Title: Transportation%20Economic%20and%20Land%20Use%20System%20(TELUS)
1Transportation Economic and Land Use System
April 2, 2008Tallahassee, FLDOT
- TELUS Overview
- TELUS for the PC
- TELUS for the Web
- TELUS Economic Input-Output Model
- e-STIP
- Land Use Model (TELUM)
- TELUS Implementation
- Discussion
3TELUS Overview
4What is TELUS?
- An MIS/Decision Support system designed to help
MPOs and State DOTs meet their legislative
mandates under SAFETEA-LU. - Assists MPOs and SDOTs in managing Transportation
Improvement Programs (TIP) by tracking projects
from planning to implementation, analyzing
interrelationships among projects, estimating
their economic and land use impacts, and
providing a user-friendly graphical user
interface and reporting.
5What is TELUS? (continued)
- TELUS development was guided by an MPO user
committee since early 2000. - TELUS is developed with funding from the
USDOT/FHWA. - TELUS is a SAFETEA-LU congressionally designated
project. - TELUS FHWA cooperative agreement will continue
through 2011.
6TELUS A success for FHWA
- TELUS is one of FHWAs Priority, Market Ready
Technology and Innovation (TI) projects. - More information about the TI program can be
found online at http//www.fhwa.dot.gov/crt/lifec
7TELUS Guiding Objectives
- Improve productivity of preparing the TIP at MPOs
and State DOTs by providing a seamless,
integrated project database. - Ensure timely, efficient dissemination of
information to decision makers and stakeholders,
as well as enabling public access and
participation in developing the TIP. - Provide an easily accessible and user-friendly
system through intuitive and customizable modules.
8How can TELUS benefit Florida?
- Who are the beneficiaries?
- FHWA Florida Division
9How can TELUS benefit Florida?
- For MPO
- Telus is an application that can be utilized as a
data-management, decision-support, and
information-sharing tool to input and track TIP
projects. Telus provides a user-friendly
interface for inputting, viewing, editing, and
searching projects as well as producing end-user
reports that are easy to understand by presenting
data in a logical order and in a clean and
professional looking format.
10How can TELUS benefit Florida? (conted)
- For MPO
- As a work application, TELUS allows projects to
be edited and tracked as projects move through
the planning stages to implementation.
Information in TELUS can be shared with
constituents outside the MPO by providing a
web-based version of TELUS. The web-version goes
further than information sharing and
dissemination by allowing outside users like
local municipalities and citizens to provide
comments on projects as well.
11How can TELUS benefit Florida? (conted)
- For MPOs and FDOT
- Web-based TELUS can be linked to FDOT work
program data to enable MPO and FDOT data sharing
and interaction in an integrated (or uniform)
platform and application. - Work program data generated by the District FDOT
can be transmitted via TELUS to each MPO with the
capability of integrating this data into each
12How can TELUS benefit Florida? (conted)
- For FDOT and FHWA
- Telus enables seamless and paperless approvals of
STIP amendments.
13How is TELUS helping you meet the SAFETEA-LU
14SAFETEA-LU Requirements?
- TIP/STIP Cycles and Scope STIPs and metropolitan
TIPs must be updated at least every 4 years and
must contain at least 4 years of projects and
strategies. - TELUS is designed to help MPOs and state DOTs
develop TIP and STIP respectively in annual
cycles with TIP/STIP lengths of 3-5 years.
15SAFETEA-LU Requirements
- Publication of Plans and TIP/STIP MPOs shall
publish or otherwise make available for public
review transportation plans and TIPs "including
(to the maximum extent practicable) in
electronically accessible formats and means, such
as the World Wide Web". - TELUS allows the TIP to be viewed as an
interactive document that can be queried and
explored to the fullest extent possible on the
16SAFETEA-LU Requirements
- Relationship with other planning officials MPOs
are encouraged to consult with officials
responsible for other planning activities
affected by transportation, including planned
growth, economic development - The TELUS land use and economic input-output
models enable MPO planners and decision makers to
evaluate the impacts of proposed transportation
projects on regional land use and economic
development, leading to a more informed
consultative process.
