Title: HP200, Clarkson University Community Outreach Programs
1HP200, Clarkson University Community Outreach
Programs Partnerships
- Honors Program
- Fall 2003 Sophomore-Level
- Contemporary Problem Course
- The presentation is on the Web at
- http//www.clarkson.edu/gravande/hp200
2Course Objectives
- To give students experience with working as part
of a multidisciplinary team to address a real
clients needs - To produce recommendations about community
outreach programs partnerships that will be
useful to Clarkson decision makers
3Clients Stated Need
- That Clarkson will achieve its vision re
community affairs - The community will benefit from students,
professors and staff using their skills, talents,
and knowledge in partnerships with local
organizations to resolve community issues - Students will benefit, personally and
professionally, from participating in these
community partnerships
4Problem Definition
- Examine Clarksons current community partnerships
in selected sectors - Examine community needs
- Identify specific opportunities for future
outreach programs partnerships - Identify and prioritize issues that need to be
resolved to facilitate expansion of Clarksons
outreach programs partnerships
5Community Sectors Examined
- Non-Profit Organizations
- Business
- Education
- Health/Medical Community
- Local Government
- Plus an intergroup to develop general
6Clarkson and the Non-Profit Community
- Presented by Ken Crawford and Michael Gumuka
- Group Members
- Kimberly Anderson
- Timothy Deschenes
- Hope Matis
- Justin Ricci
- Justin Slaby
- Rae Ware
- Advisor Stub Estey
7Current State of Affairs
- Clarkson is currently involved with the community
in the following ways - County Connection
- GIVE Fair
- Forensics Lab
- TC120 class
- Professor Johnsons classes
- American Red Cross emergency shelters
- Psychology department internships
8Getting Started
- Criteria for a potential partnership
- Must be some sort of reward for Clarkson,
students, and the non-profit group - Should not hurt other community groups
- Preferable something Clarkson students can apply
their technical skills to - Two organizations chosen as having serious
potential American Red Cross and United Way
9Red Cross Possibilities
- Damage Assessment
- Building Shelters after a natural disaster
- Stone Hospital Sackets Harbor Preservation
- One year Americorps internship
United Way Possibilities
- Short term special project internships
- Computer donations
- Software tutorials
10United Way Partnership
- Computer Tutorial Sessions
- This partnership would involve Clarkson students
developing and running workshops based on
computer programs for local non-profit groups - These groups would be referred to the students
through United Way
11Basic Overview of the Program
- Extracurricular Activity under the OCCC
- Memo of Understanding
- Lead by volunteer professor
- Students must apply
- Seminars designed and run by students
- Forfeit fee
- Non-profits evaluate students at end of workshop
- United Way recruits non-profits, OCCC schedules
the classes
12Incentives for Participation in this Program
- For United Way
- For Students
- For Clarkson University
- This program would meet the vast majority of
points made within the Mission and Vision
statements provided for this course at the
beginning of the semester - Thank you very much!
14Business Group Melinda Au Sigmund
Ausfresser Andy Fox Sarah Morris Kirstin
Schillemat Joshua Smith Kyle Zess
- Discuss current state/partnerships of Clarkson
- Analyze other universities programs
- Recommendations
- Questions?/Comments
Clarkson Purchasing Student Purchasing
Communication/Perception Yesterdays Door Prizebuzz Public Bidding Communication Student wants Student Studies/surveys Ethnic/Cultural Cases
Local Resources Environmental co-op Farmer in Copenhagen Advertising Signs/Flyers
Current Program Trader Current Programs Monthly Flyer Old Studies
Other University Programs Open forums Buying local produce Other Universities Programs Open Forums
17Retail Purchasing - Recommendation
- Marketing class/Work Study
- Student surveys
- Result analysis
- Maintaining public website
- Open forums
- Convenience store
- Local Produce
18Economic Development
19CU Intellectual Property
Tech. Application Tech. Transfer
Issue Clarkson weakly publicizes available intellectual property Issue Clarkson tech. has limited impact on local businesses
Recommendation Office of Technology Transfer Recommendation Support business incubation
Other University Programs Common, easily accessible Other University Programs RPI Technology Park
Benefits Foundation of more ambitious programs, better communication Benefits To University, students, local businesses and economy
- Purchasing
- Clarkson refocus on local purchases
- Develop marketing class
- Economic Development / IP
- Central tech. transfer office
- Increased support for new businesses
- Communication / Publicity
21Clarkson North Country Partnership
InitiativeEducation Sector
- Akua Amoah
- Lynda Buechel
- Josh Harwood
- Jeff Meadows
- Jonathan McGeoch
Danielle Petko Adam Searleman David Swan Marianna
22Steps Taken
- Current educational partnerships
- Community needs
- Brainstormed
- Evaluated feasibility
- Feedback
- Selected ideas
23Selection Criteria
- Flexibility
- Inclusiveness
- Low Cost
- Sustainability
- Mutually Beneficial
- Minimal Administrative Resources
24Science Fair
- Structure
- Variable ages and topics
- Business sponsors
- Clarkson students as mentors
- Feedback
- High enthusiasm
- Transportation concerns
- Teacher involvement
- Implementation
- Possibly housed by Educational Outreach
- Student coordinators
- Challenges
- Start-up issues
