Synthetic%20LISA%20simulating%20time-delay%20interferometry%20in%20a%20model%20LISA - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Provide streamlined module to filter GWs through TDI responses, for use in ... Doppler shift due to GWs (Wahlquist-Estabrook response) measured for reception at ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Synthetic%20LISA%20simulating%20time-delay%20interferometry%20in%20a%20model%20LISA

Synthetic LISAsimulating time-delay
interferometryin a model LISA
  • (presenting) Michele Vallisneri
  • (in absentia) John W. Armstrong
  • LISA Science Office, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
  • 12/17/2003

Why Synthetic LISA?
  • Simulate LISA fundamental noisesat the level of
    science/technical requirements
  • Higher level than extended modeling (no
    spacecraft subsystems)
  • Lower level than data analysis tools (do
    time-domain simulation of TDI include removal of
    laser frequency fluctuations)
  • Provide streamlined module to filter GWs through
    TDI responses, for use in developing
    data-analysis algorithms
  • Include full model of TDI(motion of the LISA
    array, time- and direction-dependent
    armlengths,causal Doppler observables,
    2nd-generation TDI observables)
  • Use directly or to validate (semi)analytic
  • Make it friendly and fun to use

A LISA block diagram (very high level!)
TDI observables
time-delayed combinations of yij and
zij laser-noise and optical-bench-noise free 3
independent observables
A LISA block diagram (very high level!)
TDI observables
TDI observables
time-delayed combinations of yij and
zij laser-noise and optical-bench-noise free 3
independent observables
time-delayed combinations of yij and
zij laser-noise and optical-bench-noise free 3
independent observables
A LISA block diagram (very high level!)
Doppler yij
inter-spacecraft relative frequency fluctuations
Doppler zij
Doppler shift due to GWs (Wahlquist-Estabrook
response) measured for reception at spacecraft r
and emission at spacecraft s(laser travels along
arm l)
intra-spacecraft relative frequency fluctuations
GW buffeting of spacecraft s at emission (t-Ll)
GW buffeting of spacecraft r at reception (t)
geom. projection factor
wavefront retard. pi are spacecraft pos.
A LISA block diagram (very high level!)
fluctuations of laser 1 (reference) at reception
fluctuations of laser 3 at emission (t - L2)
Doppler shift measured for reception at
spacecraft 1 and emission at spacecraft 3(laser
travels along arm 2)
shot noise at sc 1
proof-mass 1 noise
Doppler yij
inter-spacecraft relative frequency fluctuations
Doppler zij
intra-spacecraft relative frequency fluctuations
Doppler shift measured between optical benches on
spacecraft 1
proof-mass 1 noise
fluctuations of lasers 1 and 1
A LISA block diagram (very high level!)
theoryranddigital filter
Nyquist f pfDt p/2
theoryranddigital filter
Nyquist f pfDt p/2
  • LISA noises 18 time series (6 proof mass 6
    optical path 6 laser)
  • Assume Gaussian, f-2, f2, white
  • Generate in the time domain by applying digital
    filters to uncorrelated white noise produced at
    fixed sampling time,then interpolate
  • For laser noise, use combination of Markov chain
    (exp(-Dt/l) correlation) and low-pass digital

A LISA block diagram (very high level!)
  • Motion complicates GW signals (1)
  • by changing orientation of LISA plane(power
    spread through 9 bins)
  • by Doppler-shifting incoming GW signals (due to
    relative motion, dominates for fgt10-3 Hz
    bandwidth (WR/c)f)
  1. One Solar orbit/yr LISA triangle spins through
  2. Armlengths deviate from equilateral triangle at
  3. Armlengths are time and direction dependent
  • Motion improves sensitivity to GW (1)
  • to source position and polarization
  • makes it homogeneous in the sky
  • Motion hinders noise suppression (1,2,3)
  • need accurate knowledge of armlengths
  • high-order time delays needed

The Synthetic LISA package
  • Implements the LISA block structure as a
    collection of C classes

Class LISA Defines the LISA time-evolving
geometry (positions of spacecraft,
armlengths) OriginalLISA static configuration
with fixed (arbitrary) armlengths ModifiedLISA
stationary configuration, rotating with T1yr
different cw and ccw armlengths CircularRotating
spacecraft on circular, inclined orbits cw/ccw,
time-evolving,causal armlengths EccentricInclined
spacecraft on eccentric, inclined orbits
cw/ccw, time-evolving,causal armlengths NoisyLISA
(use with any LISA) adds white noise to
armlengths used for TDI delays ...
Class Wave Defines the position and time
evolution of a GW source SimpleBinary GW from a
physical monochromatic binary SimpleMonochromatic
simpler parametrization InterpolateMemory
interpolate user-provided buffers for h, hx ...
Class TDI(LISA,Wave) Return time series of noise
and GW TDI observables (builds causal yijs
includes 1st- and 2nd-generation
observables) TDInoise demonstrates laser-noise
subtraction TDIsignal causal, validated vs. LISA
Simulator TDIfast cached for multiple sources
The Synthetic LISA package
  • ...things to do with it right now!

