Title: Network properties
1Lecture 2 Network properties
CS 790g Complex Networks
Slides are modified from Networks Theory and
Application by Lada Adamic
- What is a network?
- a bunch of nodes and edges
- How do you characterize it?
- with some basic network metrics
- Network models
3What are networks?
- Networks are collections of points joined by
Network Graph
4Network elements edges
- Directed (also called arcs)
- A -gt B
- A likes B, A gave a gift to B, A is Bs child
- Undirected
- A lt-gt B or A B
- A and B like each other
- A and B are siblings
- A and B are co-authors
- Edge attributes
- weight (e.g. frequency of communication)
- ranking (best friend, second best friend)
- type (friend, relative, co-worker)
- properties depending on the structure of the rest
of the graph e.g. betweenness
5Directed networks
- girls school dormitory dining-table partners
(Moreno, The sociometry reader, 1960) - first and second choices shown
6Edge weights can have positive or negative values
- One gene activates/ inhibits another
- One person trusting/ distrusting another
- Research challenge
- How does one propagate negative feelings in a
social network? - Is my enemys enemy my friend?
Transcription regulatory network in bakers yeast
7Adjacency matrices
- Representing edges (who is adjacent to whom) as a
matrix - Aij 1 if node i has an edge to node j 0 if
node i does not have an edge to j - Aii 0 unless the network has self-loops
- Aij Aji if the network is undirected,or if i
and j share a reciprocated edge
8Adjacency lists
- Edge list
- 2 3
- 2 4
- 3 2
- 3 4
- 4 5
- 5 2
- 5 1
- Adjacency list
- is easier to work with if network is
- large
- sparse
- quickly retrieve all neighbors for a node
- 1
- 2 3 4
- 3 2 4
- 4 5
- 5 1 2
- Node network properties
- from immediate connections
- indegreehow many directed edges (arcs) are
incident on a node - outdegreehow many directed edges (arcs)
originate at a node - degree (in or out)number of edges incident on a
10Node degree from matrix values
example outdegree for node 3 is 2, which we
obtain by summing the number of non-zero entries
in the 3rd row
example the indegree for node 3 is 1, which we
obtain by summing the number of non-zero entries
in the 3rd column
11Characterizing networksIs everything connected?
12Network metrics connected components
- Strongly connected components
- Each node within the component can be reached
from every other node in the component by
following directed links
- Strongly connected components
- B C D E
- A
- G H
- F
- Weakly connected components every node can be
reached from every other node by following links
in either direction
- Weakly connected components
- A B C D E
- G H F
- In undirected networks one talks simply about
connected components
13network metrics size of giant component
- if the largest component encompasses a
significant fraction of the graph, it is called
the giant component
- What is a network?
- a bunch of nodes and edges
- How do you characterize it?
- with some basic network metrics
- Network models
15Structural Metrics
- Degree distribution
- Average path length
- Centrality
- Betweenness
- Closeness
- Graph density
- Clustering coefficient
- Several other graph metrics exist
- Assortativity
- Modularity
16degree sequence and degree distribution
- Degree sequence An ordered list of the (in,out)
degree of each node
- In-degree sequence
- 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0
- Out-degree sequence
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0
- (undirected) degree sequence
- 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1
- Degree distribution A frequency count of the
occurrence of each degree
- In-degree distribution
- (2,3) (1,4) (0,1)
- Out-degree distribution
- (2,4) (1,3) (0,1)
- (undirected) distribution
- (3,3) (2,2) (1,3)
17Structural MetricsDegree distribution
18Characterizing networksHow far apart are things?
19Structural metrics Average path length
20Characterizing networksWho is most central?
21Centrality betweenness
- The fraction of all directed paths between any
two vertices that pass through a node
paths between j and k that pass through i
betweenness of vertex i
all paths between j and k
- Normalization
- undirected (N-1)(N-2)/2
- directed graph (N-1)(N-2) e.g.
22Centrality closeness
- How close the vertex is to others
- depends on inverse distance to other vertices
23network metrics graph density
- Of the connections that may exist between n nodes
- directed graph emax n(n-1)
- undirected graphemax n(n-1)/2
- What fraction are present?
- density e/ emax
- For example, out of 12 possible connections,
- this graph has 7, giving it a density of 7/12
0.583 - Would this measure be useful for comparing
networks of different sizes (different numbers of
24Structural MetricsClustering coefficient
- What is a network?
- a bunch of nodes and edges
- How do you characterize it?
- with some basic network metrics
- Network models
26Four structural models
- Regular networks
- Random networks
- Small-world networks
- Scale-free networks
27Regular networks fully connected
28Regular networks Lattice
29Regular networks Lattice ring world
30modeling networks random networks
- Nodes connected at random
- Number of edges incident on each node is Poisson
31Random networks
32Erdos-Renyi random graphs
- What happens to the size of the giant component
as the density of the network increases?
33Random Networks
34modeling networks small worlds
- Small worlds
- a friend of a friend is also frequently a friend
- but only six hops separate any two people in the
Arnold S. thomashawk, Flickr
35Small world models
- Duncan Watts and Steven Strogatz
- a few random links in an otherwise structured
graph make the network a small world the average
shortest path is short
regular lattice my friends friend is always my
small world mostly structured with a few
random connections
random graph all connections random
Source Watts, D.J., Strogatz, S.H.(1998)
Collective dynamics of 'small-world' networks.
Nature 393440-442.
36Watts Strogatz Small World Model
- As you rewire more and more of the links and
random, what happens to the clustering
coefficient and average shortest path relative to
their values for the regular lattice?
37Small-world networks
38Scale-free networks
39Scale-free networks
- Many real world networks contain hubs highly
connected nodes - Usually the distribution of edges is extremely
many nodes with few edges
number of nodes with so many edges
fat tail a few nodes with a very large numberof
number of edges
no typical number of edges
40But is it really a power-law?
- A power-law will appear as a straight line on a
log-log plot - A deviation from a straight line could indicate a
different distribution - exponential
- lognormal
log( nodes)
log( edges)
41Scale-free networks