Title: SCIST Core Business
1SCI-ST Core Business
- Development of an Advanced P/L Technology
Programme - P/L cost analysis and cost/resource reduction for
future missions - P/L Technology Support to Projects (e.g. SOLO)
- Internal Technology Projects (opticssensors FM
Instruments) - P/L Support to ESA Project Reviews
2ST Involvement in Flight-Type Research Projects
- COROT (CNES Seismology/planet finder) RSSD/ST
- SCAM 3 (Superconducting Optical Camera for WHT
Telescope) RSSD/STcomplete Instrument
3SCI-ST Technology Development Projects
- Compound Semiconductor UV/EUV X-ray Sensors
bridges fields - EUV X-ray Optics (bridges fields -gt
astrophysics planetary) - Superconductor Sensors (Optical, UV, EUV, X-ray)
- ASICs (developments based on sensors,langmuir,ster
eo type requirments) - CCDs for Optical and UV applications
- Cryogenics
- Active Pixel Optical Sensors for future planetary
and solar missions - Planetary microscopy (Raman, Laser Plasma
Spectroscopy) - Planetary geochemistry ( XPS/Mossbauer/Microcam/LP
S) - NIR Interferometry through Genie
- DPUs (building on OSIRIS and COROT) ?
- Biosensors
4Instrument Costs linked to resources
- Consider instrument suites with shared subsystems
- Highly integrated electronics
- Search for low mass low power solutions
- Target early technology developments to reduce
resource usage
5X-ray opticsResource reductions - change mission
XMM optics 350 kg for 700mm diameter,
MCP optics 29g for 60mm diameter,
10kg/m2 XMM-size 4 kg
6Room Temperature Compound Semiconductor Sensors
300 ?m
1.2 cm
Design goal ?E180 eV _at_ 5.9 keV
Pitch 350 ?m Thickness 40 ?m, 4 ?m p, lt1 ?m
n Inter-pixel resistivity gt 1010?
X-ray Mapper Rad Hard
1.2 cm
7Superconducting Optical UV Sensors
32x10 pixel array in Molybdenum
With low Tc Superconducting sensors we make a big
step over Ta (Scam1-3 cameras) for Optical-X-ray
astrosolar physics
8Development of Advanced Technology Programme
- Essential for future Solar Planetary programmes
(More science at lower cost) - Route for lower cost missions which are
scientifically useful (e.g. XMM Telescope could
be flown for a mass of 5 Kg not 400 Kg) - Resources should be available from within DSCI
Programme to ensure timely development of core
technologies for SOLO - Low resource payloads coupled to SMART spacecraft
may in future allow mission concepts not
considered to date (e.g. Interstellar probe)
9Venus Express The old approach
Payload in a shoebox !
10ST support to optimise the Science Programme
- Payload cost database established
- Has led to initial costing of future mission
payloads - Provides a spend profile for P/Ls to member
states - Will influence the future planning process
- Payload long-term technologies are crucial to
Science Programme - Think SMART-CLEVER-LOW RESOURCE Instruments
- SOLO PDD is the basis for the Technology Road-Map
- ST supported by SOLO PWG SH will develop the PDD
11Cost Analysis Procedure
- ESA DSCi has established a payload cost database
- Database contains some payload and unit level
costs from - XMM
- Mars Express
- Rosetta
- Integral
- Huygens
- Cluster
- Database costs obtained from PIs, CO-Is and
project teams - Based in-part on DOD type cost analysis
- All instrument costs are analysed uniformly at
unit and system level
12The Payload Cost Model Approach
- Establish a coefficient for the total risk
associated with an instruments development - The total risk coefficient is comprised of 5
components - Design maturity level (from PDD assessment
reports etc) - Technical criticality level
- Technology readiness level (from PDD assessment
reports) - Model philosophy (e.g. STM-gtEQM-gtFM with EQM
upgrade-gtFS - Project management (interfaces/numbers of
institutes/industry) - CTC is computed by adding/subtracting a delta
function of the total risk to the closest
instrument or unit in the d/b whose cost is
known. - Errors are computed based on the uncertainties
making up the total risk. - Errors (/-) are generally asymmetric to reflect
probability to achieve savings is lower than
probability to incur a cost increase
13Draft Payload Cost Analysis Mission Summary
() SOLO needs further Instrument definition
14BC (Light)MPOMMO Spend Profile Total 170
MEuros(Instrument Build Launch Ops support)
Start P/L Delivery
15Potential PICo-I distribution on Bepi
16Solar Orbiter Initial Payload Costs
Solar Orbiter lacks serious instrument definition
for accurate costs
- Instrument specification
- Detailed analysis of instrument requirements
- Production of the Payload Definition Document
- Analysis of the instrument resources
- Specification of the SOLO Technology Road map
- SOLO Technology Development Programme
- Support to SOLO SWT/PWT
- Support to SOLO Industrial studies