Title: Distributed Systems: Security
1Distributed SystemsSecurity
- CS 654Lecture 20November 29, 2006
2Noncomputer-Based Distributed Systems
- This is the Clayton Tunnel in 1841 in England.
- A two-way tunnel.
- At each entrance is a semaphore system that flips
red when a train passes. It must be manually
reset to green. - Before manual reset, the signal man must make
sure that the train has exited. - Only one train allowed per track in the tunnel.
- A telegraph, with a fixed set of 3 messages was
HAS-THE-TRAIN-LEFT-THE-TUNNEL? - In case the semaphore failed, the signal man had
red and white flags for manual signalling.
3Noncomputer-Based Distributed Systems
- Normal
- A train enters, flips the semaphore signal red.
- Signal man A sends TRAIN-IN-TUNNEL.
- When train exists, opposite signal man B sends
TUNNEL-IS-CLEAR. - Signal man A manually resets the signal to green.
- Semaphore failure
- A train enters, semaphore fails to flip, alarm
rings. - Signal man A sends TRAIN-IN-TUNNEL.
- Signal man A then manually raises a red flag.
- When train exists, opposite signal man B sends
TUNNEL-IS-CLEAR. - Signal man A changes red flag to white flag.
- Should 2 and 3 be reversed?
- Weaknesses?
- What happens if the train has exited by the time
the TRAIN-IN-TUNNEL message is sent? - How far apart do trains need to be? What happens
if they are too close?
4- On August 25th, 1861
- Three trains left Brighton at 828, 831, and
835, due to late running of the first train. - The first train entered the tunnel, but the
semaphore failed to flip to red. - The signal man A telegraphed TRAIN-IN-TUNNEL.
- He went to manually raise a red flag, but was too
slow, due to the trains being too close together. - The second train barely catches a glimpse of the
red flag as he passes by, but cant stop in time
and enters the tunnel. He stops in the middle of
the tunnel and begins to back up. - The third train sees the red flag in time, and
stops before entering. - The signal man A now telegraphs TRAIN-IN-TUNNEL,
to indicate that there are two trains in the
tunnel. - Signal man A now asks, HAS-THE-TRAIN-LEFT-THE-TUNN
EL? - What should signal man B do now?
- Signal man B, after the first train has left,
responds TUNNEL-IS-CLEAR, thinking A meant the
first train. - Signal man A thinks B meant the second train, and
changes the flag to white. - The third train enters the tunnel.
- 21 people died, 176 were injured. Whose fault was
6Security Threats, Policies, and Mechanisms
- Can a secure system be undependable? Can
dependable system be insecure? - Confidentialty, integrity?
- Types of security threats to consider?
- Interception
- Interruption
- Modification
- Fabrication
- What is the difference between security policy
and security mechanism? - Change passwords every month?
- Important mechanisms
- Encryption
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Auditing
7The Globus Security Policy
- The environment consists of multiple
administrative domains. - Local operations are subject to a local domain
security policy only. - Global operations require the initiator to be
known in each domain where the operation is
carried out. - Global authentication replaces local
authentication. - Operations between entities in different domains
require mutual authentication. - Controlling access to resources is subject to
local security only. - Users can delegate rights to processes.
- A group of processes in the same domain can share
- Globus focuses on cross-domain.
- In another domain, it is necessary to have some
representative. - User proxies Process that acts on behalf of an
agent. - Resource proxies Process that translates global
operations into local operations. User proxies
talk to resource proxies.
9(No Transcript)
10Design Issues
- Focus of Control (where do you put your
perimeter). - Layering (where do you put your security layer)
11Focus of Control
- Protection against invalid operations, protection
against unauthorized invocations, protection
against unauthorized users.
12Layering of Security Mechanisms
- Where do you put your security?
- This depends on trust.
- Suppose you are calling your mom? Would you be
happy if someone was listening in? Who are you
trusting? - Do you encrypt your e-mail? Who are you trusting?
- Suppose you were sending an e-mail that was a
matter of life or death.
13Layering of Security Mechanisms
- Several sites connected through a wide-area
backbone service. - Alice wants to send a message to Bob at a
different site. - Does she trust the system admins? If not, what
does she do?
- Implicit in many security systems is the notion
of trust, and trust chaining. - Suppose you meet a strange A, and A asks to
borrow money. Do you loan it to him? - Suppose B says A is trustworthy?
