Title: WAS*IS Government/Private Sector
1WASIS Government/Private Sector Weather
Partnership Project
National Weather Service Partners Meeting AMS
Annual Meeting January 18, 2007
Melissa Tuttle Carr Manager, Weather Information
Distribution The Weather Channel
Kevin Barjenbruch Warning Coordination
Meteorologist National Weather Service, Salt Lake
2Todays Presentation
- Introduction
- About WASIS / Project Initiation
- Key Project Messages
- Actions/Progress
- The Future
- VI. Wrap-Up
3II. About WASIS / Project Initiation
- Weather and Society Integrated Studies
- Concepts and Knowledge
- Communication, forecasting, risk assessment, GIS
tools, qualitative research, decision support
systems, economics, vulnerability, verification
and more!
Partnerships Building a passionate and dedicated
community of people for lifelong collaboration
and support
4II. About WASIS / Project Initiation
- Three WASIS workshops
- Original Nov. 2005 / Mar. 2006, Boulder
- Norman, OK April 2006
- Summer July 2006, Boulder
- Upcoming WASIS workshops
- Australia January 2007
- Boulder Summer 2007
Applications now being accepted for Summer
2007! http//www.sip.ucar.edu/wasis/index.jsp
Over 85 participants and growing!
5II. About WASIS / Project Initiation
- WASIS lives on after the workshops!
- Participants continue their WASIS work and
learning via numerous projects initiated during
the workshops
A few of the many projects Societal resilience
to weather hazards Social verification of
warnings and this partnership project
6II. About WASIS / Project Initiation
Melissa Tuttle Carr The Weather Channel
Kevin Barjenbruch NWS, Salt Lake City
Project Team Tanja Fransen, Brent MacAloney,
Ernie Ostuno, Mike Stavish, Greg Stumpf, Britt
Westergard, Ray Wolf And consultation from
Amanda Graning, Pamela Szatanek, Neil
Stuart plus, input and ideas from many others!
7III. Key Project Messages
- Improved communication and collaboration between
the government and private sectors will be of
benefit to the entire weather enterprise and to
the public. - Examples include
- Enhancing communication between sectors
- Cross-sector collaborative efforts
- Strategic planning of the weather enterprise
8III. Key Project Messages
- A synergistic approach within the weather
enterprise will lead to improved products and
services and increased visibility. - Specifically, this project focuses on
- Advocating full engagement of private sector
prior - to and during product development
- Launch of storm-based warnings and functional
- CAP/XML feeds for NWS bulletins
9III. Key Project Messages
The public will benefit by receiving better and
more understandable weather information.
10 IV. Actions/Progress
- Project has been presented numerous times
- 9/26/06 NWS Western Region Headquarters
- 11/3/06 NWS National Headquarters
- 11/15/06 The Weather Channel brief
introduction - 12/5/06 Storm-Based Warnings Workshop at Texas
AM - 1/17/07 AMS Intelligent Transportation
Systems/Surface Transportation Committee
Meeting - In total, approximately 115 people in attendance
from - the government and private sectors, academia,
- and other groups
11 IV. Actions/Progress
- Progress is being made
- New, productive partnerships are being formed
between private sector and the NWS via
face-to-face meetings initiated by project work - Working with Ron Gird, NWS Outreach Program
Manager, on NWS Partners Meeting format
First change is in effect as of today, with the
inclusion of the private sector on the agenda for
this meeting
12 IV. Actions/Progress
- Progress is being made
- Working with Ken Graham, NWS Service Evolution
Partnership Project ideas, Kens role with the
NWS, and opportunities for collaboration Startin
g talks about dynamic ideas for strengthening the
weather enterprise
13 IV. Actions/Progress
- Progress is being made
- Increased attention to importance of effective
CAP/XML feeds for NWS bulletins, including - Discussion at the NDFD Technical Workshop
(11/2006) - Strong cross-sector support at the Storm-Based
Warnings Workshop (12/2006) - Ongoing work with Bob Bunge, NWS Internet
Dissemination Officer on potential CAP feed
14 IV. Actions/Progress
- Progress is being made
- John Ferree, Severe Storm Service Leader
Storm-Based Warnings and Next Generation Warning
Tool Implementation - Pam Heinselman and Daphne LaDue Public/Private
Sector Partnership Distance Learning module,
based on a program lead by John Toohey-Morales
and Ed Johnson (http//www.ncim.org/pppcourse2006
/) - NWS Team Partners Registration Site
- 2007 Central Region Headquarters
15 V. The Projects Future
- This project continues to grow!
- We now have a much larger, exciting initiative,
with momentum and numerous people ready to get
involved, effecting real change throughout the
weather enterprise
16 V. The Projects Future
- Challenges to address
- Time and resource constraints
- Effective communication with a busy project
group spread across the country - Ways to integrate all of the additional people
who are eager to join the project
17 V. The Projects Future
- Some ideas for 2007 and beyond
- Continue to spread the partnership message make
contact with others who are interested in this
initiative - Advisory board concept to communicate with and
gather ideas from others outside the project
group - Interface between Ken Graham (NWS Office of
Service Evolution) and presentation attendees
from both sectors
18VI. Wrap-Up
- Melissa Tuttle Carr
- mtuttle_at_weather.com
- Kevin Barjenbruch
- kevin.barjenbruch_at_noaa.gov
- Thank You!