Title: Nature of global climate change, 19002000
1Nature of global climate change, 1900-2000
October 4, 2007
- Mohammed Anwer
- School of Engineering Computer Science
- Independent University, Bangladesh
2Presentation Layout
- Background Rationale
- Objectives
- Data Source Selection
- Methods of Analyses
- Results
- Conclusions
3Background, Climate Change
- Change in Weather
- Temperature Change
- Rainfall, Snow Fall
- Extreme Weather Conditions
4Background, Climate Change
5Background, Climate Change
6Background, Climate Change
7Background, Climate Change
8Background, Climate Change
- Damage to ecosystem
- Melting of glaciers
- Spread of diseases
- Financial impacts
9Background, Climate Change
- We admit at the outset that we know little about
the science of global warming. How much, if at
all, the earth is warming whether any warming is
a trend or the result of random variations in
global weather patterns and, if a warming trend
does exist, how much of it is owing to human
activity are questions we cannot answer.
J. R. Clark and D. R. Lee (2004) Global Warming
and Its Dangers, The Independent Review, 8, 4,
10Background, Climate Change
- Temperature rise, 0.8 ºC to 3.5 ºC
- Simulation, not actual
- Questionable, widely varying
11Background, Climate Change
12Background, Climate Change
13So what is actually happening to the climate?
- To find the actual trend
- Analyze climate variables
- Statistical, time series analyses, thermodynamics
15Data Source
- National Climate Data Center(http//ncdc.noaa.gov
) - Global Surface Summary of the Day, 1929 to
present(ftp//ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/gsod/) - Global Historical Climatogical Network, 1835 to
16Data Source, GSOD
- More complete
- Daily record of pressure, maximum temperature,
minimum temperature, dew point, rainfall, wind
velocity, visibility, snow depth - Example
SLP STP VISIB - 030050 99999 19291001 45.3 4 40.0 4
1001.6 4 9999.9 0 17.1 - WDSP MXSPD GUST MAX MIN PRCP
SNDP FRSHTT - 4 4.5 4 8.9 999.9 51.1 44.1
0.00I 999.9 000000
17Data Source, GHCN
- Limited Data
- Monthly record of maximum temperature, minimum
temperature, rainfall - Example
- 2034192300101931 275 278 328 341 318 331
309 319 320 314 283 268
18Data Source, Issues
- GSOD, 1929 contains only 22 stations 2006
contains 9,939 stations - Data in GHCN, but not on GSOD
- Example of stations details
- GSOD and GHCN data were combined
- At least 50 years of data was used
- Stations within 5 km were considered same
29Temperature, Histogram
30Temperature, Global Pattern
31Temperature Change, Histogram
32Temperature Change, Global
33Global Rainfall
34Snow Depth
35Correlation X(t) Y(t)
- Autocorrelation,
- Cross Correlation,
36Autocorrelation, Temperature
37Cross Correlation, Temp Pres
38Cross Correlation, Temp Pres
- Fourier transform of RXX
- Spectrum of Temperature
40Spectrum, Temperature
41Spectrum, Temperature
42Energy in the Atmosphere
43Total Energy Change
44Change in Entropy
45Total Entropy Change
- Climate change is far more complicated than the
simplistic view taken - Actual change is more than predicted
- GCM modeling is utterly inadequate
- Entropy shows that the earth system is more
close than open - Climate change is not reversible
- Many more conclusions . . .
47Claps please!