- Suppose C says B is trustworthy?
- Suppose you trust C?
- Ultimately, you have to trust someone. A trusted
computer system can be built by using similar
kinds of chaining mechanisms. But you want to
keep the trust base as small as possible.
15Distribution of Security Mechanisms
- Figure 9-5. The principle of RISSC as applied to
secure distributed systems.
16Cryptography Terminology
- CEk(P), PDk(C)
- Three different kinds of attacks intercept,
modify, insert. - Are there situations where just knowing there are
messages tells you something?
17Symmetric vs. Asymmetric
- Symmetric (secret key, shared key) Same key is
used both to encrypt and decrypt. - P DK(EK(P))
- KA,B means a key shared by A and B.
- Asymmetric (public-key) Different key is used to
encrypt and decrypt. - P DKD(EKD(P))
- Notation KA is public key of A and K-A is
private key of A. - How do I send something using secret-key?
Private-key? - Which is better?
18Hash Functions (Message Digests)
- Hash function takes any length message and
produces a fixed-length bit string - h H(m)
- What are these used for?
- Fingerprinting Make sure two messages are
identical. - Alice sends Bob a plaintext document over a
high-bandwidth insecure channel. She does not
care if others read it, but she does want to make
sure that no one modifies it. She also has a
low-bandwidth secure channel she could use (phone
call). - How can she use a hash function?
- What properties are desirable?
- One-way functions
- Weak collision resistance
- Strong collision resistance
- What is the difference between hash functions and
19Symmetric DES
- It is fast.
- Also there is Triple DES.
20Symmetric Cryptosystems DES (1)
- Figure 9-8. (a) The
- principle of DES.
21Symmetric Cryptosystems DES (2)
- Figure 9-8. (b) Outline of
- one encryption round.
22Symmetric Cryptosystems DES (3)
- Figure 9-9. Details of per-round key generation
in DES.
23Public-Key Cryptosystems RSA
- Generating the private and public keys requires
four steps - Choose two very large prime numbers, p and q.
- Compute n p q and z (p - 1) (q - 1).
- Choose a number d that is relatively prime to z.
- Compute the number e such that e d 1 mod z.
- To encrypt a message, divide into blocks such
that m lt n. - Encrypt c me (mod n).
- Decrypt m cd (mod n).
- RSA is about 100-1000 times slower.
24Hash Functions MD5 (1)
- Figure 9-10. The structure of MD5.
25Hash Functions MD5 (2)
- Figure 9-11. The 16 iterations during the first
round in a phase in MD5.
26Secure Channels
27Authentication and Authorization
- How to make communications secure?
- Are you who you say you are?
- How to find out whether or not you authorized to
do what you want to do?
- Can you have authentication without message
integrity? - I know that Bob sent the message, but someone may
have tampered with it. - I know that no one tampered with it, but I dont
know whether or not it was really Bob that sent
29Shared Secret Key Authentication
- Suppose Alice and Bob share a secret key. How can
they setup a secure channel over an insecure
30- Alice sends her identity to Bob.
- Bob sends a challenge (random number?).
- Alice must encrypt and return.
- Alice then sends a challenge to Bob.
- Bob must encrypt and return.
31An Optimization
- Authentication based on a shared secret key, but
using three instead of five messages.
32Attack Attempt
- Chuck tries to set pretend to be Alice.
- He sends the initial message to Bob.
- Bob responds with the encrypted challenge, but
then his own challenge. - Chuck cannot properly respond to the challenge
because he doesnt have the key.
33Reflection Attack
- Moral, never encrypt anything without knowing who
you are encrypting it for.
34Key Distribution Centers
- If there are N parties using shared secret keys,
how many keys are needed? - Alternative is to use a KDC. It has a shared key
with every host. - Does the KDC need to be trusted?
35Key Distribution Centers
- Disadvantage is that Bob has to get into the loop
first. - Solutions?
- Using a ticket and letting Alice set up a
connection to Bob.
37Authentication Using a Key Distribution Center
- Figure 9-17. The Needham-Schroeder authentication
38Authentication Using a Key Distribution Center
- Figure 9-18. Protection against malicious reuse
of a previously generated session key in the
Needham-Schroeder protocol.
39Authentication Using Public Key Cryptography
- What could happen if KB is fake?