Title: Information Sciences and Systems Lab
1Information Sciences and Systems Lab
Energy-Efficient Distributed Detection
Introduction Our research lies in the interface
of communications, signal processing (computing)
and networking. Sponsored by National Science
Foundation, our recent work focuses on
distributed and collaborative information
processing and crosslayer design (with a physical
layer emphasis) in wireless ad hoc and sensor
networks, and associated information-theoretic
and computation-theoretic analysis.
Virtual MIMO Communications in Wireless Networks
- Distributed Detection Via Multihop Fusion
- Significant energy reduction compared with
direct transmission - Multihop forwarding
- Histogram Fusion
- Multihop Log-likelihood Ratio (LLR) Fusion
- Joint optimization of fusion rules and
transmission structure - LLR fusion performs best.
- Nodes in close proximity can cooperate in
transmission to form a virtual MIMO system - Virtual MIMO reduces the energy consumption for
the same throughput and BER target
Communications - Relay/Cooperative diversity -
Virtual MIMO - Distributed source coding --
Information spreading
- Determination of the optimal transmission
strategy depends on many interacting factors
- Distributed Detection With A Multiple Access
Channel - MAC fusion achieves centralized performance
asymptotically with a properly designed local
mapping rule. - Better bandwidth efficiency and detection
performance than PAC (Parallel Access Channel)
Signal Processing - Detection and estimation -
Localization and tracking - Statistical
inference - Distributed computation
Networking - Belief propagation - Network
coding - Clustering - Geographic routing
Error rate for detection of a sinusoid signal in
correlated Gaussian noise
Accelerating Distributed Consensus
Optimal Throughput and Energy Efficiency for
Sensor Networks A Crosslayer Study
Dynamic Self-Calibration in Wireless Networks A
Belief Propagation Approach
- We investigate distributed algorithms leading to
faster computation of aggregate functions of node
values - Cluster-based Solutions
- A cluster acts as an entity and information
exchange among clusters - Faster convergence due to better connectivity
- Less communication burden
- Belief propagation is a general class of
distributed message-passing algorithms, intended
to solve the NP-hard probabilistic inference
- Its application in wireless networks requires a
reverse thinking, intended to serve as a general
framework for collaborative information
processing and dissemination - Particle filtering can be exploited for
efficient message composition, processing and
transmission in practice
- For given MAC schemes and detectors, we optimize
average number of transmissions per slot and the
transmission power for - Throughput Maximization
- Throughput-constrained Energy Minimization
For more information, contact Dr. Huaiyu Dai
2108 Engr Bldg II Phone 919-513-0299
Email Huaiyu_Dai AT ncsu.edu
- Nonreversible Random Walk Based Solutions
- Known schemes are based on reversible chains
- We propose a Location-aided Distributed
Averaging (LADA) algorithm based on nonreversible
chains - Node classifies neighbors by their relative
locations - Converges substantially faster than known