- Joint ASRED/SAAESD MeetingCorpus Christi,
TexasApril 5, 2005 - Jim Powell
- Director
- Southeast Regional Office
- U.S. Department of Energy
2Partnership Opportunities
- NASULGC Agreement
- SEP Special Projects
- Omnibus Cooperative Agreements
- Inventions and Innovations Program
- STAC Rebuild America Initiative
3The Benefits of Partnership
- Mutual interests
- Common goals
- Cooperation
- Talents and expertise
- Funding
- Successful performance
- Transfer / commercialization
4- Making the Whole Greater
- Than the Sum of the Parts
- Partnering Between Organizations
5NASULGC Partnership
- Late 1990s timeframe
- EERE and NASULGC founders
- Public colleges and universities
- One roof concept
- Teaching, research and outreach
- Ties into existing national system
- Operates in every county in the U.S.
6Partnerships Pilot Projects
- In FY 2004 5 1-year projects developed
- Projects to expand access for energy researchers
- Provide use of extension capabilities of state
universities and land-grant colleges. - Results would benefit faculty and students
through collaboration with federal energy
7Partnership Projects No. 1
Expanding the opportunities for cooperation and
communications between NASULGC and DOE/EERE
8- Faculty members who wish to submit resumes
- Send an email with resume attached to the
address below. - Identify the program(s) of interest in the
subject line of the email. - Save the resume as a document that contains the
faculty members name. - To Resumes_at_ee.doe.gov
- Subject Type here the Name of the Program(s)
i.e. solar, geothermal etc. that is of interest
to the faculty submitting the resume
9Partnership Projects No. 2
Use of Extension and outreach systems for the
dissemination and delivery of DOE/EERE products
and services
10Partnership Projects No. 3
Youth education in science and technology
11 Partnership Projects No. 4
Engaging the research capacities of the
universities and state colleges
12 Partnership Projects No. 5
Workshops at the DOE labs for scientists from the
NASULGC-affiliated institutions
13FY05 Objectives
- Enhancing EERE program impact.
- Institutionalizing extension outreach capacity.
- Increase public education about energy
- Expanding joint university/EERE lab
- workshops
- Develop methods to improve formal exchange of
14To learn more about the DOE/NASULGC Partnership,
15State Technologies Advancement Collaborative
- Formed by DOE, NASEO and ASERTII
- Signed an agreement on November 14, 2002
- Established a State Technology Advancement
Collaborative (STAC) - Mechanism whereby States and DOE can move energy
research, development, demonstration, and
deployment forward using an innovative project
selection and funding process
16A growing network of community-driven voluntary
partnerships Fosters EERE in commercial,
government and public-housing buildings Overcomes
market barriers that inhibit use of the best
17Rebuild America 531 partnerships, 800 projects
18STAC Plans for the Rebuild America Program
- STAC and DOE in process of transferring
management of Rebuild America to STAC. - Transfer expected to complete by end of April
2005. - Final FY05 Appropriations contained the following
languageĀ The Rebuild America program is to be
managed by the State Technologies Advancement
Collaborative. - Programs mission will continue.
19Working with STAC
If you are interested in working with STAC,
contact your State Energy Office
- ALABAMA Terri Adams, 334-242-5292
- ARKANSAS Chris Benson, 501-682-1370
- FLORIDA Alexander Mack, 850-245-2535
- GEORGIA Elizabeth Robertson, 404-656-3887
- KENTUCKY John Davies, 502-564-7192
- LOUISIANA Mike French, 225-342-1275
- MISSISSIPPI Kenneth Calvin, 601-359-6618
- NORTH CAROLINA Larry Shirley, 919-733-1889
20Working with STAC
If you are interested in working with STAC,
contact your State Energy Office
- OKLAHOMA Brenda Williams, 405-815-5352
- PUERTO RICO Dr. Javier Quintana, 787-224-8777
- SOUTH CAROLINA John Clark, 803-737-8039
- TENNESSEE Brian Hensley, 615-741-2994
- TEXAS William (Dub) Taylor, 512-463-1931
- VIRGIN ISLANDS Bevan Smith, 340-773-1082
- VIRGINIA John Warren, 804-692-3216
21EERE Project Management Center
- A virtual hub
- Created for management of EEREs 11 programs.
- Composed of EERE field organizations
- Working to ensure U.S. industry captures lions
share of global market for energy and
environmental technologies - Our Nations energy portfolio is part of this
22Special Projects Solicitation
- Annual competitive solicitation
- All EERE technologies eligible
- 2005 funding is 14.7 million
- FY05 solicitation now available
- Assistance provided at three levels
- Up to 50,000 for technologies in early-stage
development - Up to 250,000 for technologies approaching the
point of prototype - and up to 500,000 for technology demonstrations
24(No Transcript)
25(No Transcript)
26Grant Writing Tutorials
- EPA Grant-Writing Tutorial http//www.epa.gov/seah
ome/grants/src/grant.htm - Foundation Center Proposal Writing
http//fdncenter.org/learn/shortcourse/prop1.html - Corp. for Public Broadcasting Basic Elements of
Grant Writing http//www.cpb.org/grants
- Jim Powell
- 404-562-0599
- jim.powell_at_ee.doe.gov
- www.eere.energy.gov/regions/southeast