Title: Knowledge Repn'
1Knowledge Repn. ReasoningLec 26 Filtering
with Logic
- UIUC CS 498 Section EA
- Professor Eyal AmirFall Semester 2004
2Last Time
- Dynamic Bayes Nets
- Forward-backward algorithm
- Filtering
- Approximate inference via factoring and sampling
3Filtering Stochastic Processes
- Dynamic Bayes Nets (DBNs) factored representation
4Filtering Stochastic Processes
- Dynamic Bayes Nets (DBNs) factored representation
5Filtering Stochastic Processes
- Dynamic Bayes Nets (DBNs) factored representation
6Filtering Stochastic Processes
- Dynamic Bayes Nets (DBNs) factored representation
O(2n) space O(22n) time
7Filtering Stochastic Processes
- Dynamic Bayes Nets (DBNs) factored
representation O(2n) space, O(22n) time - Kalman Filter Gaussian belief state and linear
transition model
8Filtering Stochastic Processes
- Dynamic Bayes Nets (DBNs) factored
representation O(2n) space, O(22n) time - Kalman Filter Gaussian belief state and linear
transition model
O(n2) space O(n3) time
9Complexity Results
- Filtering for deterministic systems is NP-hard
when the initial state is not fully known
Liberatore 97
- AmirRussell03 Every representation of
- belief states grows exponentially for
- some deterministic systems
- Tracking and filtering logical knowledge
- Foundations for efficient filtering
- Compact representation indefinitely
- Possible projects
11Logical Filtering
- Belief state logical formula
12Logical Filtering
- Belief state logical formula
- Observations logical formulae
13Logical Filtering
- Belief state logical formula
- Observations logical formulae
- Actions effect rules
- e.g., fetch(X,Y) causes has(X) if in(X,Y)
14Logical Filtering
- Belief state logical formula
- Observations logical formulae
- Actions effect rules
- e.g., fetch(X,Y) causes has(X) if in(X,Y)
- Actions may be nondeterministic
- Partial observations
15Example A Cleaning Robot
- Initial Knowledge
- ?
- Apply action
- fetch(broom,closet)
- Resulting knowledge
- Ø in(broom,closet)
- Reason
- If initially Øin(broom,closet), then still
Øin(broom,closet) - If initially in(broom,closet), then now
16Filtering with Possible Worlds
Problem n world features ? 2n states
17Filtering Possible Worlds
- Initially we are in s1,,sk
- Action a
- Filtera(s1,,sk)
- s R(s1,a,s) or or R(sk,a,s)
- observing o
- Filtero(s1,,su)
- s1,,su ? s o holds in s
18Filtering with Logical Formulae
- Action-Definition(a)t,t1 ?
- Ù (Precondi(a)t ? Effecti(a)t1)
- i Ù Frame-Axioms(a)
19Filtering with Logical Formulae
- Belief state S represented by j
- Actions Filtera(jt) ? logical resultst1 of
- jt Ù Action-Definition(a)t,t1
20Filtering with Logical Formulae
- Belief state S represented by j
- Actions Filtera(jt) ? logical resultst1 of
- jt Ù Action-Definition(a)t,t1
- Observations Filtero(j) j Ù o
- jt1 Filtero(Filtera(jt))
21Filtering with Logical Formulae
- Belief state S represented by j
- Actions Filtera(jt) ? logical resultst1 of
- jt Ù Action-Definition(a)t,t1
- Observations Filtero(j) j Ù o
- jt1 Filtero(Filtera(jt))
- Theorem formula filtering implements
possible-worlds semantics
- Tracking and filtering logical knowledge
- Foundations for efficient filtering
- Compact representation indefinitely
- Possible projects
23Distribution Properties
- Filtera(jÚy) º Filtera(j) Ú Filtera(y)
- Filtering a DNF belief state by factoring
24Distribution Properties
- Filtera(jÚy) º Filtera(j) Ú Filtera(y)
- Filtera(jÙy) º Filtera(j) Ù Filtera(y)
- Filtera(Øj) º
- ØFiltera(j) Ù Filtera(TRUE)
- Filtering a DNF belief state by factoring
25Distribution for Some Actions
- Filtera(jÚy) º Filtera(j) Ú Filtera(y)
- Filtera(jÙy) º Filtera(j) Ù Filtera(y)
- Filtera(Øj) º
- ØFiltera(j) Ù Filtera(TRUE)
- Filter literals in the belief-state formula
separately, and combine the results
- STRIPS Actions
- 11 Actions
26Actions that map states 11
- Examples
- flip(light) but not turn-on(light)
- increase(speed,10) but not set(speed,50)
- pickUp(X,Y) but not pickUp(X)
- Most actions are 11 in proper formulation
27Actions that map states 11
- Reason for distribution over Ù
Filtera(jÙy) º Filtera(j) Ù Filtera(y)
