Title: Clusterlike correlations in light nuclei
1Cluster-like correlations in light nuclei
- N. Itagaki (University of Tokyo)
2gas like structure
Excitation energy
mean-field, shell structure (liquid)
3New phase geometric cluster structure
stabilized by adding neutrons
gas like structure
Excitation energy
cluster state with geometric shape
mean-field, shell structure (liquid)
N. Itagaki, T. Otsuka, K. Ikeda, and S. Okabe,
PRL 04 (2004) 142501
Sigma orbit
5The series cluster structure stabilized by two
neutrons(2alpha2n, 3 alpha2n) in 18O
- It is well known that one of the three 0 states
is missing in the shell models if we assume the
p-shell closed configuration for 16O - From the cluster model side, 14Calpha models
have been introduced, and although the calculated
energy is very high (Ex 8-9 MeV) , the
calculated 0 state has been assigned to the
second 0 state by comparing with the B(E2) values
6COSM --- H. Masui et al. Phys. Rev. C 75,
034316 (2007) GSM ----- N. Michel et al.
Phys. Rev. C 67, 054311 (2003)
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8Our study
- We study whether neutrons in the middle of the
nucleus bind four alpha clusters with tetrahedron
configuration - S2 configuration of the neutrons requires the
particle-hole excitation of the 16O core, and we
may obtain three 0 states in low-lying energy
region with reasonable excitation energy - 14Calpha model space is also introduced
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13AMD calculation corresponding state Ex 7 MeV as
the second 0 state
In our case, nodes and the density distribution
along alphaO axis are automatically created
by the antisymmetrization effect
14Another exmaple of geometric cluster structure
stablized by the neutrons ? linear chain
Stability against bending motion
Solid 16C Dotted 20C
16gas like structure
Excitation energy
cluster structure with geometric shape (solid)
mean-field, shell structure (liquid)
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18One of the merit of THSR wave function we can
introduce size of the cluster state
We simplify the THSR wave function
- We need to study multi-alpha cases
- We need to study the case with core nuclei
- The coupling with normal states should be
included - Di-neutron condensate around the core can be
19Virtual THSR wave functionN. Itagaki, M.
Kimura, M. Ito, C. Kurokawa, and W. von Oertzen,
Phys. Rev. C 75, 037303 (2007)
For the aclusters in the condensed state
Sigma 5 fm
Sigma 2 fm
Solid, dotted, dashed, dash-dotted ? s 2,3,4,5
r.m.s. radius of 12C
2120Ne 5 alphas
Sigma 4 fm
Sigma 3 fm
Sigma 2 fm
N. Itagaki, Tz. Kokalova, M. Ito, M. Kimura, and
W. von Oertzen, Phys. Rev. C 77 037301 (2008)
220 states of the 5a system (20Ne)
16Oalpha 5alpha cond.
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24Alpha-gas state around core nucleus
Study of the Hoyle state, the next step..
Tz. Kokalova et al. Eur. Phys. J A23 (2005)
28Si24Mg ? 52Fe
Enhancement of emissions of the condensed state
from the compound state compared with the
sequential a emissions
256-alpha gas-like state
266-alpha gas-like state
Dotted line Around 16O
276-alpha gas-like state
Dotted line Around 16O
Dashed line Around 40Ca
28Di-neutron correlation in 8He?
- 8He is well-bound compared with 6He and 11Li
- Sub-closed configuration of spin-orbit-favored
Di-neutron ? no spin-orbit
Condensation of S0 di-neutron clusters components
really contributes?
294He4n model space (AMD)
8He 0
N. Itagaki, M. Ito, K. Arai, S. Aoyama and Tz.
Kokalova Phys. Rev. C 78, 017306 (2008).
30s 1fm
s 2 fm
s 3 fm
s 4 fm
s 5 fm
8He 0
4He2 di-neutron clusters
31B H 0 case
32In 7H case
S. Aoyama and N. Itagaki (2009)
- Cluster structure stabilized by the valence
neutrons shown in 2alpha2n and 3alpha2n is
extended to 4alpha2n and 5alpha2n cases - The study on gas-like cluster states can be
extended to heavier systems (with/without core)
using Monte Carlo Technique - Competition between shell and di-neutron
structure can be investigated
34Gas-like state of 3 alpha around 40Ca
35Determined to reproduce the alpha-alpha and
alphaN Phase shifts
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37Is it due to the lowing of the Coulomb barrier
for the condensed state?
Tz. Kokalova, N.Itagaki., C. Wheldon, and W von
Oertzen, Physical Review Letters 96, 192502