Title: Orangutan Pee Collector
1Orangutan Pee Collector
- By
- Candace Cortez
- Edward Vasquez
2Who are they?
- Biological anthropologist study what makes us
human. Biological anthropologists are
particularly interested in investigating how
people have adapted, both physiologically and
psychologically, to the environments in which
they live or in which their ancestors evolved.
3Reason of Their Study
- Orangutan interbirth intervals and female
hormonal functioning Hormonal, behavioral and
energetic differences between males maturism
Juvenile development, dependency and learning Sex
differences in feeding behavior, nutritional
intake cultural behaviors habitat use and
energetics social organization.
Cheryl Knott
4OrangutanStudy Takes Place
- Gunung Palung National Park, West Kalimantan,
Indonesia, between April and September.
5Degree Plan
Anthropology 1415 Primate Evolutionary Ecology
Research Seminar Anthropology 1380 The
Behavioral Biology of WomenAnthropology 2440
Geographical Variation in Primate
EcologyAnthropology 2350ar Laboratory Methods
in Primate and Human Nutrition IAnthropology
2350br Laboratory Methods in Primate and Human
Nutrition IIAnthropology 2390ar Advanced
Laboratory Methods in Primate Endocrinology
IAnthropology 2390br Advanced Laboratory
Methods in Primate Endocrinology IIAnthropology
320 Advanced Physical Anthropology Laboratory
and ThesesAnthropology 340 Reading and Research
6Jobs Open to Anthropologists
- Professional biological anthropologists, science
journalists, museum curators, forensic
scientists, rescue archaeologists, business and
the Civil Service.