17SAFETEA-LU Requirements
- Visualization Techniques in Plans and
Metropolitan TIP Development MPOs and States
shall employ visualization techniques in the
development of TIPs/STIPs and Transportation
Plans. - TELUS GIS allows interested parties to view
projects on a user friendly interactive map which
can be queried in various ways to make
information gathering easy. - It also allows users to select projects from the
project list and then display them on the map.
18SAFETEA-LU Requirements
- Participation Plan MPOs must develop and utilize
a "Participation Plan" that provides reasonable
opportunities for interested parties to comment
on the content of the metropolitan transportation
plan and TIP. - Through the web interface and public access to
project data via the Internet, TELUS facilitates
a transparent TIP development and approval
process. It also enables public participation in
that interested parties can submit comments and
suggestions via the website. These comments can
then be considered in the project selection
19TELUS System Components/Products
20TELUS Functional Components
- Information Management
- Project Information Management
- Project Tracking
- GIS Interface
- Decision Support
- Project Scoring (ranks projects vis-a-vis
SAFETEA-LU Objectives or MPO criteria) - Planning Analysis (how the TIP meets SAFETEA-LU
Objectives) - Project Interrelationships
- Input/Output Model
- Land Use Model
21Managing Information
- Quick and Accurate Data Entry/Data Transfer with
User Customization - Quick, Efficient Reporting
- Graphical Interface
- Mandated and Supplemental Data
- Visualizing the TIP
- Data Security
22Current Status
- TELUS for the PC has over 300 registered user
agencies, including 231 MPOs, 33 state DOTs and
50 Other Local/Regional Governments. - TELUS for the Web is currently deployed at
Alabama State DOT (including all 13 Alabama MPOs)
and 4 MPOs (Houston-Galveston Area Council, TX
Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission, OH
New York Metropolitan Transportation Council, NY
Broward County MPO, FL operational, but not in
use). TELUS is currently being deployed at the
New Jersey DOT. - TELUM was released in January 2006. It was
implemented at the Pikes Peak Area COG, (Colorado
Springs, CO). Also used by Des Moines, IA, and
Little Rock, AR, MPOs. Missoula Office of
Planning and Grants (Missoula, MT) and Pueblo
Area COG (Pueblo, CO) are currently testing TELUM.
23Current Status (continued)
- TELUS website is active and has a download
section where users can get the latest software
installation packages and updates, I/O model
data, and information about TELUS. - Economic Input/Output (I/O) Model datasets are
developed and available for download from TELUS
website for 338 MPOs nationwide. - E-STIP application is operational at the FHWA and
FTA Region 2. NJIT plans to develop an E-STIP
module which will become integral component of
the TELUS for the Web application at New Jersey
DOT. - TELUS staff provides technical support to users
(installation, system customization, system
updates, and using TELUS for the PC, TELUS for
the Web, and TELUM).
24TELUS for the PC
- TELUS for the PC v 4.0 released in January 2006.
- New User Interface professionally designed
appearance improved navigation and more
intuitive workflow - Improved GIS greater flexibility in geographic
project selection and display - Long Range Plans - Includes Long Range Planning
horizon - Funding Allocation - A new feature, allows users
to verify how well they are allocating the
available funds among the projects - Import Customizations - imports all
customizations from version 3.0 - Project Picture - A new feature, Project Picture
allows the user to upload a project picture, a
video, or a drawing for each project. - New Economic Factors - impacts for business
revenues (cash register receipts), profit/other
and indirect business taxes. - I/O Model Reports - users can generate
pre-formatted I/O reports.
