Title: Introduction to Applied Mathematics
1- Introduction to Applied Mathematics
- MA 472, Fall 2008
- Purdue University Calumet
2Some Information
- Instructor Nicolae Tarfulea
- Office CLO 370
- Office Hours MTWR 1100-1200
- Phone (219) 989-2698
- WEB http//ems.calumet.purdue.edu/tarfulea
- E-mail tarfulea_at_calumet.purdue.edu
3What is Applied Math Anyway?
- From Wikipedia Applied mathematics is a
branch of mathematics that concerns itself with
the mathematical techniques typically used in the
application of mathematical knowledge to other
domains.(Some) Divisions of Applied
Mathematics Applied Analysis (Differential
Equations, Approximation Theory, Applied
Probability)Computational MathematicsNumber
Theory (applications in cryptology)StatisticsMec
hanicsFluid Dynamics, etc.
4Introduction to PDEs
- Many applications involve PDEs
- Fluid dynamics
- Electromagnetism
- Mechanics Quantum Mechanics
- Optics
- Reaction-diffusion processes
5What are PDEs?
- PDEs are equations that contain partial
derivatives. - Important issues1. formulate the PDE from the
physical problem (the modeling process)2. solve
the PDE (together with initial data and boundary
6Examples Heat Eqn.
7Interpretation of the Laplacian
8Interpretation of the Heat Eqn.
9Something Like This
The heat equation predicts that if a hot body is
placed in a box of cold water, the temperature of
the body will decrease, and eventually (after
infinite time, and subject to no external heat
sources) the temperature in the box will equalize.
10Examples Wave Eqn.
11Examples Wave Eqn.
A solution of the wave equation in two
dimensions with a zero-displacement boundary
condition along the entire outer edge.
12Examples Laplaces Eqn.
13Examples Laplaces Eqn.
Given Dirichlet boundary conditions on the
perimeter of a circle, Laplace's equation can be
solved for the value of the surface in the
interior of the circle.
- Order of PDE
- Number of (Independent) Variables
- Linearity
- Homogeneity
- Kinds of Coefficients (e.g., constant or
variable) - Three basic types of linear equations parabolic,
hyperbolic, and elliptic.
15Solving a PDE
- Separation of Variables
- Integral Transforms
- Change of Coordinates
- Transformation of the Dependent Variable
- Calculus of Variations Methods
- Eigenfunction Expansion
16Thank you!