Title: GTAP
Group Presentation GTAP Short Course Heraklion,
Crete June 24, 2005
- Identification of Problem
- The Choice Development Strategies in Developing
African Countries
- Research Questions
- Free Trade or Other ways?
- How can the employment of unskilled labor
affect the development strategies?
3Group 1Extension
- Less than Full Reciprocity between EU and SACU
- Motivation Look deeper the question of Policy
space - How?
- Less than full reciprocity scenario
- One of the element of the article XXIV of the
GATT concerning the FTA
4We focus this point on the Welfare effect?
- Global welfare decreases for EU and South Africa
compared to the FLS. - But.this impact becomes positive for the other
regions in Africa, (bwa, RofAf, Naf) - How explained it?
- Lets Look what could we learn from the welfare
5Essentially, .Better Allocative efficiency
Allocative efficiency effect Variation vis a vis
the Full Liberalization Scenario (in )
Botswana XSC EU
6 crops 45,45 42,72 -22,23
7 aag -50 29,85 -7,37
8 mine 0 50,63 -99,82
9 food 23,56 12,02 -15,131
10 tex 200 -82,6 -40,93
11 hman 64,70 30 -24,8
12 lman -187,2 5,38 -72
- Better allocative effects explain the welfare
gains for Botswana and XSC, especially for Crops,
food, tex and hman sectors. - Ceteris Paribus, transfers between EU and the
other regions to Btw - For XSC, Huge gains come from ToT effect, net
improvement - Important tax pool effect for Botswana (45)
6LTFR could also provide more space for
- LTFR could give more flexibilities for
diversification in Botswana but also for South
7Unskilled Labor Change in SA(,US)
8Change of Uns Labor (000),Exp (mi) and Imp(mil)
in SA
9Conclusion LTFR
- Full reciprocity will be very costly for Africa
in terms of revenue losses, adjustment costs
associated with de-industrialisation and its
undermining effect of regional integration. - With LTFR, the EU RSA FTA will produce welfare
gains for the EU and South Africa BUT ALSO FOR
BOTSWANA - It would double the allocative efficiency in
Botswana - LTFR Agreement could reduce the beggar my
neighbour outcome
10Group 2 Extension
- Changing Revenue Sharing Agreement between
South Africa and Botswana
11Table 1 Welfare Changes in South Africa and Botswana Table 1 Welfare Changes in South Africa and Botswana Table 1 Welfare Changes in South Africa and Botswana Table 1 Welfare Changes in South Africa and Botswana Table 1 Welfare Changes in South Africa and Botswana Table 1 Welfare Changes in South Africa and Botswana
Country Base Scenario Simulation
South Africa 1729,47 1651,15
South Africa 1729,47 1651,15
Botswana -71,52 2,28
Botswana -71,52 2,28
Table 2 Tax Pool Changes in South Africa and
Botswana (change)
Country Base Scenario Simulation
South Africa 77,59 -77,59
Botswana -77,81 77,81
12Table 2 Share of Unskilled Labor by Sector in
Sector Base Scenario( change) Simulation( change) Change in Use Share of Factor Intensity ()
Crops 0.39 39
Livestock -0.73 - 40
Food -0.20 - 47
Textiles 0,49 0,53 70
Heavy Manu -0,68 -0,58 50
Light Manu -1,97 -1, 82 52
Construction 0,40 -0,34 - 45
Services 3.04 0,82 - 29
13Table 4 Percentage Changes in the Price of
Unskilled Labour in Botsawana
Country Base Scenario Simulation
Price Change -1.204 -1.35
Change in Labour Use 1.118 3.88
Change in the Qty of Labour 5.753 5.94
14Group 3 Extension
- South South Trade in Africa
15Welfare and Real GDP
16Exports Destinations
17Changes in output VA
18Employment of Unskilled labour
- Increase in employment of unskilled
- Bots xsc- SACU-MER FTA
- All regions Africa FTA
bwa xsc sad xaf
EU-RSA -0.11 2.59 -0.06 -0.01
SACU-MER 0,17 0,90 -0,01 0,00
African FTA 5,62 1,73 3,27 0,64
19Group 4 Extension
- Introducing Technological Change
20The experiment FTA technical change
- A technical change in tradable sectors, i.e.
crops, animal agricultural, food, textile, light
and heavy manufactures, and services - Why?
- Productivity in developing countries, especially
in SSA, is low compared to that of developed
countries gt room for gains - To see whether technology can improve FTA
outcomes for third countries
21Welfare effects
FTA only
22Structural change in Bwa and SA?
- qva increases in tex, lman (and cns) (table)
- this due to expansion effect (qo)
- Expansion b/c increased domestic but most
importantly foreign demand (for Bwa, exports to
SA entirely) - Note e.g. that SA exports and imports in lman
increase, and SA important export market for Bwa
(differentiated comm, (Armington))
23Why do exports increase?
- For Bwa and SA substitution effect behind demand
for their exports (tex, lman). - But for cns from Bwa and SA to SA the effect due
to expansion only. - Note, SA world market share is small (except for
aag) and Bwa share is small indeed).
24Supply side effects?
- Producer prices, in Bwa and SA, decrease and
therefore demand increases - But, e.g., why decrease in ps (lman, xsc) lt 10 ?
- Tech change affects pfe and ps ? increase in
output demand - Output expansion (61 ) requires more inputs
- Pushes pfe up
- Expanding sectors pfe 25 - 36 percent
- (but pfe (unsklab) -1,6 to -3,2 percent)
- Primary resources mainly drawn from crops, aagr
and services, from pool of unemployed unsklab
ps (lman,xsc) -0,07
qo (lman,xsc) 0,61
qfe (capital,lman,xsc) 0,21
pfe (capital,lman,xsc) 0,27
qva (lman) 0,46
25Key results
- South Africa
- Endowment effect is due to a large increase in
unskilled labor employment (42) - Services (53), heavy manufactures (14)
- Botswana welfare gain, dominated by TOT effects
- BWA import shares from SA are very large (70-85)
gt the decrease in SA prices is creating this
positive TOT effect - But also an endowment effect from increased
unskilled labor employment services (61) and
construction (23)
26Group 5 Extension
27Alternative unskilled labor closures
- Original closure unemployment in Africa.
- Alternative closure full employment in Africa.
- Does this affect the results of previous
extensions? More importantly, does this affect
our conclusions about trade and development? - Welfare Gains greatly diminished for South
28Differences in Welfare
- Only significant effect endowment effect (US
1,3 billion vs US 0). - Services most significant difference. Expansion
effect. - Industry impact also diminished.
- Note services are quite important in cost
structure of firms (7-23).
29Domestic market dominates effect
- Expansion effects domestic market through
intermediate demand. (94 of increased services
is explained by domestic demand). - Services account for 57 of unskilled labor
employment. - But why did services decrease with full
employment ? Price of services went up (0.2),
driven by full employment.
30Major findings
- Using a trade liberalization exercise, main
effect on welfare comes from a non-tradable good
(GE vs PE). - Closure really matters in this context