26Data Entry Quick and Accurate
27Data Entry User Customization
28Select Projects
29Project Reports
30Project Tracking
31Bringing Life to the TIP
- GIS Reader
- View/Print Maps of Projects
- Select Projects for Analysis
- Embedded Pictures of Projects
32Visualizing Projects TELUS GIS
33TELUS Project Analysis Scoring
34Planning Analysis
35Project Interrelationships
36Demonstration of TELUS for the PC
37TELUS for the Web
38What is TELUS for the Web?
- TELUS for the Web is an Internet-based version of
the software - Integrates spatially distributed agencies (and
their data) using the Internet - Facilitates web-enabled Electronic Data Delivery
(paperless) - TIP/STIP approval process via e-STIP
(proposed/optional) - Enables Collaboration and Active Public
39Features of TELUS for the Web
- Easy implementation
- Highly Customizable
- Uses existing (often legacy) agency databases and
hardware - Reaches in (think of an octopus tentacles) and
retrieves the data that is needed - Creates the data warehouse layer
- Maintains integrity of data
40Web Minimizes Costs to All Agencies
- Single installation
- Easy maintenance
- Easy to update
- Deployment Scenarios
- State as Host, Districts and MPOs as Clients
- MPO as Host, Localities as Clients
- Combination of the above scenarios
41TELUS for the Web - Project Information
42GIS module TELUS for the Web
43Customized TIP Reports
44Public Participation Opportunities
- Viewer level of security offered (no data editing
privileges) - MPO/SDOT could provide a public workstation
- Website is accessible to anyone with an Internet
connection and Web browser - Quick production of project reports
- Includes a module that allows the public to
comment about projects. - Contact person/phone provided
45Public Participation Opportunities
46Demonstration of TELUS for the Web
47TELUS Economic Input Output (I-O) Model
48TELUS Economic I-O Model
- Gives a measure of the economic impact from
undertaking a transportation project on the MPO,
region, and the whole state. - In general, the I-O models identify flows of
goods and services between sectors of an economy. - Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries, Mineral
Industries, Construction Industries,
Manufacturing, Transportation, Communications,
and Utilities, Wholesale Trade, Retail Trade,
Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate, Service
Industries, Public Administration - They measure the ripple effect of introducing
investments across the segments. - Developed for each MPO and the state in which it
is located. - The model estimates jobs, earnings, gross
product, taxes, indirect business taxes, business
revenue and profit/other. - NJIT developed I-O Models for majority of Florida
MPOs until year 2012.
49TELUS Economic Model
50e -STIP Application
51e-STIP Objectives
- Integrate e-STIP architecture into the TELUS
framework - Single Point of Data Entry for Multiple Agencies
- Computerize the entire TIP STIP creation and
amendment process - Improve project and information management by
providing an integrated and seamless database
52e-STIP Approval Process
53Land Use Model (TELUM)
- TELUM is a land use modeling software package
that evaluates land use impacts of regional
transportation improvement projects. - TELUM forecasts future location of employment and
55What is the Land Use Model?
- a quantitative method that . . .
- Forecasts employment and population demand for
location in specific zones of a region - Calculates the amount of employment and
population that will be located in each zone - Calculates the amount of land that will be used.
56Understanding TELUM Spatial Interaction Model
Say we have an area consisting of 4 analysis
We plan to build a light-rail line connecting
zones B and D. This will impact the overall
travel in our region. We would specifically like
to analyze the impact on future location of
households and jobs in our region, i.e. how the
future land use will look like.
We obtained regional forecasts of future growth
of jobs
The new land use can then be used in a travel
demand model as a basis for trip generation and
trip distribution. In this example, the new
locations of jobs and households will produce
more travel on links connecting zones B, C, and
D, including the new light-rail line.
Our land use model will tell us where these jobs
and households will locate.
Here is the highway network connecting the zones.
... and households.
In addition, as a result of the new
transportation capacity and improved travel
times, certain zones may became more attractive,
causing re-location of existing jobs and
We know the current location of jobs
and households by zone.
