destinations
Augusto Huéscar Lerena. IET. Spain.
164. Types of destinations in País Vasco of
tourists received by road
- Other types of destinations 2, 4, 5 6
Multi-feature zones, family visits, sports and
group tourism
17Conlusions of the analysis
- País Vasco has well assorted tourism flows,
determined by means of access - Destinations show significant differentiating
features - No data ? no analysis ? no knowledge ? no
capacity of response
Augusto Huéscar Lerena. IET. Spain.
18 Typologies of tourists in Spain
Augusto Huéscar Lerena. Instituto Estudios
Turísticos. Spain (augusto.huescar_at_iet.tourspain.e