Class Wave Defines the position and time
evolution of a GW source SimpleBinary GW from a
physical monochromatic binary SimpleMonochromatic
simpler parametrization InterpolateMemory
interpolate user-provided buffers for h, hx ...
Class LISA Defines the LISA time-evolving
geometry (positions of spacecraft,
armlengths) OriginalLISA static configuration
with fixed (arbitrary) armlengths ModifiedLISA
stationary configuration, rotating with T1yr
different cw and ccw armlengths CircularRotating
spacecraft on circular, inclined orbits cw/ccw,
time-evolving,causal armlengths EccentricInclined
spacecraft on eccentric, inclined orbits
cw/ccw, time-evolving,causal armlengths NoisyLISA
(use with any LISA) adds white noise to
armlengths used for TDI delays ...
Check the sensitivity of alternate LISA
Class TDI(LISA,Wave) Return time series of noise
and GW TDI observables (builds causal yijs
includes 1st- and 2nd-generation
observables) TDInoise demonstrates laser-noise
subtraction TDIsignal causal, validated vs. LISA
Simulator TDIfast cached for multiple sources
The Synthetic LISA package
  • ...things to do with it right now!

Class Wave Defines the position and time
evolution of a GW source SimpleBinary GW from a
physical monochromatic binary SimpleMonochromatic
simpler parametrization InterpolateMemory
interpolate user-provided buffers for h, hx ...
Class LISA Defines the LISA time-evolving
geometry (positions of spacecraft,
armlengths) OriginalLISA static configuration
with fixed (arbitrary) armlengths ModifiedLISA
stationary configuration, rotating with T1yr
different cw and ccw armlengths CircularRotating
spacecraft on circular, inclined orbits cw/ccw,
time-evolving,causal armlengths EccentricInclined
spacecraft on eccentric, inclined orbits
cw/ccw, time-evolving,causal armlengths NoisyLISA
(use with any LISA) adds white noise to
armlengths used for TDI delays ...
  • Demonstrate laser-noise sub.
  • 1st-generation TDI
  • modified TDI
  • 2nd-generation TDI
  • degradation of subtraction for imperfect
    knowledge of arms
  • with armlocking

Class TDI(LISA,Wave) Return time series of noise
and GW TDI observables (builds causal yijs
includes 1st- and 2nd-generation
observables) TDInoise demonstrates laser-noise
subtraction TDIsignal causal, validated vs. LISA
Simulator TDIfast cached for multiple sources
The Synthetic LISA package
  • ...things to do with it right now!

Class Wave Defines the position and time
evolution of a GW source SimpleBinary GW from a
physical monochromatic binary SimpleMonochromatic
simpler parametrization InterpolateMemory
interpolate user-provided buffers for h, hx ...
Class LISA Defines the LISA time-evolving
geometry (positions of spacecraft,
armlengths) OriginalLISA static configuration
with fixed (arbitrary) armlengths ModifiedLISA
stationary configuration, rotating with T1yr
different cw and ccw armlengths CircularRotating
spacecraft on circular, inclined orbits cw/ccw,
time-evolving,causal armlengths EccentricInclined
spacecraft on eccentric, inclined orbits
cw/ccw, time-evolving,causal armlengths NoisyLISA
(use with any LISA) adds white noise to
armlengths used for TDI delays ...
Produce synthetic time series to test
data-analysis algorithms
Class TDI(LISA,Wave) Return time series of noise
and GW TDI observables (builds causal yijs
includes 1st- and 2nd-generation
observables) TDInoise demonstrates laser-noise
subtraction TDIsignal causal, validated vs. LISA
Simulator TDIfast cached for multiple sources
Using Synthetic LISA
  • The preferred interface to Synthetic LISA is
    through a simple script in the language Python.

