Title: COL John C' Deal
1AIS 2000
Simulation Based Training, Operational
Planning, Design Development and Acquisition
COL John C. Deal Commander United States Army
Information Systems Engineering Command
Design Development
Joint Vision 2010
Operational Planning
Simulation Based Acquisition
Simulators Brigade / Battle Command Training
Program (BCTP) Joint Simulation System
(JSIMS) Warfighter Simulation (WARSIM)
The Tank Driver Simulator (TDS)
- 132 degree field of view
- 1/50th the cost vs. an actual M1A2
- Simulated weather, terrain, and visibility
conditions - Nine task regions include 192 square miles
- Scenario Induced
- Enemy Fire
- Vehicle Malfunctions.
5Brigade / Battle Command Training Program
Allows Free Play by Mission Event Sequence
List Participants are Engaged by Events and
Responses are Recorded
"Joint simulation efforts are providing innovative
opportunities to stress our battle staffs while
enhancing the overall utility of joint exercises
for every participant. Former Chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff General John M.
- 31 "Functional Capabilities
- Joint training
- single service training
- education
- doctrine development
- analysis
- mission rehearsal
JSIMS is the next generation simulation system
for 21st Century Warfighter readiness.
WARSIM 2000 satisfies JSIMS requirements as the
Land Component and provides a realistic joint
battlespace training environment for the
performance of Army tasks based on doctrine and
Development Approach Apply standard
architecture for both tactical C2 and WARSIM
- Features
- Interoperable database
- Supports all C2
- message types
- Integrated database
- replication
9Engineering M S / CAD Tools
MathWorks Mathematical Library (MATLAB) Optimiza
tion Network Engineering Tool (OPNET) Satellite
Tool Kit (STK) COMNET AutoCAD/ProE
10Engineering Tools cont.
Satellite Tool Kit (STK) is a powerful analysis
tool developed by Analytical Graphics Inc.
(AGI). STK is fast becoming an industry
standard for mission design and analysis.
- With STK, users can import
- custom-generated data in a simple-to-use format
- calculate constrained or unconstrained in-view
periods - bearing, elevation, and range values
- graphically display ground tracks, swath, and
field-of-view limits - observe sensor availability and coverage
11Engineering Tools cont.
- Predict end-to-end delays
- Throughput
- Link Utilization
- Reproduce random, bursty traffic patterns
- See peaks and valleys of traffic
- Pinpoint sources of delays and bottlenecks
COMNET III is the industry's leading discrete
event network simulation tool.
12Engineering Tools cont.
- Create concept models easily and quickly
- Accurately design any product
- Share real-time product information
- Drive design improvement right on the desktop
- Accurately manufacture and document designed parts
13Engineering Tools cont.
- netViz is a tool for
- WAN/LAN documentation
- Telco Circuit Mapping
- Workflow/Process Modeling
- Conceptual Design Modeling
- Database Visualization
14Engineering Tools cont.
- Includes hundreds of functions for
- Data analysis
- Numeric and symbolic computation
- Engineering graphics
- Modeling, and simulation
- Programming, and GUI design
15Engineering Tools cont.
16ISEC Supported and Developed M S Tools
Networks and Warfare Simulation Model (NETWARS)
Operational Planning Simulation Tool
(OPSIM) Tactical Internet Modeling Simulation
Tool (TIMS)
NETWARS is a Front End for OPNET
Set the Geographic Area
US, UK, World
Select Units Set Relationships
Each Entity is an Aggregate Model of all
Communication Equipment (i.e. Rifle Co.).
View the Units Relationships
Use Analysis Tool to View Results
Graphical Depiction of Network Statistics
Operational Planning Simulation tool
External Model Access (EMA)
- Drag and Drop
- Point and Click
- User Friendly GUI
- Army Semantics
Designed for Tactical Communications
Analyzes Communications Links as a Baseline
Compare Communications Flow over Same Link
when more Nodes are Added
Tactical Internet Modeling and Simulation
Tool (TIMS)
NETWARS Compliant Used to Develop and VV WIN
Concept Adds Realism
- Net Congestion
- Delays
- Failures
Used to Design Develop Next Generation
Tactical Communication Systems
Digitizing the Divisions
1st Digitized Force Systems Architecture
III Corps
29Installation Information Infrastructure Architectu
re (I3A) Design Development
Installation Information Infrastructure Modernizat
ion Program, Modeling Simulation I3MP (MODSIM)
Proposed Approach Now Under Development Using MS
32I3MP (MODSIM) Where We Are
This ATM node appears on the TAM database
33I3MP (MODSIM) Where We Are
The Same Network Node Imported into OPNET
The Nodes Attributes are Adjusted for
Different Simulations
34Simulation Based Acquisition
The best way to define a program is through M
S - plunk the user down into the virtual world,
have him play with the concept, and work out the
tactics, training, and procedures - take the
user out of the abstract and into the virtual
combat world --Will Brooks Chief, Simulations
Branch, Army Materiel System Analysis Activity
Resource Allocation
3 Principle Interacting Communities
35Simulation Based Acquisition
Simulation Based Acquisition Process
Distributed Interactive Environment
36Simulation Based Acquisition
Success Story
How do you know if the design is
right before you build it ? How do you test
things that are critical but cant be tested?
37Simulation Based Acquisition