Title: Chemistry 4362
1Chemistry 4362
- Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
Instructor Dr. Byron K. Christmas Class Time
Tue Thur - 529 to 649 p.m. Classroom
A-623 Phone (713) 221-8169 FAX (713)
221-8528 E-Mail ChristmasB_at_uhd.edu
- What is Inorganic Chemistry ?
- The chemistry of everything that is NOT
- The chemistry of all of the elements and their
compounds - except for the hydrocarbons and their
- The branch of chemistry falling between and
overlapping - with physical chemistry and organic chemistry.
- What Inorganic Chemists Do!
- Your Personal Definition??
3What Do Inorganic Chemists Do ?
- Synthesize and characterize substances other than
those that are clearly organic.
- Determine the structures of inorganic
- Investigate the chemical reactions of inorganic
- Investigate the physical properties of
inorganic substances.
- Develop hypotheses and theories to explain and
systematize - the empirical data collected.
4Why Should You Study Inorganic Chemistry ?
- Essentially the entire universe is Inorganic.
Elemental Composition of the Sun and the
Universe Sun Universe Hydrogen 92.5
90.87 Helium 7.3 9.08
All Others 0.2 0.05
- The Earth is predominantly Inorganic.
Elemental Composition of the Earths
Crust Oxygen 45.5 Iron 6.20 Silicon 27.2
Calcium 4.66 Aluminum 8.30 All
Others 8.14
5 Inorganic materials are an essential part of our
national economy.
- U.S. Production of Top 10 Chemicals (x 109 lb.) -
1997 - Sulfuric Acid 95.58
- Nitrogen 82.88
- Oxygen 64.84
- Ethylene 51.08
- Lime 42.56
- Ammonia 38.39
- Propylene 27.53
- Phosphoric Acid 26.83
- Ethylene Dichloride 26.29
- Sulfur 26.24
- From CEN, June 29, 1998
- Calculated from billion cubic feet at STP
6U.S. Production of Top 50 Chemicals (x 109 lb.) -
1994 Total Organics 279.17 Total
Inorganics 450.19 Grand Total 729.36
- Inorganics are essential to life.
- Water is essential for all life.
- About 30 different elements are believed to be
- essential to life - 28 in addition to carbon
and - hydrogen.
- For all practical purposes, Inorganic Chemistry
IS - chemistry - the study of the properties,
composition, and structure of matter, the
physical and chemical changes it undergoes, and
the energy liberated or absorbed during those
7Approaches to the Study of Inorganic Chemistry
- Empirical Approach (Descriptive Chemistry)
- Historically this was the way it was taught.
- It involves essentially all memorization.
- It is necessary for a complete understanding of
- Theoretical Approach
- It provides a framework for understanding the
why of - descriptive chemistry.
- It can provide intellectual satisfaction.
- It is limited in its ability to give
explanations for all - observed phenomena.
- It has dominated the teaching of Inorganic
Chemistry - for about 25 years.
8- Industrial Applications Approach
- Few schools other than chemical engineering
- programs have used this approach.
- It is of great practical importance for
students - preparing for industry.
- It is of limited utility in preparing for
graduate - work in chemistry.
- Balanced Approach
- Provides a balance among all approaches.
- Applicable to survey-type course.
- Useful for either graduate school or industry
- preparation.
- Used in THIS COURSE!!
9Course Overview
- Theoretical Concepts
- Atomic Structure the Periodic Table
- Properties of the Elements
- Introduction to Chemical Bonding
- The Ionic Bond
- The Covalent Bond
- The Metallic Bond
- Intermolecular Attractive Forces
- Thermodynamics
- Acids and Bases
- Oxidation/Reduction
- Descriptive Chemistry and Industrial Applications