Title: Maximizing Your Educational Potential
1Maximizing Your Educational Potential
- Educational Innovation and Scholarship
Constance Baldwin, Ph.D., University of Rochester
Medical Center Latha Chandran, MD, MPH, MBBS,
2What we will do today
- Definition of scholarship and its assessment
- Use of Educator Portfolios in academic
institutions - Discussion of
- Good teaching
- Scholarly teaching
- Educational scholarship
3Boyers Expanded Definition of Scholarship
- Discovery original research to acquire new
knowledge, clarify how things work - E.g. How do residents acquire problem solving
skills in clinical situations? - Does faculty use of a direct observ/feedback
checklist improve residents HPs? - Integration seeking connections between
disciplines, bridging creatively across research
findings - E.g. Does use of a computerized residency
management program result in increased faculty
feedback to residents?
4Boyers Expanded Definition of Scholarship
- Application building bridges between theory and
practice, using knowledge for practical purposes - E.g. Does the use of an educator portfolio
increase chances of promotion among clinician
educators? - Teaching communicating knowledge, making new
discoveries accessible and meaningful outside a
specialized domain - E.g. Does a curriculum in communication skills
enhance patient satisfaction?
5Glassicks Six Criteria for Excellence in
- Clear goals stated purpose, realistic
objectives, important questions - Adequate preparation understanding of
literature, appropriate skills, needed resources - Appropriate methods methods match goals,
effective use and flexible application of methods
6Glassicks Six Criteria for Excellence in
- Significant results goals are achieved, results
are important, field is advanced - Effective presentation presentation well
organized, forums appropriate, message clear - Reflective critique work critically evaluated,
supported with good evidence, evaluation used to
improve future studies
7Why is this important?
- 315 increase in clinician educators in last
twenty years - JHU- Clinician Educators were 69 less likely to
hold a higher rank than basic scientists - Promotions committees unfamiliar with educational
scholarship - No standardized way to assess scholarship in EPs
8The Educator Portfolio
- Key components
- Teaching andLearner Assessment
- Curriculum Development
- Advising/Mentoring
- Educational Leadership and Administration
- Other information Awards, Journal reviewer
- Key indicators of excellence
- Quality
- Impact
- Developmental and Promotional EPs
9CV vs EP
- CV mainly documents educational quantity if
format is modified to report educational
activities systematically - EP shows quantity, quality and impact
creativity, innovation, evidence-based approach,
strong learner outcomes, adoption of models by
other programs
10What we will do today
- Definition of scholarship and its assessment
- Use of Educator Portfolios in academic
institutions - Discussion of
- Good teaching
- Scholarly teaching
- Educational scholarship
11How is excellent teachingdocumented?
What makes teaching excellent?
12How is Excellent Teaching Defined?
- Quantity Variety, volume, effort
- Content
- Authenticity
- Variety, Richness, and Depth
- Quality
- Use of best practices and sound planning
- Demonstrated excellence through
- Direct observation (peers or experts)
- Teaching evaluations by learners
- Assessments of learners
- Longterm outcomes of learners
- Outcomes of patients
13Sound Educational Methods Authenticity
- As adult learners, residents want and need
- Real world learning opportunities
- Learning with immediate applicability
- Chances to apply theory to practice
- Skills for life-long learning
- In world of competency-based education,
experiential learning in the practice setting is
key to enhancing performance
14Sound Educational Methods Variety
- Create a balance of experiences to suit different
learning styles and to use a variety of faculty
teaching styles - Match methods to content
- Didactic complex sets of facts and concepts
- Interactive more depth from multiple
perspectives - Experiential skills practiced in authentic
15Sound Educational Methods Richness and Depth
- As adult learners, students and residents thrive
on - Self-directed learning with choices
- Active learning in practical settings
- Interactive enrichment
- Flexible learning experiences that are adaptable
to individual learner needs - Novelty new approaches, new types of patients,
new settings
16Sound Educational Methods Good Planning
- Learning activities and evaluations based on
written goals and specific objectives - Efficient use of learners time with flexible
alternatives - Good use of faculty teaching strengths
- Variety of learning settings
- Faculty orientation and development
- Integration of new experience with program as a
17EP Documenting Teaching and Learner Assessment
- Teaching
- Scope and impact
- Creativity and innovation
- Evidence-based approach
- Quality of Teaching
- Direct observations by peers or experts
- Evaluations by learners
- Objectives-based assessments of learners
- Long-term learner outcomes
- Patient outcomes
18Small Group Exercise I
- Use Teaching Activities Grid from the EP Template
- Enter data into Teaching Activities Grid for a
variety of activities - Review example of an ESP Scholars Teaching
Activities Grid - Report of one key learning point
19What is a scholarly approach to education?
