Title: Intracluster Stars As A Source of Intracluster Medium Enrichment
1Intracluster Stars As A Source of Intracluster
Medium Enrichment
- Suresh Sivanandam
- Advisor A. Zabludoff Collaborators D.
Zaritsky, A. Gonzalez
HST Image of Abell 1689
XMM Image of Abell 3112
Steward 2005 Internal Symposium
2Intracluster Medium
- Dominant Component of Baryons in Rich Clusters
- Mgas/Mtot 0.1-0.2
- Highly enriched out to virial radius
- ZFe 0.3 Z?
- MFe prop. Mgas
- Ionized X-ray Gas
- T 2-10 keV
- Gravitationally Heated
Cluster Abundance - De Grandi et al. (2004)
Steward 2005 Internal Symposium
3Conventional Models
- Ram Pressure Stripping
- ISM stripped as galaxy falls into cluster
- Galactic Outflows
- AGN, starburst, SNe feedback expels enriched ISM
into ICM - Problems
- Too many free parameters
- Difficult to track ICM metals
- Require extreme (100)
- mass loss
- Require non-standard IMF
- Maoz and Gal-Yam (2003)
HST NGC 3709 Image - NASA and Cecil, G.
Steward 2005 Internal Symposium
4Detection of Intracluster StarsGonzalez et al.
- I-band drift-scan imaging of 24 z0.1 clusters
with central BCGs - Sensitive to low surface brightness components
- All clusters are best fit by 2-component r1/4
profile - BCG and ICS components
- ICS properties
- 80-90 of light
- 10-40x bigger
- More elliptical
- Closely aligned
- Distinct
Smoothed surface brightness map of Abell 1651 -
Gonzalez et al. (2000)
Steward 2005 Internal Symposium
5- Abell 2571 2-component surface brightness fit.
Position angle and - ellipticity breaks are best fit by 2-component
profile - Gonzalez et - al. (2005)
Steward 2005 Internal Symposium
6Our Toy ModelZaritsky et al. (2004)
- How important is ICS to ICM enrichment?
- Evolution of ICS directly impacts ICM
- To quantify ICS enrichment
- Model ICS stellar population
- Compute cumulative SNe rates
- Compare with available global X-ray gas/abundance
measurements - ? FeICM FeEJECT ? LICL ? (M/L)ICS / MICM
- Results suggest significant contributions from
ICS (20 - 60 )
Steward 2005 Internal Symposium
7Limitations of Model
- Lack of spatial X-ray information to match
optical SB profiles of ICS - ICS is more concentrated than cluster galaxies
- Clusters typically have strong radial abundance
gradients (cf. Slide 2) - Require spatially-resolved comparison
Steward 2005 Internal Symposium
8Improved Approach
- XMM-Newton MOS spatially-resolved spectroscopy of
7 clusters - Improve statistics
- Obtain Z(R), TX(R), LX(R)
- Determine MFe(R) and compare with predicted ICS
value using toy model
Spatially-resolved spectroscopy of Abell 3112
Steward 2005 Internal Symposium
9Results Z(R) and TX(R)
Majority of clusters have both temperature and
abundance gradients
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10Results ICS contribution
New results still suggest significant ICS
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11Further Refinements
- Complete analyses of 3 more clusters
- Model diffusion of metals
- Test sensitivity of results to SNe rates and
yields - Pursue additional discriminators between models
Steward 2005 Internal Symposium
- The newly detected intracluster stars make a
significant contribution to the ICM metals
(ranging from 100 in the central bin to 10
at large fractions of the virial radius) - For the proper treatment of this problem we need
to quantify the effects of diffusion and SNe
rates/yields - With additional discriminators we will be able to
compare the relative contributions of ICS
pollution and conventional enrichment models
References De Grandi et al. 2004, AA, 419, 7
Gonzalez et al. 2000, ApJ, 536, 561 Gonzalez et
al. 2005, ApJ, 618, 195 Zaritsky et al. 2004,
ApJL, 613, L93
Steward 2005 Internal Symposium