- Majority of MPOs neither uses Land Use Models for
regional forecasting nor for providing input to
travel models. This is due to the lack of
trained in-house personnel with experience in
land use planning. - TELUM is developed as intuitive, interactive
software package with many user-friendly
features. It is easy to understand, provides
tools for easy data entry and analysis, and
features Help System that provides instructions
and is able to guide and advise users throughout
their analysis. It is primarily developed for
small and medium-sized MPOs. - Determination of the State of the Practice in
Metropolitan Area Travel Forecasting Findings of
the Surveys of Metropolitan Planning
Organizations, April 7, 2006, Prepared for
Committee B0090, TRB/National Research Council
58Advantages Why Should You Use TELUM?
- Enables planners to perform regional land use
analysis by providing forecasts of employment and
residence locations - Inputs consist of US Census data and supplemental
data commonly used by MPOs in regional planning
process - User friendly interface makes it easy to navigate
through data input, model development, and
forecasting process - A combination of hotlinks to internal help files,
with software wizards in a Knowledge Based
Systems approach leads the user through the many
steps in model implementation - Integrated GIS module allows mapping of the input
data, calibration results, and forecast results.
59Transportation Policy Analysis
- TELUM enables planners to compare various
transportation improvement scenarios - Introduce a change in the transportation network
between runs and observe the resulting changes in
land use patterns - Test the impact of different project pools on
regional land use patterns by applying different
sets of impedances for the same model year. - TELUM outputs can be used as a starting point for
the UTMS (trip generation, distribution,
mode-split, assignment).
60TELUMs Role in Travel Demand Forecasting
61TELUM Modeling Process
- Data Preparation
- Program Installation
- Model Calibration
- Model Verification
- Preliminary Forecasts
- Model Validation
- Forecasts and Policy Tests
62TELUM Software Modules
- IDEU Basic information about the region
necessary to organize data. - DOPU Data entry and data consistency checks.
- TIPU Load and process travel impedance data.
- MCPU Self-calibration of employment, household
and land consumption forecasting models. - MFCU Performs forecasts for the baseline and
user-defined policy scenarios.
63Land Use Model Outputs How can they help?
Output Planning Implications
Employment Density (forecasted for each zone and employment category) Use estimating future payroll tax revenues, change of zoning/land use and improvements of the transportation network to promote desired development scenario.
Household Density (forecasted for each zone by household income category) Use estimating future property taxes, change of zoning/land use and improvements of the transportation network to promote desired location of residencies throughout the region.
Land Consumption (forecasted for each zone by household/employment category) Use provides an estimate of intensity of land utilization by households and employment by category, indicating how land use will change as a result of location of population and jobs for different development scenarios.
Density Gradient (measure of urban sprawl) Use by measuring change in household density as one moves from the CBD to suburbs can help identify trends in long-range regional plans
Tracking input and output files and running
forecasting model
65Forecast Results
Forecast report summary tables
66Forecast Results
MAPIT generated maps of forecast growth and/or
decline of employment and households by zone
67Forecast Results
MAPIT generated maps of forecast sprawl indices
68Forecasting Adding Constraints
Using on of the four types of constraints user
can test different development scenarios.
69Forecast Results Comparing Scenarios
MAPIT mapped changes in forecast results between
different scenarios
70TELUS Implementation
71Implementing TELUS for the PC
- Acquire the Software
- Mailed to every MPO/SDOT when a new version is
released - Download it from the TELUS website
www.telus-national.org - Request a copy through the TELUS website or by
mail/email - Register TELUS on the website and obtain the
password - Customize
- Populate agency specific drop-down fields, etc.
- MPO-specific format for reports
72Implementing TELUS for the PC (continued)
- Import Data
- Our staff helps MPOs migrate to TELUS
- Import existing data in various other electronic
sources (e.g. Excel, MS Access) into TELUS - Average time from delivery to full functionality
1 week
73Implementing TELUS for the Web
- Acquire the Software
- Initiate request for TELUS for the Web
- Work with NJIT staff to understand agency
requirements. - System Customization
- NJIT staff helps with customizing the software
- Minor customizations are free
- Major customization services are provided through
separate contracts (e.g. Houston-Galveston,
NYMTC) - References available
74Implementing TELUS for the Web (continued)
- Import Data
- System customized to connect to existing data
sources - NJIT staff help import existing data into TELUS
from various other electronic sources - Average time from initial request to full
functionality 1 to 6 months (it depends upon
the level of customization)
Data Entry ? ? ? ? ? ?
