Title: Comments at Wye River Meeting
1Comments at Wye River Meeting
- Or there must be some way outta here - R.
Zimmerman, J. Hendrix - Terry Surles
- Hawaii Natural Energy Institute
- March 17, 2009
2World Electricity Consumption
Natural Gas 25
Natural Gas 18
Coal 37
Nuclear 16
Renewables 20
Oil 7
Coal 38
Oil 8
61 Growth
2001 161 Quads
2025 259 Quads
Worldwide electricity consumption is projected to
grow at an average annual rate of 2.3 between
2001 - 2025
Source IEO2004, Table 16
3U.S. Electricity Consumption
Natural Gas 16
Renewables 9
Coal 55
Natural Gas 14
Coal 53
Nuclear 21
33 Growth
Oil 2
Oil 3
Source AEO2006, Table 8
4Security Concern Global Oil Consumption
Growth 1/year
Source BP World Energy Review, 2007
5Proven Oil Reserves (2006)
BP World Energy Review, 2007
6Carbon Management No Silver Bullet, Need to
Track Life Cycles
Carbon Management
Decarbonization CO2 Btu
CO2 atm CO2 emitted
- Regional Partnerships
- Capture/storage
- End-use Technologies
- Demand response
7Regional Partnerships Address Some Key Challenges
to CCS
- Storage capacity
- Cost - primarily capture
- Health, safety and environmental risk short and
long term - Impacts of leakage of CO2
- Brine migration and pressure
- Seismicity
- Financial uncertainty
- Liability
- Regulatory uncertainty
- Public acceptance
- Infrastructure
8The Best News Advances in Key Geoscience
Research Areas
- Reservoir processes behavior of plume and
reservoir pressure during operation and long term - Monitoring surface and subsurface increased
quantification, improved and new approaches,
integration of techniques - Risk assessment development of techniques
quantification - Seismicity and geomechanical stability
- Storage capacity assessment
- Mitigation methodologies
- Well construction particularly cement
- Site characterization
9Field Tests Provide Regional Knowledge Base
Essential for Commercial Implementation
- Demonstrate best sequestration options,
technologies and approaches in region - Tests involve site-specificity for
- Testing technologies
- Defining costs
- Assessing risks
- Gauging public acceptance
- Exercising regulatory requirements
- Validating monitoring methods
Photos from Frio saline formation CO2 injection
10Multiple Field Tests at Multiple Scales are
Needed - Otherwise We End Up with Yucca-lite
- Geologic variability
- Depositional environments
- Structural history
- Lithology
- Regulatory and legal variability
- Small pilots
- Inexpensive
- Seal and reservoir data
- Exercise regulations
- Large volume injections
- Testing of geophysical methods
- Multi-well interactions
- Effects of heterogeneity
11Modeling Helps Understand Relation Between Pore
Geometry and Properties
- Synchrotron-based microtomography at LBNLs ALS
was used to produce high-resolution images of
rock pore space and fluids - MIS method (maximally inscribed spheres) used to
generate pore model
Comparison of imaged pore space (left) and
MIS-calculations (right) of CO2 (black) and brine
(green) phases in the pore space
12Availability of Ideal Structural Traps
- Structural, stratigraphic, and fault traps form
hydrocarbon reservoirs and ideal CO2 reservoirs
Typical geological structures ideal for trapping
CO2 (Source W Gunter, ARC)
13Mineralization Enhances Long Term Storage
Above Porosity change due to mineralization at
edge of plume Left CO2 mineralization over time
(T Xu, LBNL)
14Simulations Show Plume Extent and Immobilization
Over Time - Central Valley
Source C. Doughty, LBNL
15Seismic Methods Should Be Augmented
- Pressure
- Microseismic monitoring
- Electrical
- Gravity
- Processing/joint inversion
Sleipner time-lapse seismic results (Chadwick,
16Integration of Ground Surface Deformationfor
Monitoring Injection Response at In Salah
Ground surface displacements derived from
satellite-based Interferometric Synthetic Radar
(InSAR) measurements
17The Region Partnership Program as a Learning
Exercise Its not just about Science and
- Lessons learned addressing institutional,
regulatory, and outreach issues - WESTCARB Phase
II - Complexities of land access agreements
- Mergers and acquisitions
- Impact of media attention on outreach programs
- Regulation working with multiple permitting
agencies - Phase III - new infrastructure issues
18WESTCARB Due Diligence for a Commercial Project
(Courtesy of Schlumberger)
19Plan A Rosetta Resources Saline Formation Gas
Reservoir CO2 Storage Pilots
- Target was Thornton Gas Field, a depleted
reservoir consisting of a well-defined dome
small field not unitized - Drill and complete injection and observation
