Title: QCD Moriond Discussion Thursday March 22, 2207
1QCDMoriond DiscussionThursday March 22, 2207
2- The aim of this meeting is to prepare future
Moriond. - In 1966, when I started the first Rencontres de
Moriond, the main objectives of the meeting are - Promote exchanges and collaboration between
experimentalists and theorists - Promote young physicists in giving them a
priority for giving a talk.
3- Every year, in each Moriond session, we have a
discussion meeting in order to find out if we
still fulfill the "founding" objectives - As many institutions , Moriond is getting
older every year (42nd Moriond this year since
1966), we may become a club of "senior
physicists". - It is why your PARTICIPATION and your HELP is
much needed to maintain Moriond in the right
4- January 1966 in Moriond
- 25 friends in 3 chalets at Moriond.
- physics ski cooking (the meals)
- and music in the evening
- 25 informal talks
- participants from French laboratories, Frascati,
DESY and SLAC - All participants were less than 35 year old
- To be compared with EW2007
- 128 participants, 92 talks, participants from 19
- European Union
- NSF,
- Europlanet
6Scientific Program CommitteeE. Augé Moriond
coordinator (LAL, Orsay)B. Pietrzyk
coordinator (LAPP, Annecy)
- E. Berger (Argonne),
- S. Bethke (Aachen),
- Al. Capella (Orsay),
- An. Czarnecki (Alberta),
- D. Denegri (CERN, Saclay),
- Y. Dokshitzer (Paris),
- N. Glover (Durham),
- B. Klima (Fermilab),
- L.Kluberg (Palaiseau),
- M. Krawczyk (Warsaw),
- L. McLerran (Brookhaven),
- Chung-I Tan (Brown Univ.),
- J. Tran Thanh Van (Orsay) and
- U. Wiedemann (Stony Brook)
Secretariat Patricia Chémali, Maryvonne Joguet,
Marie-Rose Ramarao, Françoise Warin
7- Before the general discussion with Etienne Augé
- and Bolek Pietrzyk, some numbers and graphs
- QCD 2007
- Experimentalists vs Theorist
- We try in Moriond to have a ratio of 60 of
experimentalists and 40 of theorists. - This year 85 experimentalists 66 43
theorists 33, not too far of our wishes
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10This year, we have 69 newcomers among 128
participants 54
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12This year, we have 66 experimental talks (71)
and 26 theoretical talk (39) 49 speakers are
less than 35 year old 53
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14This year, we have 54 speakers among 69 newcomers
15General Discussionwith Etienne Augéand Bolek
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