Title: RF Benchmarking
1RF Benchmarking Evaluation Facility
Radio buttons? -details (RF Benchmark.doc) -farada
y shield measurements
The RF Benchmarking Facility provides detailed
low and high power characterization and
calibration of RF sensors, transmission lines,
matching networks, and generators using an array
of diagnostic equipment including network
analyzers, vector spectrum analyzers, RF
calorimeter, IR camera and data acquisition
equipment. A variety of surrogate loads to
simulate a plasma are available, as well as
actual plasma loads for some applications.
Btotal2 vs Position
Photo of experimental configuration using a
variable spark gap to measure the response of the
RF power delivery system to an arc while
operating a full process power. The planar coil
shown is used to generate and sustain process
plasmas used in the semiconductor industry.
Plot of energy in the magnetic field (B2) showing
the plasma power deposition pattern taken using a
magnetic field probe on a computer controlled
probe positioning system.
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