Title: Cell MicroManipulation and Nanoscale Probing Techniques
1Cell Micro-Manipulation and Nanoscale Probing
- Terrence Dobrowsky
- February 12, 2007
- IGERT/HHMI Journal Club
2Different Experimental Techniques and Mechanical
Models for Cells
- Method used to observe will dictate response
- Experimental observations lead to different
models - Linking mechanical signals to biological signals
- How cells mechanically respond under physical
Lim, CT. et al. Journal of Biomechanics, 39.
3Different Experimental Techniques and Mechanical
Models for Cells
Lim, CT. et al. Journal of Biomechanics, 39.
4Optical TrappingA Hands Off Manipulation of Cells
- Trapping a particle in the focal point of a
single beam of light - Implications for biological applications apparent
from the beginning - Discussion Focused Topics
- Modifications necessary for adaptation to live
cell technique
Ashkin, A. et al. Optic Letters, 11.5, 1986
5Optical TrappingA Hands Off Manipulation of Cells
- Varying levels of complication
- Newtonian explanation
Ulanowski, ZJ, et al. New Physics. 2006
6Optical TrappingA Hands Off Manipulation of Cells
- Experimental Setup
- Objective used to converge laser
- External lens on 3D mount
- Leveled beam splitters and blocking filters
Askin, A. et al. Letters To Nature, vol. 330,
769. 1987
7Atomic Force MicroscopyMultiple Levels of
- Multiple applications for cellular probing
- Classical, Imaging live and fixed cells for a
total 3D representation of adherent cellular
structure - Cellular Elastography, Measuring the local
viscoelastic properties of live cells - Molecular Force Probe, Measuring the dissociation
kinetics of surface receptors through single
molecule manipulation
8Atomic Force MicroscopyMultiple Levels of
- AFM Basic Setup and principles
- Surface mediated cantilever deflection
- Photodetector measuring reflected laser
displacement - Measure surface deformation with 10pm resolution
Panorchan, P. et al. Journal of Cell Science,
119. 2006
9Atomic Force MicroscopyMultiple Levels of
- AFM Cantilevers tips are equipped with a specific
geometry for function
Costa, KD. Disease Markers, 19. 2003, 2004
10Atomic Force MicroscopyMultiple Levels of
- Viscoelastic studies using AFM probing techniques
- Quantifying local cellular elastic properties
with regard to the cytoskeleton
Costa, KD. Disease Markers, 19. 2003, 2004
11Molecular Force ProbeAFM without the Microscopy
- Functionalizing Cantilevers as a live biological
substrate - Receptor binding in native environment observed
- Theoretical models are used to extract unstressed
kinetic values - Bells Model
Panorchan, P. et al. Journal of Cell Science,
119. 2006
12Quantum DotsAs Applied to Biological Problems
- Unique optical and spectroscopic properties
- Broad adsorption
- Narrow/Tunable emission
- Photobleaching resistance
- Long Luminescent lifetimes
Zhou, M. et al. Biopolymers. Dec. 2006
13Quantum DotsAs Applied to Biological Problems
- Hydrophobic inorganic surfactants
- Stepped through
- Maintaining optical yield while producing
hydrophilic surface - Loss of stability, releasing heavy atoms into
medium - Recently, di-block copolymers used
Zhou, M. et al. Biopolymers. Dec. 2006
14Quantum DotsAs Applied to Biological Problems
- Examples of current QD uses in biology
Zhou, M. et al. Biopolymers. Dec. 2006
15Quantum DotsAs Applied to Biological Problems
Zhou, M. et al. Biopolymers. Dec. 2006
- RGD peptide Tumor related Integrin Antagonist
16Multiple-Particle-Tracking Microrheology
- Operates with understanding that physical contact
alters mechanical properties of cells and cannot
be used to measure those properties - In Vivo assay using nanoparticles to observe
cellular elasticity and diffusion within cytoplasm
17Multiple-Particle-Tracking Microrheology
- Upstream introduction before egg development
- Downstream analysis during cellular division
Daniels, B. et al. Biophysical Journal, 90. 2006
18What We Cant Measureand How It is Always Present
Everett, WN, et al. Biophysical Journal, 92. 2007
Fernandez, GE. et al. Langmuir, 23. 2007
- There are several methods to manipulate and probe
cellular characteristics - Models are developed through those assays
- Application of assays not originally designed for
biological applications may hold the most promise - Quantitative values for comparison
- By observing we alter the sample, how ever
delicate we may be