- Campus involvement
- Improved community image
- Cultivate interest in the sciences
- Recruitment
- Student mentors gain leadership experience
- Cultivate interest in the sciences
- Provides project-based learning and research
opportunities - Area-wide science fair
- Open to all students
26Clarkson Courses For High School Students
- Implementation
- Students fill empty lecture seats
- Student selection criteria
- Challenges
- Scheduling
- Transportation
- Insurance and liability
- Possible structures
- Students come to Clarkson
- Courses taught at high schools
- Distance learning
- Feedback
- Students should come to Clarkson
- Minimal or no cost
- Recruiting tool
- Liberal Arts courses gain insights from another
age genre - Improves Clarksons image in the community
- College experience
- Intensive labs
- Accommodates high school schedules
- Students receive college credit
28Concluding Points
- Science Fair
- Multi-age, annual event
- Student and faculty mentoring
- Improves Clarksons image
- Clarkson Courses
- Enhances H.S. education in North Country
- Showcases Clarksons facilities
- Powerful recruitment tool
29Clarkson University and the Medical Community
- Presented by
- Peter Bird
- David Bogdan
Team Members
Peter Bird David Bogdan Lindsay Emerson Daniel
Halimatu Mohammed Christopher Mundy Christa
Rideout Stephen Williams
- To evaluate Clarksons current involvement in the
medical sector - To determine the needs of the medical community
- To identify areas of need that are not being met
by current programs - To design a mutually beneficial sample
partnership between Clarkson and the medical
31Community Needs
- Volunteers
- Students helping out in the ER at night on the
weekend - Health fairs and blood drives
- Resources
- Funding for education programs in nutrition
- Telemedicine program
32Proposed PartnershipCenter for Grant Writing
- Purpose
- To give local organizations support in applying
for financial grants - To improve the professional writing skills of
Clarksons students - To increase the service learning opportunities
available to students and faculty
33Instruction Mechanism
- Program
- Seminars, workshops, and independent study
projects - Personnel
- Students, faculty, staff, administrative
assistants - Community participation
34Institutional Structure
- Housed in the Technical Communications
Department, and Center for Excellence in
Communication - Grant Writing Center would coordinate all related
35Programs at Comparable Universities
- Internet resources
- Many schools have online guides to writing
proposals - Many schools simply have writing centers
- Only offer help to faculty and students
- Library resources on grants
- University of Wisconsin has a department in its
library that maintains a collection of available
grants - The library also offers several seminars on
finding grants - Merwin Rural Services Institute
- Part of SUNY Potsdam, offers several seminars on
finding/obtaining grants
- One of the medical communitys greatest needs is
funding - A grant proposal writing center could help
provide funding to both the community and to the
school - Students could gain valuable technical writing
skills and practical experience - Clarkson could gain a reputation in the community
for this unique program
37HP200 Government Group
Andrea Fischer Chris Folts David Kopp Norm
Marshall Mike Ronan Romana Semouchtchak
Picture is from http//www.potsdam.ny.us/econ/cont
- Government Partnering Opportunities
- Recreation Enhancement Programs
- Government Service Center
- Organizational Coordinating Office
- Concerning Issues
39Recreational Proposal
- Recreational
- Enhancements
- Options
- Educational Opportunities
- 1989 EQBA Grant
- Current Projects
The picture was found on www.northcountrynow.com
40Government Service Center Proposal
- Information Flow
- Short Term Projects
- Internship Potentials
- Long Term Projects
- Funding
- Participation
- Faculty
- Students
- Community
- Legal
- Continuity
- Real World Experience for Students
- Efforts benefit community
Living together, working together, learning
The picture was found on www.northcountrynow.com
43HP200 Intergroup November 21, 2003 Joshua
Harwood Norman Marshall Hope Matis Jeffery
Meadows Christa Rideout Michael Ronan Kyle Zess
- Identify issues common to all groups
- Discuss possible solutions
- Combine 5 groups into overall picture of
Clarkson University - Focus on clearing-house
- The mission of the Clarkson-Community Connection
Office (CCCO) is to provide a single link between
Clarkson University resources and community
- Website and e-mail address
- Phone number
- Brochure
- Newsletter?
- Staff
- Location
- Advertising
- Coordinating community requests with proper
University service - Organization of contact events
- Representatives
48Primary Staff Individual
- Database
- Secretary
- Relay
- Contact point
- Report to University
- This office will act as a liaison between
Clarkson University and surrounding
organizations, as well as facilitating contact
between existing groups and programs on campus.
We envision our students gaining valuable
real-world experience through their activities,
and a marked improvement in the image and
involvement of Clarkson University in the local
50Faculty Mentor Team
- Jerry Gravander (Liberal Arts) Team Mentor
- Co-Coordinator
- Jeff Chiarenzelli (Geology) Team Mentor
- Stub Estey (Shipley Center) Team Mentor
Co-Coordinator - Tom Ortmeyer (Engineering) Team Mentor
51HP200, Clarkson University Community Outreach
Programs Partnerships
- Honors Program
- Fall 2003 Sophomore-Level
- Contemporary Problem Course
- The presentation is on the Web at
- http//www.clarkson.edu/gravande/hp200