28STRIPS Actions
- Possibly nondeterministic effects
- No conditions on effects
- Example turn-on(light)
- Used extensively in planning
29Distribution for Some Actions
- Filtera(jÚy) º Filtera(j) Ú Filtera(y)
- Filtera(jÙy) º Filtera(j) Ù Filtera(y)
- Filtera(Øj) º
- ØFiltera(j) Ù Filtera(TRUE)
- Filter literals in the belief-state formula
separately, and combine the results
- STRIPS Actions
- 11 Actions
30Example Filtering a Literal
- Initial knowledge
- in(broom,closet)
- Apply fetch(broom,closet)
- Preconds in(broom,closet) Ù Ølocked(closet)
- Effects has(broom) Ù Øin(broom,closet)
- Resulting knowledge
- has(broom) Ù Øin(broom,closet) Ú
- locked(closet)
31Example Filtering a Formula
- Initial knowledge
- in(broom,closet) Ù Ølocked(closet)
- Apply fetch(broom,closet)
- Preconds in(broom,closet) Ù Ølocked(closet)
- Effects has(broom) Ù Øin(broom,closet)
- Resulting knowledge
- has(broom) Ù Øin(broom,closet) Ù
32Filtering a Single Literal
- Closed-form solution
- Filtera(literal) Ù (Eff1 Ú ... Ú Effu) Ù B(a)
- literal Pre1 Ú ... Ú Preu
- a has effect rules (and frame rules) a causes
Effi if Prei - Eff1 ... Effu - effects of action a
- Pre1 ... Preu - preconditions of action a
- Roughly, B(a) ? Filtera(TRUE)
33Filtering a Literal
- Filtera(literal) Ù (Eff1 Ú ... Ú Effu) Ù
B(a) - literal Pre1 Ú ... Ú Preu
- Belief state (j) Ø locked(closet)
- Action (a) fetch(broom,closet) with
- fetch(X,Y) causes has(X) Ù Ø in(X,Y) if
Ø locked(Y) Ù in(X,Y) - Belief state after a
- Filtera(Ølocked(closet))
- Ø locked(closet) Ù Ø in(broom,closet)
34Filtering a Literal
- Filtera(literal) Ù (Eff1 Ú ... Ú Effu) Ù
B(a) - literal Pre1 Ú ... Ú Preu
- Action (a) fetch(broom,closet) with
- fetch(X,Y) causes has(X) Ù Ø in(X,Y) if
Ø locked(Y) Ù in(X,Y) - Belief state after a Filtera(Ølocked(closet))
- Ø locked(closet) Ù Ø in(broom,closet)
- Reason Ø locked(closet)
- (Ø locked(closet) Ù in(broom,closet)) Ú
- Ø in(broom,closet)
35Algorithm for Permutation Actions
- Belief state (j)
- Ølocked(closet) Ù (in(broom,closet) Ú
in(broom,shed)) - Action (a) fetch(broom,closet) with fetch(X,Y)
causes - has(X) Ù Øin(X,Y) if Ølocked(Y) Ù in(X,Y)
- Resulting belief state
- Filtera(j) Filtera(Ølocked(closet)) Ù
- (Filtera(in(broom,closet)) Ú
Filtera(in(broom,shed))) - Filtera(Ølocked(closet))
- Ølocked(closet) Ù Øin(broom,closet)
36Algorithm for Permutation Actions
- Belief state (j)
- Ølocked(closet) Ù (in(broom,closet) Ú
in(broom,shed)) - Filtera(Ølocked(closet))
- Ølocked(closet) Ù Øin(broom,closet)
- Filtera(in(broom,closet)) (Ølocked(closet) Ù
Øin(broom,closet) Ù has(broom)) Ú
in(broom,closet) - Filtera(in(broom,shed)) in(broom,shed)
- Filtera(j) Ølocked(closet) Ù
Øin(broom,closet) Ù (has(broom) Ú in(broom,shed))
37Summary Efficient Update
- Fast exact update with any observation formulae,
if one of the following - STRIPS action (possibly nondeterministic)
- Action is a 11 mapping between states
- Belief states include all their prime implicates
38Talk Outline
- Tracking and filtering knowledge
- Tractability results
- Compact representation over time
- Discussion Future work
39Tractability and Representation Size
- Theorem1 Every propositional repn. of the belief
state grows exponentially for some systems, even
when initial belief state is compactly
represented (follows from Boppana Sipser 90)
1 Rough statement. Complete one in A. Russell
40Example A Cleaning Robot
- Initial Knowledge
- in(broom,closet) Ú in(broom,shed)
- Apply action fetch(broom,closet)
- Resulting knowledge
- (has(broom) Ù Ølocked(closet) Ù
Øin(broom,closet)) Ú - (Øhas(broom) Ù locked(closet) Ù in(broom,closet))
Ú - (Øhas(broom) Ù in(broom,shed))
- Reason for space explosion uncertainty of
actions success and preconditions applied
41Compact Tractable Cases
- Compact belief state representation
- STRIPS actions with belief state in k-CNF
- 11 actions with belief state in k-CNF
- Observations in 2-CNF
- Theorem Filtering j with STRIPS actions
- k-CNF ? k-CNF
- time O(j 2rules(a))
- Corollary Filtering with STRIPS actions keeps
belief state in O(nk) size (k fixed).