TIP Preparation ? ? ? ? ? ?
STIP Preparation Assembly ? ?
STIP Preparation Dissemination ? ?
Public Participation Viewing ? ? ? ? ? ?
Public Participation Commenting ? ? ?
Reports ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Approvals ?
GIS View ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
76Examples of Implementations
- ALDOT December 04
- 1st Statewide Deployment
- Common Format For TIP
- Prior Year Obligated Projects List
- MVRPC - June 05
- Public Participation
- Earned commendation during Federal Review
- Broward County MPO January 06
- Coordination with Local Governments
- HGAC - September 06
- Coordination with Local Governments
- Project Submission Tool
- Project Scoring and Prioritization Tool
77Examples of Implementations
- NYMTC - November 06
- Coordination with Local Governments
- Conformity Project Submission Tool
- Approval Process
- NJDOT Spring 08
- 2nd Statewide Deployment
- Coordination with Local Agencies
- Common Format For TIP
- Public Participation Project Viewing
78TELUS for the Web Applications
- Houston-Galveston Area Council
- http//tip.h-gac.com/telus/WebTelus/Login
- Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission
- http//maps.mvrpc.org/telus/WebTelus/Login
- Alabama Department of Transportation
- http//aldottelus.dot.state.al.us/telus/WebTelus
79Implementing TELUM
- Acquire the Software
- Mailed to every MPO/SDOT when a new version is
released - Download from TELUS website www.telus-national.org
- Request a copy from the website or by mail/email
- Install all required software (MS Office with
full versions of Excel and Access), and ArcGIS
for GIS module. - Prepare Input Data
- Our staff can assist with preparing input data.
80User Cost of TELUS Products
- TELUS for the PC and TELUM Software is
- Free
- Provided on a CD with User Manual/ Internet
downloads - TELUS for the Web
- Free
- Provided on a CD or as a download
- ArcIMS (10,000 approximately)
- e-Reporting software (Formula One software
package, 6,000)
81Technical Support Training
- Technical Support via phone, email
- Installation
- Troubleshooting
- Importing data
- Customizing reports
- Training
- Provided to users free of charge via
web-conferencing or at NJIT Newark, New Jersey
location - On site at the agency (requires a separate
contract with NJIT)
82Completed Training To Date
- Statewide
- Tennessee DOT, December 2006 TELUS for the PC,
5 MPOs - Texas DOT, February 2006 TELUS for the PC, 11
MPOs - Alabama DOT, December 2004 TELUS for the Web,
13 MPOs - Connecticut DOT, May 2004 TELUS for the PC, 5
83Completed Training (continued)
- By Agency
- New York Metropolitan Transportation Commission,
NY, Oct. 2006 TELUS for the Web - Houston-Galveston Area Council, TX, September
2006 TELUS for the Web - FTA Region 2, NY, March 2006 ESTIP Module
- Broward County MPO, FL, January 2006 TELUS for
the Web - Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission, OH,
June 2005 TELUS for the Web - Kalamazoo Area Transportation Study, MI, October
2006 TELUS for the PC - KYOVA Interstate Planning Commission, WV, May
2005 TELUS for the PC
84Documentation and Support
- TELUS website
- www.telus-national.org
- User Manuals
- TELUM Tutorials/Case Studies
- Presentations
85Lazar SpasovicProfessor, Civil Engineering and
Director, TELUS ProjectTiernan Hall, Suite
287New Jersey Institute of TechnologyUniversity
HeightsNewark, NJ 07102e-mail
telus_at_njit.eduphone (973) 642-7214web