Title: The Norwegian Rock Art Database
1The Norwegian Rock Art Database
Developed within the Interreg IIA, a joint
Norwegian Swedish project called Rock Art in
the Borderlands 1998 2000. Initiated by the
Directorate for Cultural Heritage, Riksantikvaren.
- The rock art is in generally poor condition due
to weathering and human impact. 95 is damaged
in some way. - A current priority in the project is to create
standardized methods of recording and maintaining
300 targeted rock art sites before 2005.
3The Rock Art Documentation Standard.
Relating to archaeology, geology, botany,
meteorology and technical conservation.
4The Rock Art Database
- Based on the documentation standard the Rock art
database was created to manage the protected
sites ! - The database combines text, photographs, drawings
and digital maps to provide a useful multimedia
source -
5Storage and retrieval of data
A current priority is to create standardized
methods of recording and maintaining 300 targeted
Complete history of each site.
Around 1200 sites representing more than 2500
individual examples have been documented to date,
the majority of which are rock carvings. This is
the main window and menu . 1,2,3,.. 9 refer to
the documentation standard for the database.
6Chapter 2, description
7Chapter 1, basic data, property register, x,y,
map reference
8Chapter 6, record condition text linked with photo
9Foto linked to site
10Overview of selected site, photo linked to a
11GIS functionality
12Users and distribution
- Aimed at regional government administrastions and
the regional museums. - They are responsible for updating the Rock Art
Database. - Intended for use in regional and local planning
- It is designed as a tool for research
13Thin clients Citrix Metaframe
The database and the application are located on a
central server at the Norwegian Institute of
Cultural Heritage Research(NIKU),
The application runs 100 percent on the server
and only mouse clicks and screen updates are
transmitted over the network between server and
client. This allows the use of inexpensive
computers, which act as thin clients. The only
software needed on the users side, is a very
small Citrix file , which is downloaded from our
14The website for support
User support is critical for all distributed
data-systems. It is important that new users in
particular can get rapid solutions to any
problems. NIKU offers all new users training and
user support by remote control e-mail and
telephone. There is also a website with
information about user support.