wells 120 feet apart truck CO2 to site - Inject 1000 tonnes CO2 into saline formation
below gas/water contact (3450 ft below surface) - Inject 500 tonnes CO2 into depleted small
depleted gas reservoir (3050 ft below surface)
narrow confined zone minimizes risk of any
contamination of residual gas resources - Framing the Debate and Meeting California Goals
- but with data-less legislation
Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta gas fields
shown in purple
Geologic cross-section at Rosetta pilots site
20Numerous factors can screw up land access
agreements and permit flow
- With split estates (separate surface and
mineral owners), there are more parties to any
agreement, adding time and cost - Surface owner (and possibly a tenant)
- Mineral rights owner
- Mineral extraction leaseholder
- When owner is a family trust, all participants
have to reach agreement - Public agencies (and corporations) multiple
tiers of responsibility and changes in personnel
can delay decision-making
Initial site for the WESTCARB Northern California
pilot test family trust surface owners, tenant,
corporate mineral rights owner, gas production
21Multiple regulatory agencies with jurisdiction
add complexity and time to permitting
- In some states (e.g., Arizona) state and federal
agencies can both have jurisdiction over CO2
injection permits - State and federal agencies can have different
concerns/requirements - Coordination/communication between agencies needs
to be facilitated - As a potential benefit, one agency may be helpful
in persuading another on a permit issue
Site for the WESTCARB Arizona Utilities CO2
Storage Pilot
22Lessons from the Real WorldRegulatory One well
two permitting agencies
- California is a shared primacy state
Gas ZoneCA DOGGR (Injectivity Test)
Saline ZoneU.S. EPA Region 9 (UIC Class V)
23Rosetta Resources PilotNext Steps circa 2006
- Permitting redux CA DWR site access approval
held up, since more environmental analysis was
required - Rosetta was ready to build access road and pad
- Driller lined up and ready to go
- CO2 injection scheduled for Fall 2007
24Rosetta Pilot Summary In 2007
- The WESTCARB project has
- Completed the NEPA and CEQA environmental studies
- Prepared a draft UIC permit application for USEPA
review - Retained a qualified site test manager
- Purchased CO2 test equipment
- is
- Negotiating site access and CO2 liability
agreements - Reaching out to the community through public
25Methodical public outreach programs can be
interrupted by media attention
- Logically sequenced outreach strategy well
planned - Limited initial outreach
- Ramp up after site access agreement reached
- Had to fast-track meetings with local safety
officials, business leaders, and the community to
stay ahead of rumors spawned by reporter
26 Stakeholder Consultation
27The wild card of mergers and acquisitions -
what happened next
- WESTCARB entered into original agreement with
Calpine - Calpines natural gas assets were purchased by
Rosetta Resources, Inc. - Commitment to WESTCARB transferred to Rosetta
- Unresolved legal issues between Calpine and
Rosetta continued to plague the project as well
as state agency concerns about the ecosystem
leading to no go
Natural gas production and storage are prevalent
in the Sacramento Basin
28WESTCARB Plan B Northern California CO2 Storage
- Lead industrial partner Shell
- Assess sequestration potential of western
Sacramento Valley
- Two well test one injection and one monitoring
well - Truck in about 2000 tons CO2 and inject
- Monitor CO2 in the subsurface
Source Shell
29Unfolding Dilemma for WESTCARB
- Where so we get the carbon dioxide
- How do we get the gas from source to sink
- Who owns the carbon dioxide through all
operations - Who pays for a lot of supporting infrastructure
- Timing for any of these answers
- One big reason for existing program and new
stimulus funding for industrial sequestration
30Unresolved Issues Opinions Are Diverse on
Policy Issues
- Liability
- Oil and gas companies have different perspectives
from utilities unfamiliar with subsurface
activities - Need to examine true cost of dealing with
logistics of storage - Public acceptance
- Some groups supportive (NRDC, Environmental
Defense), others ant-CCS (Environmental Justice,
etc.) - Public education is critical
- Financial/regulatory issues for owners/investors
- Who will own and manage pore space
- Long term monitoring costs
- Nature of final regulations
31True Cost of Cap and Trade (A. Diamant, EPRI)
Price of 1 Tonne of CO2
- 3.50
- 10.00
- 1.50
- 17.50
- All of the above !
