Title: Introduction to Quantum Computing
1 Quantum Computation
Dr. Richard B. Gomez rgomez_at_gmu.edu
Introduction to Quantum Computing
Lecture 9
George Mason University School of Computational
2 Quantum Mechanics Courses and Superposition Or
why Students in QIS should study QM Maria
DworzeckaProfessor of Physics and Chairman of
Department of the Physics and Astronomy George
Mason UniversitySeminar on Quantum Information
Systems October 24th, 2005
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5From Cbits to Qbits Teaching computer scientists
quantum mechanicsN. David Mermin
- Quantum information scientists need quantum
mechanics - But how much quantum mechanics? Here are two
possible views from
6- I remarked to the Director that I spent the
first four or five lectures of my course2 on
quantum computation teaching the necessary
quantum mechanics to the computer scientists in
the class. His response was that any application
of quantum mechanics that could be taught after
only a four hour introduction to the subject
could not have serious intellectual content.
After all, he remarked, it takes any physicist
years to develop a feeling for quantum
7- I do not know it is for you to decide but here
are few options of courses we are offering - Physics 402/502 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
taught every fall combined course for
undergraduate physics majors and graduate
students with little previous preparation
8- Physics 632/732 ( to be approved)
- Advanced Quantum Mechanics
- New graduate 2 semesters sequence
- Offered every year or every second year
(depends on students needs)
9- Both courses cover similar topics but of
different mathematical and physical depths - Typical topics ( incomplete)
- Postulates of QM
- Operators
- Superposition
- 1D solutions to Schrödinger equation
- Spin states
10Textbooks used
- Griffiths
- Liboff
- Sakurai
- Shankar
- Depends on instructor
11Postulate 1
- How to describe quantum states of a closed system
? - At each instant the state of a physical system
is represented by a (ket) state vector ?gt which
lies in the Hilbert space. All information about
the system is contained in the state vector - This postulate implies that the superposition of
two states is again a state of the system. If ?1
gt and ?2 gt are possible states of a system, then
so is - ? gt a1?1gt a2?2gt
- where a1 and a2 are complex numbers.
12Postulate 2
- How to describe measurements of a quantum system
? - Every observable A of a physical system is
associated with an operator A such that the
measurement of A yields values a which are
eigenvalues A. - Aagtaagt
- The form of operators is a part of the postulate
2. - There are 3 basic operators
- All others can be constructed from these three
- X - position operator
- P - momentum operator
- S spin operator
- ( vectors in 3D)
14How to define general operators
- Take classical function, say
- f(x,p)? f(x,p)
- keep the form and substitute for x and p the
operator x and p - Example Hamiltonian ( total energy of the
physical system in functional form) - H p2 /2m v(x)
15Operators in x representation
- Operator x become multiplication by x
- x f(x) x f(x)
- Operator p becomes derivative with respect to x
- p f(x) -ih (?f/?x,...)
- hence H becomes
- Hf(x) -h2 /2m ? 2 f/?x2 v(x)f(x)
16Operators without classical equivalence
- Spin operators are represented by matrix
- Size of matrix depends on postulated ( measured)
value of spin for given system - Spin is quantized that why size of the matrix
is defined by the spin value - Electron spin 1/2h
- Photon spin 1h
17How do we know that spin is quantized
- Stern Gerlach experiment electron spin is a
vector, with two and only two projections on the
specific axis's which has values h/2 and - h/2 - Theory angular momentum is quantized is
derived from commutation relations among
components of angular momentum values are the
same as experimental
18Stern-Gerlach experiment spin of electron
19Postulate 3
- What is the effect of measurement on the state of
the system - The measurement of the observable A which yields
the value a leaves the system in the state agt
which is the eigenstate of an operator A
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21Magnetic field is along z-axis
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24Explanation of the Stern-Gerlach experiment
- Use classical analogy to construct operator
associated with Stern-Gerlach experiment - H -µB? H- µ0 SB
- where µ0 is a constant
- Solve eigenvalue problem and use the results of
experiment to find S matrix
25Eigenvalue problem
- Aagtaagt
- Operator (eigenfunction) eigenvalue (
eigenfuncion) - Assume that field B is along z-axis
- µ0 SzB gt - µ0 B h/2gt
- - µ0 SzB - gt - µ0 B(-h/2)-gt
26or in matrix notation
- a b 1 h/2 1
- c d 0 0
- then
- a h/2 , c 0
- and from other eigenvalue
- b0 , d -h/2
27- These two vectors span 2D vector space
28- These four matrices span the2x2 complex matrix
29- So Sz is one of base matrices
- and similarly all other are also proportional to
spin matrices or Pauli matrices
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34Postulate 4
- How to describe quantum dynamics?
