Title: The Science of Snowtubing
1The Science of Snowtubing
Try a Science Day Field Trip To
- Sunburst Snow Tubing and Recreation Park
2What a fun way to study
AND . . .
Have time for some exciting snow tubing down a
ten story drop!
3Teacher Packets Include
- Pre-trip Preparation
- Student Dress
- Suggested Lab Sizes
- Safety Instructions
- Organizational Suggestions
- Pre-trip Labs
- On the Bus Activities
4Teacher Packets continued . . .
- Sunburst Equipment List
- Almost all of the equipment is supplied
- Students should bring pencils and note pads
- Attitudes
- Develop a positive attitude of the Physical
Sciences - Bridge the gap between school work and life
experience - Develop team participation
Learning Goals Cognitive Goals Work, Power,
Force, Kinematics Friction, Energy, Speed,
Acceleration Graphing and Right Angle Trig
- Specific Formula Key Inclusive
- US to Metric Conversions
- Coefficient of Friction
- Instantaneous Speed
- Potential Energy
- Kinetic Energy
- Work
- Power
5Student Packets Include
Suggested Lab Measurements
- On the Bus
- Acceleration
- Frames of Reference
Lab Zones at Sunburst
- Figure coasting distance
- Mass of Student
- Mass of Tube
- Various Surface Materials
- Class Activity
- Acceleration
- Time versus Distance
- (entire slope)
- Angle Finders and Trig
- Potential Energy
- Kinetic Energy
6Teachers, What educational advantage is there
for the student to travel significant distances
and slide down a hill on a tube? The ideal
laboratory allows students an opportunity to not
only witness the laws of physics in operation,
but also feel them. Tubing down the hill at
Sunburst is fun but also allows students to feel
physics first hand and to study what is
happening. Students may quantify their results
or you may have them simply describe what they
experienced with your Guidance. To quantify
their experiences, only simple equipment is
needed. Much of the equipment will be Furnished
by Sunburst. Using this equipment to gather the
necessary data will allow the calculation of the
following Average speed, instantaneous speed,
force of friction, coefficient of friction,
potential energy, kinetic energy, Work and power.
Unlike their textbooks, little data is given
but must be collected by the students.
7The 3 hour field trip includes tube rentals, the
lift rides up, most of the equipment needed for
the experiments and all the fun you can muster
going down any of the twelve chutes!!
Reservations required!! Minimum of 50
participants exists Please call if you have a
smaller group, we may be able to combine your
group with another to meet the minimum required.
Available weekdays ONLY from 1000 a.m. until
400 p.m.
Contact the group office for more details and
dont forget to ask about our lunch options for
your group!!
262-626-8404 or email at groups_at_skisunburst.com
Reserve your day trip today!!