- Price of CO2 volatile and varies widely across
different markets, depending on - - market-specific conditions,
- - the rules of the game,
- - country-market risks
- - the degree of fungibility between markets.
(Phase 1 EU-ETS)
(Phase 2 EU-ETS)
32EU CO2 Allowance Prices (01/05 2/07) Too Many
EUAs Issued (or too many grandfathers)
Feb. 16 2007 Phase 1 EUA Price was 1.15/tCO2
1.50//tCO2 Phase 2 EUA Price was
13.65/tCO2 17.50//tCO2
33Regulations Are Being ProposedUncertainty
- Federal EPA has asserted jurisdiction over
injection of CO2 through its UIC program - New class (VI) of injection well proposed for
CO2 - Proposed Class VI rules under review
- Current approach by Region IX EPA is to treat as
Class V - Many differences at state level
- Various states (eg. Kansas, Washington) have
proposed their own geologic storage regulations - Arizona protects all groundwater regardless of
quality, making permitting of geologic storage
very difficult
34Access to the Subsurface for CO2 Storage Remains
- Ownership of subsurface mineral rights and pore
space adds significant complications - Saline pore fluids not considered to be a
mineral - Current approach develop agreements for access
on a case-by-case basis - Outright land purchase
- Lease
- Easements
- Uncertainty over definition of subsurface
trespass - Can we use regional partnerships for broader
lessons learned?
35Implications for Longer-Term Who Has Liability
and Who Pays for Monitoring?
- 1000 year period
- Repeat seismic surveys every 10 years
- 10 increase in cost over and above other CCS
costs - Non-financial issues
- Responsibility for monitoring
- Oversight and record keeping
- Responsibility for remediation
36I Knew You Wanted to Hear about Hawaii Heavily
Dependent on Oil for Energy Use
37Well-to-Wheels Analysis Biofuel System
38Big Islands Energy Challenges
Utility Concerns Growing use of wind power is
affecting grid stability overall efficiency
(spinning reserve)
Transmission Congestion Hilo side 60 of load
Kona side 75 of generation
PPAs High cost of renewable energy (PURPA) -
avoided cost plus cost of spinning reserve
Economic Insecurity 3B/yr leaves State economy
each year to purchase fuel
Energy Insecurity 90 State dependence on
imported petroleum
High Energy Costs 145/bbl oil 49/ kWh
electricity in August 2008
39Loss of Four MW in about 15 SecondsOne-hour
Validation on April 3, 2007
Time (seconds)
Wind Farm Output Power (disturbance)
Time (seconds)
Following slide
40The Joys of Working with StakeholdersWhat we may
expect What we hope to get
While there were clear areas of disagreement, we
can get an amount of consensus on objectives,
concerns, and desire for cooperation.
41Higher Wind PenetrationChallenges of increasing
wind penetration in Hawaii
Small, incremental expansions of a wind farm
impact HELCO system frequency
Increasing wind penetration to 40 increases the
inter-hour variability of thermal units. This
reduces efficiency on some units, thereby
increasing fuel consumption.
