Title: Peginterferon ?2a/Ribavirin FDA Antiviral Drugs Advisory Committee
1Peginterferon ?2a/Ribavirin FDA Antiviral Drugs
Advisory Committee
- Brian Murphy, MD, MPH, MS
- InterMune
- Submitted November 12, 2002 for
- Presentation November 14, 2002
- Presently serve as Vice-President Corporate
Development/Hepatology at InterMune - InterMune develops drugs in the HCV therapeutic
area including interferons
3What Information is Still Pending for the US
Treating Community?
- Absolute number of US patients in the
peginterferon ?2a/ribavirin registration trial - The withdrawal rate of US versus Ex-US patients
in this registration trial - Percentage response of US versus Ex-US patients
enrolled in this registration trial - Safety profile of US versus Ex-US patients
enrolled in this registration trial
4What Data Does the Treating Community Have Access
- NEJM Paper 56
- On-therapy analysis
- Used data from weeks 68-72
- EU Analysis 54 / 50
- 54 was an on-therapy analysis
- Used data from week 60
- 50 was an intent-to-treat analysis
- Borderline statistical significance versus the
comparator group p 0.057) - Analyzed data per protocol
Fried MW, et al. NEJM, 2002 347(13)
975-982 European Union Scientific Discussion
Pegasys EMEA 2002
5Impact of Patient Withdrawals Absolute number
of US patients
Total number of patients 453 468
Number who completed follow-up 334 337 (computed)
Number withdrawn for insufficient response 34 35 (computed)
Number withdrawn for other reasons () 85 (19 reported) 96 (computed)
6Clinical Questions Absolute number of patients
- Did the withdrawal rate exceed that planned for
the study? - Most studies plan for a 10-15 drop-out rate
- Sample size power calculations are missing from
the NEJM article were detailed in the
peginterferon ?2b/RBV study article - If the withdrawal rate exceeded the planned
drop-out rate, are the results, including the
safety data, significant? - What was the absolute number of American patients
that withdrew from the study? - Is the baseline American presence more diminished
by the withdrawal of US patients?
7Treatment Response by Geographic Location
Peginterferon alfa-2b/RBV
Study Center Peginterferon Alfa-2b 1.5/RBV Intron A/RBV
US 169/346 (49) 131/337 (39)
Non-US 95/165 (57) 100/168 (59)
FDA Advisory Panel on Peginterferon alfa-2b
8Prevalence of HCV Infection,United States,
Mexican American
Anti-HCV positive ()
Age group (years)
Adapted from Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (M. Alter). MMWR. 199847(RR-19)4.
9Prevalence () of Overweight/Obesity Among Males
in US, 1999-2000
Overweight BMI ? 25 Obesity BMI ? 30 Caucasians African-American Hispanic
Ages 20-39 61/22 52.6/27.4 67.5/30.4
Ages 40-59 69.9/28.5 63.9/29.9 79.1/27
Ages ? 60 74.3/34.3 69.1/26.4 79.6/29.7
Flegal KM, et al. JAMA 2002 288(14) 1723-1727
10If the numbers are available, how should they be
- Intent-to-treat (ITT)
- Includes all patients randomized
- Avoids comparing non-randomized cohorts
- If similar centers, patient populations, and
inclusion/exclusion criteria, can help
health-care providers and their patients compare
across studies if head-to-head trials are lacking
- Provides estimates of treatment effects that are
more likely to mirror those observed in
subsequent practice
Guidance for Industry, (E9) Statistical
Principles for Clinical Trials Center for
Biologics Evaluation and Research, Sept. 1998, ICH
11Roche Statement on Clinical Trial Analysis
- Intent-to-treat versus on-treatment analyses
ITT analysis includes all patients assigned to
each study group regardless of whether they
dropped out of the study or switched therapies.
On-treatment analysis includes only those
patients who completed the study within their
originally assigned groups. Therefore,
on-treatment analyses fail to account for
dropouts and switches, and their treatment
success rates tend to be deceptively higher than
those from similar ITT analyses
Evaluating Clinical Studies-What Clinicians
Need to Know Roche Labs 2001
12Conclusions (1)
- Global trial results may not be reflective of the
American experience. For informed treatment
decisions, the following American data would be
valuable to know - The absolute number of US patients in the study
- US vs. Ex-US response rates by ITT analysis
- US vs Ex-US safety parameters by ITT analysis
- US vs Ex-US withdrawal rates by ITT analysis
13Conclusions (2)
- To adequately compare data, we are in agreement
with the ICH Guidelines that support the use of
ITT analyses, and agree with the Roche position
that data analyzed by other methods may lead to
deceptively higher results.