Title: Improving primary pupils reading motivation and comprehension
1Improving primary pupils reading motivation and
Chief Adviser on School Standards Unit
2About the study
- This US study looked at what teachers could do to
increase pupils reading motivation and
comprehension by using stimulating practical
tasks. - The two part study included a review of existing
research as well as a school based project to see
how reading skills could be improved in science
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3Findings from the literature review
- Six teaching and learning approaches were
- identified which were shown to increase
- pupils reading motivation and comprehension.
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4Increasing reading motivation through pupil
- When pupils were encouraged to choose the
books they read, combined with having a say in
how they undertook the reading, for example with
a reading partner their reading motivation
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52) Providing high quality materials
- The following factors were important in
increasing pupils - reading motivation
- a topic that all pupils can relate to
- a format which is appealing to pupils
- content which stimulates pupils to want to
learn. -
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63) Collaborative learning approaches
- Collaborative learning involves supporting
pupils development of reasoning and negotiating
skills. This can be undertaken in whole class
teaching or in group work.
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74) Clearly defined learning objectives
- Ensuring that pupils understand the objectives
for what they should be learning supports them in
engaging with the reading content as well as the
wider topic.
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85) Teacher support reassures pupils
- When pupils feel that their teacher understands
their needs and cares about their progress in
reading they are positive and motivated towards
reading and learning more generally.
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96) Reading awards to encourage
- The use of reading awards such as book tokens or
prizes can encourage pupils reading motivation
in the short term.
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10What about the reading programme with local
primary pupils? (Part 2 of the study)
- The use of practical activities in subject
teaching - e.g. science in conjunction with related reading
- activities can boost pupils reading motivation
and - comprehension.
- The next slide shows what happened in
- primary classes
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11What were the results?
- Pupils who undertook a higher number of
practical tasks in science increased their
reading comprehension, more than pupils who
undertook a fewer number of practical tasks.
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12More about the results
- Pupils who undertook more practical tasks were
more motivated to read about the topic, than
pupils who undertook fewer tasks.
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13About the project
- 98 nine year olds (grade 3) from four classes
across two schools took part in the study. - Two classes acted as intervention groups and two
were controls. - Pupils in the intervention classes undertook a
high number of practical tasks in science or
nature lessons - Pupils in the control groups took part in a low
number of tasks
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14What went on in the science lessons?
- Pupils worked on projects such as how animals
- defend themselves. Teachers combined practical
- tasks with related reading which included both
non-fiction as well as fiction. - The practical tasks included
- observations (e.g. of how fish behaved)
- drafting questions and hypotheses (e.g. how fish
might defend themselves) - designing experiments to test out hypotheses
data collection and the creation of graphs to
illustrate findings.
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15Follow-up reading
- Study reference
- Influences of stimulating tasks on reading
motivation and comprehension (University of
Maryland) published in the Journal of Educational
Research, March 1, 2006 - The reading intervention programme used in the
study was the Concept-Orientated- Reading
Instruction (CORI) www.cori.umd.edu/overview/
Chief Adviser on School Standards Unit
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- Any feedback on this Research Bite
- would be much appreciated. Please email
- your feedback to
- emdad.rahman_at_dcsf.gsi.gov.uk
Chief Adviser on School Standards Unit