42STRIPS-Filter Experiments
Average time per step
270 features
240 features
210 features
Filter time (m.sec)
180 features
150 features
Filtering step
43STRIPS-Filter Experiments
Average space per step
210 features
185 features
160 features
135 features
Filter space (literals)
110 features
Filtering step
44Intuition for More Results
- Filtering with deterministic action a is
equivalent to filtering with actions a1 (a
succeeds) or a2 (a fails) successfully, - a1,a2 STRIPS with known success/failure
- Filtera(f) ? Filtera1(f) v Filtera2(f)
- STRIPS with known success/failure
- Filtera(l1Ú...Úlu) (l1Ú...Úlu) Ù B(a) or
- B(a)
45Recent Results (unpublished) 1
- Compact representation indefinitely for STRIPS,
if failure leaves features unchanged, and effects
are 2-clauses - a causes (f v g) (g v -h) if x y
- Starting from belief state with r clauses we get
at most max(r,n) clauses indefinitely, if effects
are conjunction of at most two clauses
46Recent Results (unpublished) 2
- Compact representation indefinitely for STRIPS,
if failure has nondeterministic effect on
affected features - a causes f g if x y
- a causes (f v -f) (g v -g) if (-x v -y)
- Belief state in k-CNF maintained indefinitely, if
effects in k1-CNF, preconditions in k2-DNF,
47Related Work
- Stochastic filtering
- Kalman 60, Doucet et-al. 00, Dean
Kanazawa 88, Boyen Koller 98, - Action theories and semantics
- Gelfond Lifschitz 97, Baral Son 01,
Doherty et-al. 98, - Computation of progression
- Winslett 90, del Val 92, Lin Reiter
97, Simon del Val 01,
48Possible Projects
- More families of actions/observations
- Stochastic conditions on observations
- Different data structures (BDDs? Horn?)
- Compact and efficient stochastic filtering
- Relational / first-order filtering
- Dynamic observation models, filtering in
expanding worlds - Logical Filtering of numerical variables
49More Projects
- Filtering for Kriegspiel (partially observable
chess) - Autonomous exploration of uncharted domains
- Smart agents in rich environments
51Example Explosion of Space
- Initial Knowledge
- in(broom,closet) Ú in(broom,shed)
- Apply action fetch(broom,closet)
- Resulting knowledge
- (has(broom) Ù Ølocked(closet)
- Ù Øin(broom,closet)) Ú
- (Øhas(broom) Ù locked(closet)
- Ù in(broom,closet)) Ú
- (Øhas(broom) Ù in(broom,shed))
52Tractability Problem
- Formula filtering is NP-hard in general
- Actions Filtera(jt) ?
- Cn(jt Ù (Precond(a)t ? Effect(a)t1)
- Ù Frame-Axioms(a))
- Cn() Logical consequences of
- Specific cases?
- Approximation?
53Example A Cleaning Robot
- Initial Knowledge
- ?
