Title: Wisconsin IRIS
1 Self-Determination in Wisconsin International
Conference on Self-Determination May 4,
2009 Winston-Salem, NC
Wisconsin Department of Health Services
2Alexis IRIS Story
- One of the first persons to choose IRIS
- 19 years old, values her friends and independence
- Dedicated supportive family
- Creative use of IRIS funds to safely promote her
3IRIS is a Simple Equation
4IRIS Program Features
- Founded on Self-Determination Principles
- Restores power to participants
- They lead, self-manage and direct as desired
- Staff is employed directly, share employment or
hire an agency - Sensible approaches creatively tackle problems
- Connect people, communities and natural supports
- Simplify and make publicly funded long-term care
transparent - Quality management incorporated with each aspect
of program
5IRIS Beginnings
- WI LTC Reform Goal Save Money Improve
Quality Right service, right amount, right time
improved skills, health, and community
integration - Blend county, state and federal dollars
- No waiting lists
- Wisconsin DHS, Stakeholders create IRIS as 1915c
CMS required alternative choice to managed care - July 1, 2008 IRIS Birthday
6The Name is Important
7IRIS is Catching On
8IRIS Choosers by Age
Total 409 IRIS Participants
9AJs IRIS Story
- 28 years old
- Values his family, his computer and his tub
- AJ and his mother have both found new
opportunities in IRIS
10IRIS Design
IRIS participant
Long Term Care transition role
11How to Access IRIS
- Local Aging and Disability Resource Center
(ADRC) - Completes Long Term Care Functional Screen
(LTCFS) - Verifies correct level of care
- Calculates IRIS monthly budget allocation
- Medicaid eligibility established
- Non-biased enrollment counseling
- Informs of allocation amount
- Offers IRIS to all, choice is between IRIS or
managed care - Refers to IRIS Independent Consultant Agency
12IRIS Eligibility
- Three target groups
- Adults with developmental disabilities
- Adults with physical disabilities
- Elders with frail health
Individual Outcomes Priority
Participant wisely chooses own outcomes and
creates plan to meet their outcomes others
assist as desired
home life
in charge
14Roberts IRIS Story
- 31 years old
- Values being able to live the way he used to with
his wife and young children - Goes to school
- Rural area
- Traveling as a family
15Monthly Budget Allocation
- Individualized for each person
- Predicted ongoing services cost
- Matches MCO spending for similar persons
- Geographic adjustment (urban/rural)
- Medicaid Card Services and infrequent use
services excluded - Significant change in condition adjusts
allocation - Annual cost of living adjustment
- No reduction due to under-spending
16Monthly Allocations
17Allocation Adjustment/Extraordinary Expense
- Reviews Types
- Insufficient Allocations
- Infrequent Service Costs (example home
modification) - IC helps participant create a plan prior to DHS
request - ICA completes request for DHS panel review
- Pre-established criteria govern decision-making
- Prompt and Responsive
18Kens IRIS Story
- 36 years old
- Values his independence and autonomy
- Finally able to move from assisted living to his
own apartment - Able to purchase furniture for his new home
19Customized Goods and Services
- definition
- Help achieve outcome related to living
arrangement OR relationship OR community
inclusion OR work, OR medical or functional
status. - Listed on plan, allowable per Fed/State rule, no
other fund obligation, not experimental - AND also either
- Safety in home or community maintained or
increased OR - Reduce Medicaid service dependence or prevents
increase, OR - Skill improves or loss prevented, OR
- Community access or involvement increased or
20Possible Services List
- Adaptive Aids
- Adult Day Care
- Adult Family Home
- Certified Residential Care Apartment Complex
(RCAC) - Communication Aids/Interpreter Services
- Community-Based Residential Facility (CBRF)
- Consumer Education and Training
- Counseling and Therapeutic Resources
- Customized Goods and Services
- Daily Living Skills Training
- Day Services
- Home Delivered Meals
- Home Modifications
- Housing Counseling
- Personal Emergency Response Services
- Prevocational services
- Relocation Services
- Respite
- Support broker
- Skilled Nursing Services
- Specialized Medical Equipment and Supplies
- Supported Employment
- Supportive Home Care
- Transportation
- Vocational Futures Planning
21 Independent Consultant Agency (ICA)The
Management Group Inc. (TMG), Madison, WI
- Day-to-day IRIS administration
- Data Management
- Program Development
- Quality Management
- Outreach and Education
- Primary functions
- Operating a comprehensive Service Center
- Overseeing Independent Consultants
22ICA Service Center
- IRIS ICA hub, 24hrs/day 7days/week
- Field phone calls, e-mails
- Central point for all new referrals and
eligibility issues - Information center for independent consultants
- Solve problems, provide information
- Central point for all plan changes and approvals
- Prepare and submit DHS requests for allocation
adjustments or infrequent expenses -
23More Compliments to IRIS
November 20, 2008 Im delighted with IRIS. We
have been in other programs over the years and
have begun to realize what opportunity we have
in IRIS. Being out from under the control of
case managers is no small feat! We are now able
to make decisions as a family on what works best
for our son without first having to get
everything approved by a case manager. Our IRIS
Independent Consultant has been superb. We know
what works best for our son it is so nice to be
recognized as a respected source of opinion of
what makes sense for him. Thank You
24ICA Start-Up Process
- ADRC or County refers to ICA.