This is a Python script!
Import the Synthetic LISA library(, so we can use it
!/usr/bin/python import lisaswig unequalarmlis
a lisaswig.ModifiedLISA(15.0,16.0,17.0) unequ
alarmnoise lisaswig.TDInoise(unequalarmlisa, 1
.0,2.5e-48,1.0,1.8e-37,1.0,1.1e-26,1.0) lisaswi
Create a LISA (geometry) objectuse static LISA,
with equal arms
Armlengths (s)
Create a TDI object based on our chosen LISA
Laser correlation (s)
Noise sampling time (s)
Laser Sn (Hz-1)
Proof mass Sn ? f2 (Hz-1)
Opt. path Sn ? f-2 (Hz-1)
TDI variablesto print
Print X TDI noise to disk!
File name
samples requested,sampling time
Example unequal-arm 1st-gen. noises
Note laser noise subtraction!
... lisaswig.printtdi("noise-a.txt",unequalarmnois
e,1048576,1.0,"a") lisaswig.printtdi("noise-z.txt
",unequalarmnoise,1048576,1.0,"z") lisaswig.print

Example noisyLISA subtraction
originallisa lisaswig.OriginalLISA(16.6782,16.67
82,16.6782) noisylisa lisaswig.NoisyLISA(origin
allisa,1.0,measurement noise) originalnoise
lisaswig.TDInoise(originallisa, 1.0,2.5e-48,1.0,
1.8e-37,1.0,1.1e-26,0.1) noisynoise
lisaswig.TDInoise(noisylisa,originallisa, 1.0,2.
measurement noise Sn (s2 Hz-1)
Use different LISA for noise and TDI delays
Example monochromatic binary
f 2 mHzT 1 yr
ecliptic lat. p/2ecliptic long. 0
lat. p/5long. p/3
mylisa lisaswig.CircularRotating(0.0,0.0,1.0) m
ybinary lisaswig.SimpleBinary(frequency,initial
ecliptic latitude,ecliptic longitude,polarization
angle) mysignal lisaswig.TDIsignal(mylisa,mybin
ary) lisaswig.printtdi("signal-X.txt",mysignal,sec
LISA array parameters
samples requested,sampling time
Comparison with LISA Simulator
Synthetic LISALISA Simulator
TDI X (no noise), T 1 yr f 1.94 mHzinc
1.60ecliptic lat. ? 0, long. 0
Case study S/Nsfor extreme-mass ratio inspirals
Hughes-Glampedakis-Kennefick integrator(C)
output h, hx
Synthetic LISA generate A, E, T, X GW noise
time series
Matlabcompute S/Ns
  • Synthetic LISA is the package I would have wanted
    to download and use, had I not written it
  • Synthetic LISA simulates LISA fundamental noises
    and GW response at the level of science/technical
  • Synthetic LISA includes a full model of the LISA
    science process (2nd-generation TDI, laser-noise
  • Synthetic LISAs modular design allows easy
    interfacing to extended modeling and
    data-analysis applications
  • Synthetic LISA is user-friendly and extensible
    (C, Python, other scripting languages)
  • Synthetic LISA is planned for open-source release
    in Jan/Feb (NASA permitting)

Synthetic LISAsimulating time-delay
interferometryin a model LISA
  • Michele Vallisneri
  • Jet Propulsion Laboratory
  • 12/12/2003

A LISA block diagram (very high level!)
  • One Solar orbit/yr, equilateral-triangle
    configuration kept to 2
  • The triangle spins through 360/orbit
  • Motion complicates signals
  • by changing orientation of LISA plane (power
    spread through 9 bins)
  • by Doppler-shifting incoming GW signals (due to
    relative motiondominates for fgt10-3 Hz
    bandwidth (WR/c)f)
  • Motion improves sensitivity
  • to source position and polarization
  • homogeneous in the sky
  • Full model must include
  • Time dependence of arms
  • Aberration

A LISA block diagram (very high level!)
theoryranddigital filter
Nyquist f pfDt p/2
  • Proof-mass ?f/f noise six time series
  • Assume Gaussian and red baseline Sn ? 2.5 10-48
    f-2 Hz-1
  • Generate white noise n(ti) (independent Gaussian
    variates) at sampling interval ?t
  • Filter through digital integrator y(ti1)
    ay(tn) n(ti)
  • Resulting spectrum Sy(f) Sn(f)/4 sin2(pf?t)
    for ??1 (non-unit ? cuts DC)

A LISA block diagram (very high level!)
  • Optical path ?f/f noise six time series
  • Assume Gaussian and blue baseline Sn ? 1.8 10-37
    f2 Hz-1
  • Generate white noise n(ti) (independent Gaussian
    variates) at sampling interval ?t
  • Filter through digital differentiator y(ti1)
    n(ti1) - n(ti)
  • Resulting spectrum Sy(f) 4 sin2(pf?t) Sn(f)