- Apply action
- fetch(broom,closet)
- Resulting knowledge
- Ø in(broom,closet)
- Reason
- If initially Øin(broom,closet), then still
Øin(broom,closet) - If initially in(broom,closet), then now
54Filtering Beliefs
- Filtering Update knowledge of the world after
actions and observations - Stochastic filtering examples
- Dynamic Bayes Nets (DBNs) factored
representation - Kalman Filter Gaussian belief state and linear
transition model
55Agents Acting in The World
- Agents in partially observable domains
- Cognitive, medical assistants
- Cleaning, gardening robots
- Space robots (exploration, repair, assist)
- Game-playing/companion agents
- Knowledgeable agents
- Use knowledge to decide on actions
- Update knowledge about the world
56Example A Cleaning Robot
- Decides to clean the current room
- Knows the broom is in the closet
- Fetches the broom from the closet
- Now knows that the broom is in its hand and not
in the closet
57Filtering a Single Literal
- Closed-form solution
- Filtera(literal) Ù (Eff1 Ú ... Ú Effu) Ù B(a)
- literal Pre1 Ú ... Ú Preu
- a has effect rules (and frame rules) a causes
Effi if Prei - Eff1 ... Effu - effects of action a
- Pre1 ... Preu - preconditions of action a
- Roughly, B(a) ? Filtera(TRUE)
58Permutation Actions
- Actions that permute the states
- flip(light) but not turn-on(light)
- increase(speed,10) but not set(speed,50)
- pickUp(X,Y) but not pickUp(X)
59Results Tractable Cases
- Filtering a single literal
- Permutation actions
- STRIPS actions
- Prime-implicate representation of belief state
60Filtering Logical FormulaeSTRIPS-Filter
- If every executed action was possible to execute
(or we observed an error), and actions do not
have conditional effects (but may have
nondeterministic effects), and the belief state
representation in PI-CNF, then - Filtera( Ù Ci ) Ù Filtera(Ci)
61Summary Tractable Cases
- Fast approximate update propositional belief
state represented in NNF,CNF,DNF - Fast exact update (if one of the following)
- Action is a 11 mapping between states
- STRIPS action (unconditional, nondeterministic
effects of actions observations distinguish
success from failure of action) - Belief states include all their prime implicates
- Any observations
62Sources of Difficulty for Compact Representation
- For action a with effect rule
- a causes Eff if Pre
- We always know after the action that
- Eff Ú ØPre
- If we know (Pre Ú p), then after the action we
know - Eff Ú p
63How Is the State Kept Compact?
- STRIPS (nondeterministic) actions
- We always know that the precondition held (or we
got a signal that the action failed) - There are no conditional effects
- Permutation actions
- We restrict the preconditions and effects, e.g.,
- All rules of the form a causes l1 if l2, or
- One of the preconditions is always satisfied, or
- Observations (and obs. model) in 2-CNF
64STRIPS-Filter Experimental Results
A. Russell 03
65Tractability and Representation Size
- Theorem1 Every propositional repn. of the belief
state grows exponentially for some systems, even
when initial belief state is compactly
represented (follows from Boppana Sipser 90) - However, special cases can can be computed
efficiently and represented compactly - s in 2-CNF
1 Rough statement. Complete one in A. Russell
66STRIPS-Filter Experimental Results
A. Russell 03
- Tractable filtering and tracking of the world in
high-dimensional domains with many objects,
locations and relationships - Learn effects and preconditions of actions in
partially-observable domains - Autonomous exploration of uncharted domains
68Related Work
- Stochastic filtering
- Kalman 60, Blackman Popoli 99, Doucet
et-al. 00, - Action theories and semantics
- Gelfond Lifschitz 97, Baral Son 01,
Doherty et-al. 98, - Computation of progression
- Winslett 90, del Val 92, Lin Reiter
97, Simon del Val 01,
70Filtering STRIPS Actions
- Action was executed or we observed an error,
- No conditional effects, and
- Possibly nondeterministic effects
71Logical Filtering Progress Outlook
- 18 months relational filtering, learning actions
in partially-observable domains - 36 months dynamic observation models, Horn
belief states, filtering in expanding worlds,
autonomous agents in games - 54 months first-order filtering, factored belief
states, continuous time, autonomous exploration
of uncharted domains
- Probabilistic graphical models
- Treewidth methods
- Variable elimination
- Clique tree algorithm
- Applications du jour Sensor Networks
- Probabilistic graphical models
- Exact inference and treewidth
- Variable elimination
- Junction trees
- Applications du jour Sensor Networks
74Application Planning
- General-purpose planning problem
- Given
- Domain features (fluents)
- Action descriptions effects, preconditions
- Initial state
- Goal condition
- Find
- Sequence of actions that is guaranteed to achieve
the goal starting from the initial state
75Application Planning with partitions
- PartPlan Algorithm
- Start with a tree-structured partition graph
- Identify goal partition
- Direct edges toward goal
- In each partition
- Generate all plans possible with depth d and
width k - Pass messages toward goal
76Planning with partitions
- PartPlan Algorithm
- Start with a tree-structured partition graph
- Identify goal partition
- Direct edges toward goal
- In each partition
- Generate all plans possible with depth d and
width k - if you give me a block, I can return it to you
painted, - if you give me a block, let me do a few things,
and then give me another block, then I can return
the two painted and glued together. - Pass messages toward goal
- All preconditions/effects for which there are
feasible action sequences
77Factored Planning Analysis
- Planner is sound and complete
- Running time for finding plans of width w with m
partitions of treewidth k is O(mw22w2k) - Factoring can be done in polynomial time
- Goal can be distributed over partitions by adding
at most 2 features per partition
78Next Time
- Probabilistic Graphical Models
- Directed models Bayesian Networks
- Undirected models Markov Fields
- Requires prior knowledge of
- Treewidth and graph algorithms
- Probability theory