Title: Earthquakes and California Tectonics
1Earthquakes and California Tectonics
- Chapman University ESCU 234
- Online Course
2Lecture 1 A Brief History of Earthquakes and
- In the last 500 years, more than 7 million people
have died from earthquakes and many more have
seen their food sources and local economies
destroyed - In the 20th century alone, earthquakes have
caused over 50 of deaths caused by natural
disasters - The hazard that earthquakes present to a growing
population is often the primary concern of
scientists and engineers
3Yet earthquakes have also proven to be a great
source of geologic knowledge - structure of
earths interior - composition of earths
Seismology, the scientific study of earthquakes,
is an extraordinarily young science only about
100 years. Although people have speculated about
the causes of earthquakes for 1,000s of years.
4The Earliest Records
- The oldest written records of earthquakes have
been traced back to 1831 B.C. in the Shandong
Province of China. The record states merely of
the shaking of Taishan Mountain. - But the record is fairly complete only from 780
B.C. - Some historical reports are so detailed that from
them, modern studies have been able to establish
the distribution of damage and the size of the
- On September 2, 1679, the greatest known
earthquake near Beijing, China, was mentioned in
the records of 121 cities. When modern
researchers compared the descriptions of building
damage, ground cracks and other features near the
source together with reports of shaking, with
recent earthquakes, they concluded it was similar
to the 1906 San Francisco earthquake (magnitude
7.9). - Despite their careful documentation, Chinese
scholars were unable to achieve any insight into
the causes of the catastrophic ground shaking
- It was thought that earthquakes and other
natural disasters were caused by supernatural
forces such as the Namazu.
6Early Greek Ideas
- Thales 580 B.C. believed that movements of water
produced earthquakes - Anaximenes 526 B.C. believed that Earths
interior was hollow and rocks falling in the
interior would strike other rocks causing
vibrations - Anaxagoras 426 B.C. viewed fire as the cause of
at least some earthquakes - Seneca A.D. 63 believed that earthquakes were
caused by air finding its way into underground
7Aristotle 384-322 B.C.
- Like many of his contemporaries was convinced of
a central fire inside the earth. The fire
would rise and if obstructed would burst
violently causing vibrations and noise - A later modification suggested that these
subterranean fires would burn away supports of
the outer parts of the Earth. The ensuing
collapse would create earthquakes. - Although incorrect, his ideas were widely
accepted until the 18th century. - Other important observations of Aristotle
- Different types of quakes based on shaking was
mainly vertical or diagonal - Whether quake was associated with vapors
- Places where subsoil is poor are shaken more
because of the large amount of wind they absorb
8Modern Enlightenment
A new era dawned in the 18th century under the
influence of Sir Isaac Newtons writings of waves
and mechanics. His laws of motion provided the
physical theory needed to explain earthquake
Sir Isaac Newton
- 1750 is often referred to as the year of the
earthquakes because London, England was jolted
by earthquakes several times. Still and many
writers showed, earthquakes were usually believed
to caused by either supernatural causes or causes
hypothesized by the Greek scholars of long ago.
In fact, a writer in a scientific journal
apologized to those who are apt to be offended
by any attempts to give a natural account of
9The Lisbon Earthquake of 1755
- The scientific study of earthquakes received an
important boost in 1755 when a disastrous
earthquake struck in the Atlantic Ocean, several
hundred kilometers south-southwest of Portugal on
November 1st. - 60,000 residents of Lisbon were killed
- ocean waves 30-40 above high tide level swamped
the city - fires burned for 3 days
10- The Lisbon earthquake of 1755 was a major source
of inspiration for one of the first modern
Fathers of Seismology, the British engineer
John Michell (1724-1793). In his description of
the earthquake written in 1760, he classified two
types of earthquake waves - A tremulous vibration followed by,
- Wavelike undulation of the Earths surface
11Michell also concluded that the speed of
earthquake waves could actually be measured from
their arrival times at two different points.
From eyewitness accounts he calculated that the
waves in the Lisbon earthquake traveled about 500
meters per second (m/s). Although incorrect, it
was the first attempt at such a calculation.
12Robert Mallet and the Great Italian Earthquake of
The earthquake of December 16, 1857 near Naples
in southern Italy provided Robert Mallet the
opportunity to study seismic effects extensively
and lay a firm foundation for modern seismology.
Mallet did much to further the interaction
between engineering, geology, and mechanics. His
goal was to take earthquake studies from a stage
of mystery by applying physical and engineering
principles to the search for the real nature of
13- In Mallets landmark work The First Principles
of Observational Seismology he coined much of
the basic vocabulary describing earthquakes that
we still use. - Mallet is also notable for being the first to
work with artificial earthquakes. He exploded
charges of gunpowder underground, then recorded
the waves by watching the surface of a container
of mercury placed at a distance from the charge.
