Title: Space
- Janice Hendry
- 26/05/06
2Personal History
- Fascinated by space since childhood
- 4th Year UG MPhys Physics with Space Science
- Undertaken 2 placements in space sector
- Sponsored by RAE for Engineering Leadership Award
- Have attend several Space related conferences
with funding - Sponsored twice by ESA to attend IAC
- Presenting 2 papers in Oct
- Successfully interviewed for ESA YGT position the
Netherlands - Start working at Roke Manor in Oct. as Waves
3Areas within SpaceAstronomy ScienceSpace
ScienceSpacecraft Engineering
4Astronomy Science
- Analysing data from satellites telescopes
Graph of data from radar station
Picture from Hubble
5Space Science
- Instrumentation mission design
SIRAL on CryoSat
6Spacecraft Engineering
- The building putting together of subsystems for
the spacecraft
Ariane Launch
7UKs Involvement in Space
ESACassini-Huygens Galileo GOCE
- ESA ? European Space Agency
- Europes NASA equivalent
- 17 member countries, inc. UK
- Good relations with other space agencies
- 6 main sites
- ESTEC Netherlands, RD
- ESOC Germany, Mission Control
- ESRIN Italy, Earth Observation Data
- EAC Germany, Astronaut Training
- Space Port French Guiana
- HQ Paris
- 2000 employees contractors
- 2006 budget 2904 million
- Mission to Saturn
- Launched Oct 1997
- Arrived July 2004
- Europe responsible for Huygens probe
- Huygens landed on Titan
- 10 UK establishments involved
- UoS helped with Surface Science Package
- Europe's GNSS
- 30 operational satellites
- Revolutionises satellite navigation
- Galileo will have guarantees
- US GPS military owned
- Russias GLONASS poorly maintained
- UKs involvement
- SSTL built GIOVE-A
- Astrium responsible for payload on GIOVE-B
- Roke Manor receiver antenna design
- Earth Observation
- Expected launch in 2006
- Modelling Earths gravitational field
- QinetiQ Astrium responsible for propulsion
- 3rd ever mission to Mercury
- Expected launch 2013/14
- Expected mission life 4 years
- Collaboration between ESA JAXA
- Will use electric propulsion new technology
13Electric Propulsion
- Propulsion by emission of ions electrons
- Slow to start, but high acceleration with time
- UKs involvement
- QinetiQ in final stage of ESAs Bepi-Colombo bid
- Astrium QinetiQ responsible for GOCE
14Space Debris
- AKA Space Junk
- Anything non-operation in orbit space
- GEO LEO worst affected
- One of largest hazards to spacecraft
- Chemical propulsion adds to space debris
population - ? electric propulsion cleaner
Damage caused by a paint fleck
15Remnants of a Delta II Rocket found near Cape Town
16Companies CareersProfessional
How to Get Involved
17UK Space Companies
- Zephyr HALE UAV
- US rival Helios
- Aimed altitude 70,000 ft
- ? edge of space
- Few females in team!
- Possible use on Mars
- Problem transporting to destination
19Roke Manor
- Relatively small company
- 300 employees
- Owned by Siemens
- Based in Romsey
- Few females in company
- Galileo
- Receiver design, inc. modelling
- Presenting work at IAC in Oct
- Beagle
- Designed built radar altimeter
20Graduate Jobs
- You dont have to be an engineer!
- Biology
- Medicine
- Geology
- Physics
- Engineering (All)
- Life Sciences
- Chemistry
- Law
- Finance Economics
- Project Management
- Politics
21ESA Jobs
- YGT Young Graduate Trainee
- 200 placements per year
- Mostly based in Darmstadt Noordwijk
- 1 year placement only (no extension)
- Applications Nov each year
- 80 applicants per job
- Placements
- Unpaid (20 per day)
- Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
- 20-30 fellowships
- 2 years in length
- General Jobs
- Only experienced hires (4-5 years experience)
Website www.esa.int/SPECIALS/Careers_at_ESA/index
22International Space University
- aka ISU, www.isunet.edu
- Generalised topic covers subjects across the
spectrum - Masters courses
- Based in Strasbourg, France
- 1 year program
- MSc in Space Studies MSc in Space Management
- Includes 12 week work placement
- Full partial sponsorships available
- Summer program
- Changes location each year
- 9 weeks in length
- Full partial sponsorships available
- UK
- UKSEDS, www.uk.seds.org
- Volunteer youth organisation aimed at promoting
space and related activities to a wider audience - Several branches around country
- Southampton SoSEDS (soseds_at_dravvin.net)
- International
- SEDS, www.seds.org
- UKSEDS parent organisation
- Space Generation, www.spacegeneration.org
- Non-governmental organisation which brings the
views from it's members to and works with the
UN, Space Agencies and other organisations
24Space Outreach
- ESA, www.esa.int/esaED/index.html
- International Astronautical Congress (IAC)
- Sponsor 80 students to attend present at IAC
- logo competition
- Parabolic Flight Campaign,
- Sponsor 120 students to fly their experiment in
micro-G - YES2 - Young Engineers Satellite
- Will pave the way for a safe payload return
capability (SpaceMail), where the payload can be
'lowered' from space by the use of a tether
instead of the conventional rocket propulsion - BIS, www.bis-spaceflight.com
- Sponsor 2 students to present paper at the IAC
Student competition - BNSC, www.bnsc.gov.uk
- Provide information on careers, UK involvement,
education packs, etc.
- Most institutes provide funding to attend
conferences - ESA hold many conferences per year
- http//conferences.esa.int
- Students generally get discounted rate
- Budget for 5 day conference 350
- Great way to network
- 2008 IAC being held in Glasgow
- BIS logo competition, www.bis-spaceflight.com
- Russia Trip
- Organised by UKSEDS
- www.uk.seds.org/events/russia/2006
- 2 week workshop based in Moscow
- Visit to cosmonaut training centre Star City