Title: State of Vermont Energy Stimulus Plan
1State of VermontEnergy Stimulus Plan
- April 3, 2009
- David OBrien
- Vermont Public Service Department
- www.publicservice.vermont.gov
- 828-2811
- Clean Energy Development Fund
- Efficiency Vermont
3Clean Energy Development Fund
- Small-Scale Renewable Energy Program
- -874 systems installed (79 wind turbines, 347
solar PV 448 solar hot water) - Clean Energy Development Fund Competitive Grants
- -Over 7 million in grants awarded since 2007
- (20 feasibility studies, 14 farm methane
digesters, 7 co-gen systems, 12 solar PV systems,
5 hydro systems, and one wind system)
4Efficiency Vermont
Year Electric Services and Initiatives Electric Services and Initiatives Unregulated Fossil Fuel Services and Initiatives Unregulated Fossil Fuel Services and Initiatives Total
2009 25.5 M 25.5 M 1.0 M 1.0 M 26.5 M
2010 28.9 M 28.9 M 1.9 M 1.9 M 30.7 M
2011 33.1 M 33.1 M 1.6 M 1.6 M 34.7 M
Key 3-year Performance Goals Key 3-year Performance Goals Key 3-year Performance Goals Key 3-year Performance Goals Key 3-year Performance Goals Key 3-year Performance Goals
360,000 MWh 360,000 MWh 51.2 Summer MW 51.2 Summer MW 54.0 Winter MW 54.0 Winter MW
5EVT - Geotargeting
- 12.2 M per year directed to four Geotargeted
Areas - To avoid otherwise necessary investments in TD
- Evaluation in 2009
6EVT - Program Initiatives
Residential Initiatives Retail Efficient Products Specialty CFLs and LEDs New Construction Higher Tier EE Standard Existing Homes HPwES New - Unregulated Fuels Initiatives Business Initiatives New Construction Tech Assistance to Design/Build Firms Existing Facilities Expanded Account Mgmt Direct Install Lighting in GT Areas
7New Initiatives Opportunites
- All Fuels Efficiency
- Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants
- Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Tax
Incentives - Smart Grid
8All Fuels Efficiency
- Provide energy efficiency upgrades to homeowners
- Pursue the sweet spot, lower energy bills for
consumers, lower carbon emissions and put
contracting workforce back to work.
9Smart Grid
- Empowers consumers to become active participants
in their energy choices. - Transformation from a centralized network to one
that is more consumer-interactive. - Enhanced electric delivery system, including
generation, transmission, distribution and
consumption. - Increases the possibilities of distributed
generation, bringing generation closer to those
it serves. - Provides two-way visibility and control of energy
10Today's Central Utility
Tomorrow's Distributed Utility?
Central Generation
Central Generation
Fuel Cell
Customer Efficiency
11Other Matters
- In many respects recessionary conditions can help
these efforts, availability of labor etc. - Meanwhile recessionary conditions worldwide have
dampened energy prices to the benefit of
consumers - Consumer advocates need to pay close attention
to, and play a role in national cap and trade. - But we have to be mindful of the longer-term
picture. Are we making good long term decisions?
The resources that stimulus will underwrite
remain uneconomic over the planning horizon.