Title: The mini suite
1The mini suite
2- Up to 15 more seats / 4.0 pitch increase
- 20.0 wide high comfort option
- Lightweight (11.5kg per pax)
Key benefits
3- Increased shoulder space
- Enhanced privacy
- Enhanced egress
Optimisation of personal space
4Engineering Packaging
5- B777
- 32pitch, 132 pax
- 10 capacity increase
- 34 pitch, 124 pax
- 3.3 capacity increase
High capacity seating
32 pitch, 120 pax
Standard seating
LOPA Pitch vs. Capacity
6Application to narrow body
7Seat width layout
8Seat features
9Seat features
10Seat features
11- Guaranteed
- shoulder space
Seat features
12Seat features
13- Flexible
- seatpan
- - automatic
- height
- adjustment
Seat features
14Seat features
15Seat features
16Summary of features
17- Fixed
- backshell,
- no reward
- recline
Seat features
18- Integrated
- monitor and
- handset in
- backshell
Seat features
19- Fabricated
- lightweight
- base structure
Seat features
20- Standard Seat tracks
- Standard PSU
- Dynamic testing OK
Airframe Integration
21Gallery Hong Kong Expo September 2005
22Gallery Hong Kong Expo September 2005
23Gallery Hong Kong Expo September 2005
24Gallery Hong Kong Expo September 2005
25Gallery Hong Kong Expo September 2005
26Gallery Cabin fly through
27Gallery Cabin fly through
28- Mk I production prototype
- Built in collaboration with B/E
- Exhibited at Hamburg 2004
- Phase I passenger research
- complete
- Mk II Project Beetle
- Initial styling by Acumen
- Exhibited at Hamburg 2005
- Mk III Project Beetle
- Test articles tooling built
- Optimisation of space
- Re-styled by Acumen
- Exhibited at Hong Kong Sept 2005
- Phase II passenger research
- (with major UK Airline Aug 05)
The story so far
29Phase II Passenger research complete
30Future development elliptical composite beam
31Future development optimisation of foot clearance
32Future development common headrest for all
33the mini suite