Title: Imaging Poliovirus Entry in Live Cells
1Imaging Poliovirus Entry in Live Cells
- Brandenburg et al PLoS Biology 2007
Purpose To chacterize early stages of poliovirus
infection in living cells. How does virus enter
the cell, and where is RNA released? Method
Fluorescent labelling.
2Poliovirus (PV)
- Simple model system
- Infection pathway?
- Difficult to characterize virus entry pathways.
- Dual-labeled PV
- RNA Syto82 (55-65), green, RNA unfolding
reduces signal - Kapsel Cy5 (100), red
- 300-400 virus particles per cell 1 pfu/cell
- Live-cell fluorescence microscopy
- Human cells (HeLa S3)
4RNA release is efficient
5RNA is released near cell membrane
TIRF Total internal reflection fluorescence
microscopy. Isolates nearest 100-200 nm.
6Virus is internalized before RNA release
pH-sensitive dye No fluorescence at pHgt9 Living
cells maintain constant pH gt only PV outside
cells are pH-sensitive
7Neutral red-dependent infectious center (NRIC)
R78206 blocks RNA release. Brefeldin A Blocks
RNA replication during later stages.
8RNA release is ATP dependent
NaAz and deoxyglucose depletes cells of ATP
9RNA release depends on actin
Nocodazole Inhibits microtubule-dependent
10Which endocytic mechanism is used by PV?
11Endocytosis depends on tyrosine kinases
- RNA release is rapid and efficient
- RNA release takes place after internalization,
and near the cell membrane - RNA release depends on temperature, energy (ATP),
actin and tyrosine kinases
13Model of PV entry