- The state of the system evolves in time by the
time dependent Schrödinger equation - H ?gt (ih/2p ) ?/?t?gt
- where H is the Hamiltonian of the system
35Postulate 1 example in the language of qubits
photons electron spin nuclear spin etcetera
0gt gt 1gt -gt
All we do is draw little arrows on a piece of
paper - that's all. - Richard Feynman
36QUBIT states
- All states of a qubit are superpositions of two
basis states - The superposition is a purely quantum property
unlike a classical bit, a qubit can have an
infinite of states
37Spinor Wavefunction
- It makes no sense to speak about the position of
the qubit when the cs are just numbers - But if we let the cs depend on position, then
can get a spinor wavefunction
38Postulate 2 and 3 measuring a qubit
Einstein God doesnt play dice
Measuring in the computational basis
39Postulate 2 and 3 -Measuring a qubit
40Postulate 4 dynamics quantum logic gates
Quantum not gate
Input qubit
Output qubit
Matrix representation
Dynamics of a closed quantum system (including
logic gates) can be represented as a unitary
41Pauli gates
42 qcomputers use multiple-qubit systems
Measurement in the computational basis
General state of n qubits
43The measurement problem
Quantum system
Measuring apparatus
Rest of the Universe
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45Postulate 4
The state space of a composite physical system is
the tensor product of the state spaces of the
component systems.
46Compound Systems tensor products
A tensor product is a larger vector space formed
from two smaller ones simply by combining
elements from each in all possible ways that
preserve both linearity and scalar multiplication
If V is a vector space of dimension n W is a
vector space of dimension m then V W is a vector
space of dimension mn
- E.g. let CA?B be a system composed of two
subsystems A,B each with vector spaces A, B with
bases ai?, bj?
47Compound Systems
- E.g., if Alice has state ?aa0? ß1?,while
Bob has state ?b?0? d1?, then Cs state is -
- Product states are separable because each qubit
has a well-defined state -
48- E.g. if the state of compound system C can be
expressed as a tensor product of states of two
independent subsystems A and B, i.e.,
?c ?a ? ?b - Then, we say that A and B are not entangled, and
they have individual states, e.g., - 00?01?10?11? OR 00?0??0?
- (0?1?)?(0?1?)
49Some conventions implicit in Postulate 4
51In general superpositions of product states are
Quantum entangled
Impossible to write this as product of states
Schroedinger (1935) I would not
call entanglement one but rather the
characteristic trait of quantum mechanics, the
one that enforces its entire departure from
classical lines of thought.
52Bell states non-separable kinematic nonlocality
In this example, no arrows are specified because
each individual QUBIT does not have a separate
state. The 2 QUBITS, together, have a single
state, but not individually cannot understand
as being a composite of a state of Alice and
state of Bob
53History of Entanglement and nonlocality I
- Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (1935) God does not
play dice suppose we have a wavefunction
- Same preparation (same wavefunction) different
results - Connection between causes and effects (basis of
science) violated by quantum mechanics
- Bohm (1950), Bell (1964) and Aspect (1982)
entanglement indicates that no locally realistic
theory of the world (i.e. classical) is possible
54History of Entanglement and nonlocality II
- EPR QM is incomplete - Hidden variables exist
which can explain why different results are
obtained given identical preparations
- QM says that the particles state is not definite
until hits measuring device so send Bob far
away - No time for Alices particle to inform Bobs
- Always green-green or red-redHow possible?
- Bohm (1950), Bell (1964) and Aspect (1982)
entanglement indicates that no locally realistic
theory of the world (i.e. classical) is possible
55History of Entanglement and nonlocality III
- EPR solution particles agree at the source (when
together) that ½ the time they are green-green
- The other ½ the time they are red-red
- But QM never talks about these hidden variables
- Bohm (1950), Bell (1964) and Aspect (1982)
entanglement indicates that no locally realistic
theory of the world (i.e. classical) is possible
56History of Entanglement and nonlocality IV
- Bohm (1950), Bell (1964) and Aspect (1982)
entanglement indicates that no locally realistic
theory of the world (i.e. classical) is possible
- Any run might be XY or YX, so if 1 particle
allows Y detector to flash G, its companion must
require a X det to flash R (otherwise XG, YG or
YG, XG) - Thus in any YY run in which both flash G, then
each particle must require an X detector to flash
R. Thus, if XX were measured then both detectors
would have flashed R - But XR, XR is never observed