Title: Creating Excellence Through People
1Creating Excellence Through People
Michael R. Perlson, Ph.D.
HTBC April 14, 2004
2Michael R. Perlson, Ph.D.
- Over 30 years of organizational development
experience - Conducted over 2000 executive assessments
- PHD Industrial Psychology Purdue University
- Licensed New York State psychologist
3Michael R. Perlson, Ph.D.
- Clients
- The American Red Cross, Blue Cross and Blue
Shield, Corning Inc.,Dupont, Eastman Kodak,
Flextek Components, General Signal, Illinois Tool
Works, ITT, Klein Steel, Mobil Chemical Company,
Park Ridge Hospital, Rochester Area Association
of Homes Services for the Aging and Sundstrand
4Creating Excellence Through People
- Success is an event, but excellence is a way of
life - Creating excellence is a social process
- Creating a clear, shared vision is a prime
function of effective leadership
5Creating Excellence Through People
- Vigor is the power to act with integrity
toward a mission -
- Leadership is an art
- Learn to say, no
- The cost of complexity
6Creating Excellence Through People
- For customers, the quest for self-importance
is at least as important as the quest for value. - The keys to improvement are to do things
differently and to do less rather than more -
7Creating Excellence Through People
- Applying Paretos Law
- Simplification through elimination of
unprofitable activity - Focusing on a few key drivers of improvement
- Performance comparisons between winners and
8Creating Excellence Through People
- Focus x Passion RESULTS!
- Mission Statements
- Market Segmentation
- In-lining
9Creating Excellence Through People
- Measurable Targets
- Team Building
- Training
- Trinkets
10Creating Excellence Through People
- Create a Champion
- Create a positive self-fulfilling prophesy
11Michael R. Perlson, Ph.D.
HTBC April 14, 2004
12Michael R. Perlson, Ph.D.
- Perlson Associates
- Phone 585.388.5212
- Email perlson_at_frontiernet.net
- www.riverviewassociates.com