A stopwatch gave him the elapsed time between the
explosion and ripples on the mercury surface. - From these observations he deduced that
earthquake waves travel at different speeds
through different materials. For the first time
it was clearly understood that seismic waves are
affected by the physical properties of the
different rocks through which they pass. - - sandy soil 280 m/s
- - granite 600 m/s (Too small!)
14- Believing that earthquakes such as that which
struck Naples were produced by volcanic sources,
he drew attention to the nearness of volcanoes
such as Mt. Vesuvius to the area. From his
notion of an explosive source (which is wrong!),
Mallet inferred correctly that the seismic waves
would start at a point, the focus or hypocenter. - Further, he suggested that seismic waves
resembled sound waves traveling in the air. From
this he concluded that the first motion of the
ground would show a regular direction away from
the initiation point. - Used
- objects thrown from heights
- overturned objects
- directions of cracks in buildings
- To calculate the position of a hypocenter.
- Based on his studies, Mallet calculated the
depth of the Naples earthquake to 6 ½ miles
beneath the surface.
15Knowing what we do today about earthquakes and
seismology, Mallets methods were impractical.
Nevertheless, this was the first attempt to
estimate the origin of an earthquakes
motion. Not until 50 years later with the
development of the modern seismograph could
earthquake hypocentral depths be calculated (and
still not all that well today!).
16Four Key Earthquakes
In the mid to late 1800s two organizations were
created that contributed much to the science of
earthquakes - 1857 Geological Survey of India -
1879 United States Geological Survey An early
work of the USGS was done by M. L. Fuller in 1912
who published evidence on three extraordinarily
large shocks which occurred along the Mississippi
River - December 16, 1811 - January 23, 1812 -
February 7, 1812 (reportedly the largest)
17- All together, over 1870 earthquakes shook the
area between December 16 and March 16. Eight of
these were severe, felt in Louisville, Kentucky,
200 miles away. - Damage occurred over 30,000 to 50,000 square
miles bordering the Mississippi River southward
from New Madrid, Missouri. - The largest of these shocks awakened President
Madison in the White House rang church bells in
Boston, Massachusetts, and toppled chimneys in
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Significance At the time, it was a geological
puzzle why such immense earthquake energy was
released in a continental interior. Earthquakes
were always considered to occur on the edges of
18On June 12, 1897 another very important event
struck the province of Assam in northeast India.
As reported by Richard D. Oldham, head of the
Indian Geological Survey
- The earthquake was felt over an area of 1 ¾
million square miles - Completely devastated 9,000 square miles
- Fewer than 1,000 people died because of low
population density and few large structures - Shaking (strong) lasted about one minute
- Persons were thrown to the ground
- Powerful accelerations of the ground threw
boulders straight up - Sandy soils behaved as a liquid and reported
homes sinking until only the roof was visible - Oldham reported that in heavily shaken areas,
people saw visible waves ( 1 ft. high) moving
across the ground - Vertical throw of 35 feet along a deep thrust
R. D. Oldham
19The Contribution of the 1906 San Francisco
The turning point in our understanding of the
causes of earthquakes came from the studies of
the earthquake that shook central and northern
California on April 18, 1906.
- No active volcanoes nearby, therefore geologists
were not tempted to turn to old Greek notions - Source of the 1906 earthquake lay beneath a
readily traversed area that surveyors had already
covered with survey markers showing distances and
relative heights between points (note that these
were not available in either the 1811-1812 and
1897 earthquakes) - This allowed mapping of the ground deformation
20To study the quake the State Earthquake
Investigation Commission was set up under
University of California, Berkeley professor
Andrew Lawson. Scientists assembled under Lawson
compared geodetic measurements prior to and after
the quake. Their report contained the fundamental
theory that has dominated seismology to this day.
The report concluded that the severe ground
shaking had been generated by sudden slip on what
Lawson called the San Andreas Fault. The fault
had slipped over a section extending for more
than 400 km from San Juan Bautista south of San
Francisco Bay to a point 250 km north of San
The San Andreas fault south of San Francisco
following the 1906 earthquake.
21The Japanese Earthquake of 1923
By the 1920s scientists were looking for
patterns in seismic events that might point to
the location of future earthquakes. Dr.
Fusukichi Omori, Director of the Seismological
Institute of Japan had been studying the apparent
distribution of large earthquakes in the vicinity
of Honshu. In 1922 Omori wrote that the vicinity
near Tokyo was seismically quiet but that regions
60 km away it were active (this is called a
seismic gap). Thus he felt the area was due for
a particularly devastating earthquake.
Approximately one year after his prediction, on
September 1, 1923 at about noon when the streets
of Tokyo were filled with people, a particularly
devastating quake hit, the Kwanto earthquake.
22Devastation along Ningyocko St., Tokyo
Seismogram from Kwanto Earthquake
Refugees in front of the Imperial Palace
following the 1923 earthquake
Damage at Miyamachi Tagaata-gun Shiuoka-ken