- ICA Call Center welcomes to IRIS and helps person
select their IRIS Independent Consultant (IC) - Consultant provides IRIS orientation and plan
development begins - Participant creates plan with help they choose
(consultant assists if requested) - Select plan start date, ICA approves plan. Old
plan continues until new plan begins - Coordinate with ADRC and County or MCO regarding
start dates - DHS/ICA IRIS start letter to participant, cc
25IRIS Independent Consultant
- Expectations
- Strong interpersonal communications skills
- Creative problem solving skills flexible
- Ability to work with diverse populations and in
varied circumstances. - Ability to develop and monitor the participant
proposed plan and budget - Attend 2 day initial training, plus monthly
computer/teleconference training
26IRIS Independent Consultant
- Meets participant at home or in community
- Provides IRIS education, explains scope of
choices and responsibilities of self-direction - Learns what is important to participant,
strengths they bring, challenges they face,
assist in outcome creation - Assists with plan development within the monthly
budget amount - Help identify providers as requested
- Help assure health safety, back up plans
27IRIS Independent Consultant
- Essential link between ICA, FSA, and participants
- Statewide recruitment
- Independent Consultant geographically close to
participant - Part-time and full-time consultants
- Must adhere to DHS timelines
28Gretas IRIS Story
- 92 years old
- Values being with her family and watching her
shows - Volume was too loud for the rest of the family
- Able to spend time as a family now
29Financial Services Agency (FSA) Milwaukee
Center for Independence INC. (MCFI),Milwaukee WI
- Collections, Invoice and Payroll Payments
- Collect required Medicaid cost share and
spend-down payments - Process worker time sheets, pay wages and also
garnishment and levy orders - Process invoices write provider payments/checks
twice per month
30Employer and Employee Set Up
- Caregiver and criminal background checks
- Medicaid Provider Agreement in place
- New employee set up forms, documentation and
instruction - Samples of completed invoice documents and
teaches how to complete forms
31FSA Reporting and Recordkeeping
- All payroll tasks, withholding and required tax
reporting such as W-2 - Monthly expense reports to IRIS Participant and
ICA - Contacts ICA, and DHS, regarding significant
variations or suspected fraud - Completes required cost and services reports to
state - Cost share payment tracking for DHS
32Quality Management Discovery Remediation
- DHS IRIS Quality Management Plan
- FSA Quality Management Plan
- ICA Quality Management Plan
- CMS required quality areas
- Level of Care, Individual Support and Service
Plan, Participant Health and Welfare, Qualified
Providers, Financial Monitoring
33IRIS Independent Consultant Agency
- www.wisconsin-IRIS.com
- 1-888-515-4747
- The Management Group, Inc.
- Peter Tropman
- peter.tropman_at_tmg-wis.com
- Shanna Jensen
- shanna.jensen_at_tmg-wis.com
- Jan Ham
- jan.ham_at_tmg-wis.com
- (608) 255-6441
ICA in partnership with www.self-determination.co
m Annette Downey adowney_at_comlivserv.com
IRIS is a Program of the Wisconsin Department of
Health Services
34IRIS Financial Services Agency
- www.mcfi-fiscalagent.com/iris/default.html
- 1-888-800-5599
- Milwaukee Center for Independence Inc.
- Pat Keefer (414) 937-2175
- pkeefer_at_mcfi.net
- IRIS is a Program of the Wisconsin Department of
Health Services
35Wisconsin Department of Health Services
- Bureau of Long Term Support
- www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/bdds/IRIS
- John OKeefe IRIS Manager
- (608)-261-6749
- DHSIRIS_at_wisconsin.gov or
- John.OKeefe_at_wi.gov
A Program of the Wisconsin Department of Health
36Our Compliments to IRIS
Now that she is in IRIS, our daughter is very
excited to finally be allowed to make decisions
for her life, decisions that affect her every
day. It is truly the best thing that could have
happened to her. It relieves much of the stress
and frustration that comes with never having your
opinions count, having others steer the course of
your life, and having someone else tell you what
is best for you. Thank You all so very
much September 24, 2008