Increasing wind penetration, increases min-to-min
variability of power system and requires
additional flexibility (fast-starting generation,
load/wind curtailment, storage).
Additionally, contractual arrangements with IPPs
can impact the cost of electricity.
425MW of energy storage or other fast resources
reduces frequency excursions due to wind power
At 40 wind penetration, system frequency is
severely affected
Incremental additions of fast energy storage
increasingly stabilizes system frequency
- 5MW of energy storage provided similar frequency
performance as the baseline scenario. - Less than 10min of energy was needed for the
one-hour window.
435MW of energy storage or other fast
resourcesincreases min-to-hour operational
- Operational Flexibility
- Anticipating the wind power production is
critical to ensuring adequate energy production
is available. - Consider the number of hours per year in which
generation committed at the beginning of the hour
was insufficient to meet the increase in load
and/or decrease in wind power (i.e., insufficient
up reserve) by the end of the hour. - In this situation, additional generation (likely
diesels) would be committed and dispatched. - In this simulation, the addition of 5MW (2MWh) of
energy storage provided similar operational
stress as the baseline scenario.
Total number of hours per year
44Higher Wind Penetration
- One potential solution includes
- 5MW of fast energy storage to address
challenging inter-hour wind fluctuations - Results in similar frequency performance as
baseline scenario. - 5MW of additional dispatchable energy storage,
20min of energy storage. - Reduces the hours in which additional generation
was needed from 358 to 164 hour/yr. - IPP owned South Point Hawi, HELCO owned
Lalamilo - Costs to consumer are only reduced about 3
Comparing Higher Wind Penetration to Baseline
Substantial Reduction in Fuel Use and CO2
45Strategic SummaryStakeholder Metrics
- In the Baseline scenario, 27 of electricity is
generated from renewable energy. - Energy efficiency, load control PHEVs reduced
variable cost and reduced wind curtailment.
Enhanced Energy Mgmt results are additive,
albeit not linearly, to the renewable energy
scenarios. - Smarter grid technologies are needed to
accommodate a substantial penetration of
as-available generation. These grid technologies
should reduce variable cost and yield
environmental benefits. - New technologies (controls, energy storage,
coordinating thermal generation, etc) will be
needed to enable substantial increases in the
penetration of wind power. - It is not clear how to pay for these
technologies. What is the business case and
regulatory support that is needed? - Initial analyses have identified some
technology-related projects that could achieve
the stakeholder metrics. The team will be
investigating these in the next phase of the
46Power Quality and Reliability A Necessity in a
Digital Society
From Imre Gyuk, DOE, 2007
47Fossil-Fired Systems Are Important for Reducing
Stress on Grid Created by As-Available Renewables
- Systems RDD Required
- Technical Standards and Testing
- Power Conversion and Conditioning
- Protection and Load Control
- Communications
- Metering
- Training and Education
- Modeling and Simulation
Bulk Power
Distribution System
Transmission System
Load Management
Communication RDD Information Flow, Data
Management, Monitor/Control
Combined Heat Power
Distributed Generation
48Can We Use Better Thermal Generation Management
to Support Grid?
Evidence That Short-Timescale Variability May Be
Smoothed with Coordination of Existing Thermal
49HECOs Dilemma - one of many
- How do we prepare our existing steam unit fleet
to be more reactive to mitigate a high
penetration of intermittent generation - a) Increase existing ramp rates by tuning
the controls - b) Exploring areas where there may be "ramp
bursts" (higher ramp rate but across the min and
max of a unit) - c) Can our existing units designed for
baseload operation be cycled (including what is
needed to start a unit as fast as possible) or
"turned down" to minimum levels that are lower
than current minimum levels.
50Integration of RDDD Initiatives Need to
Connect Basic, Development, Applied Activities
with Public Policies
Basic and Applied Research
Fundamental Understanding
Technical Needs
Pilot and Demonstration Projects
Fundamental Understanding
Industrial Scale Projects
51HNEI Linking RD and Public Policy to
Commercialization Process
Institutional Issues Regulations Incentives