A LISA block diagram (very high level!)
theory randdigital filter(sampling time 1 s)
  • Noise interpolation
  • The TDI observables operate on noise values at
    times specified to 30 ns
  • If noise is band limited, the exact time
    structure can be reconstructed by Fourier series
    resummation (but this requires the entire data
  • Simple linear interpolation between samples
    introduces some structure above the effective
    Nyquist frequency (of noise generation)
  • Moral generate noise (and sample TDI)
    comfortably above frequency of interest

A LISA block diagram (very high level!)
  • Laser ?f/f noise six time series
  • Assume Gaussian and white, band-limited between 1
    Hz and 10 Hz, Sn ? 1.1 10-26 Hz-1
  • To understand TDI laser-frequency-noise
    subtraction, it is crucial to model correctly the
    short-time correlation structure of the noise
  • residual n(t) n(t L est. error.) - n(t)
  • Generating white noise at fixed sampling interval
    and then interpolating overestimates this
    correlation (imposing lax requirements on
    armlength-measurement error)
  • It is also possible to generate exp(-Dt/l)
    correlated noise at arbitrary times using an
    unequal-timestep Markov process
    (Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process) this underestimates
    the real laser-noise correlation (imposing
    exacting requirements on armlength-measurement
  • A good balance can probably be found by producing
    noise with a Markov chain, followed by a digital

A LISA block diagram (very high level!)
  • For the purpose of LISA detection, plane
    gravitational waves are completely specified by
    their ecliptic coordinates (l,b) and by their
    h(t) and hx(t) time series at the solar system
  • Retardation to the LISA spacecraft is trivial
    given the plane-wave structure
  • A conventional rotation angle ?(l,b) defines the
    two GW polarizations

The Synthetic LISA package
  • ...things to do with it right now!

Class Wave Defines the position and time
evolution of a GW source SimpleBinary GW from a
physical monochromatic binary SimpleMonochromatic
simpler parametrization InterpolateMemory
interpolate user-provided buffers for h, hx ...
Class LISA Defines the LISA time-evolving
geometry (positions of spacecraft,
armlengths) OriginalLISA static configuration
with fixed (arbitrary) armlengths ModifiedLISA
stationary configuration, rotating with T1yr
different cw and ccw armlengths CircularRotating
spacecraft on circular, inclined orbits cw/ccw,
time-evolving,causal armlengths EccentricInclined
spacecraft on eccentric, inclined orbits
cw/ccw, time-evolving,causal armlengths NoisyLISA
(use with any LISA) adds white noise to
armlengths used for TDI delays ...
Generate syntheticgalactic-WD confusionbackgroun
Class TDI(LISA,Wave) Return time series of noise
and GW TDI observables (builds causal yijs
includes 1st- and 2nd-generation
observables) TDInoise demonstrates laser-noise
subtraction TDIsignal causal, validated vs. LISA
Simulator TDIfast cached for multiple GW
sources (Jeff)
Example equal-arm 1st-gen. TDI noises
equalarmlisa lisaswig.OriginalLISA(16.6782,16.67
82,16.6782) equalarmnoise lisaswig.TDInoise(eq
ualarmlisa, 1.0,2.5e-48,1.0,1.8e-37,1.0,1.1e-26,
1.0) lisaswig.printtdi("noise-X.txt",equalarmnoi
Example equal-arm 1st-gen. TDI noises
... lisaswig.printtdi("noise-a.txt",equalarmnoise,
1048576,1.0,"z") lisaswig.printtdi("noise-z.txt",
equalarmnoise,1048576,1.0,"z") lisaswig.printtdi(
Example modified-TDI subtraction
Use different LISA for noise and TDI delays
modifiedlisa lisaswig.ModifiedLISA(16.6782,16.67
82,16.6782) modifiednoise lisaswig.TDInoise(equ
1.0,2.5e-48,1.0,1.8e-37,1.0,1.1e-26,1.0e-6) lisasw
.0,"X") correctednoise lisaswig.TDInoise(modif
iedlisa, 1.0,2.5e-48,1.0,1.8e-37
,1.0,1.1e-26,1.0e-6) lisaswig.printtdi("noise-Xmc.
modifiedTDI obs
Example realistic LISA noises
For 1 yr of integration, including galactic-WD
confusion noise
short LISA (L 1.66x106 km)
baseline LISA (L 1.66x106 km)
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