- How will a promotions committee know it when they
see it?
20What is a scholarly approach to teaching?
- Application of sound principles and systematic
planning - Use of best practices from literature or
recognized experts - Self-analysis (reflective practice) to improve
teaching or educational development
21Ex. of Scholarly Approach Learner Assessment
- Going beyond the conventions of ones institution
- Assessing learner needs before teaching
- Evaluating attainment of learning objectives
after teaching - Using authoritative sources for new methods
22Millers Triangle Quality of Learner Assessments
Chart audit, portfolio, direct observ, pt
High fidelity simulations, OSCEs
Shows how
Case presentations, low fidelity simulations
Knows how
Multiple choice exams
Millers Triangle
- Miller, GE. Acad Med, 65(supp) Sept 1990
23Ex. of Scholarly Approach Curriculum Development
- Structured planning (e.g, use of GNOME model)
- Evaluation using best practices(e.g.,
Kirkpatrick model for program evaluation) - Examples demonstrating innovation and educational
24The GNOME A Linear Model of Curriculum
- G Goals
- N Needs
- O Objectives
- M Methods
- E Evaluation
25Kirkpatricks Model of Educational Program
Evaluation of results Real world outcomesimpact on society
Evaluation of behavior Transfer of knowledge, skills, attitudes to workplace
Evaluation of learning Acquisition of knowledge, skills, attitudes
Evaluation of reaction Learner satisfaction, usefulness, motivation
26Small Group Exercise II
- Review Curriculum Development section from a
sample EP - Discuss how to improve the documentation
- How would you advise the scholar to use a more
scholarly approach in the future? - Report on one key learning point
27What is educational scholarship
- How is it done?
- How is it demonstrated?
28What is educational scholarship?
- Scholarship goes beyond good teaching and a
scholarly approach - It is educational evaluation or research that
fulfills the 3 Ps criteria - Publication
- Peer review
- Providing a platform for others to build upon
29 Comparison of Educational Evaluation and
- Educational evaluation
- Looks within a program
- Studies the effects of educational intervention
- Purpose improve program, report to stakeholders
- Educational research
- Looks beyond a particular program
- Asks a question with broader relevance
- Purpose generalize findings about educational
interventions to other programs - Can be quantitative or qualitative
30Educator Portfolio Key Content
- Teaching and Learner Assessment
- Curriculum Development
- Mentoring and Advising
- Educational Leadership and Administration
- Scholarship in all sections Countable products
31EP Documentation of Scholarship
- Scholarly Productivity
- Peer rev publications (print or electronic)
- Peer rev/Invited presentations and workshops
- Non-peer-rev publications/presentations
- Books
- Educational Products
- Grants
- PI or Co-PI
- Number and
- Geographic impact (national gt local)
32Examples of Scholarship Curriculum Development
- Peer reviewed presentations- local, regional,
national - Peer reviewed publications or product approved by
MedEdPORTAL - Evidence of impact e.g., geographic
dissemination, positive learner outcomes
33Strategies for Enhancing Your Educational Efforts
- Expand your educational vision beyond precepting
Boyers model - Conduct educational activities systematically and
critically Glassicks Six Criteria - Plan ways to demonstrate educational excellence
evaluations, products, models, presentations,
publications - Participate in the community of educators
(meetings, editorial reviews, workshops,
presentations, publications)
34Summary of Requirements for Educ Career
- Documentation of educational productivity
(quantity) - Documentation of educational quality (teaching,
scholarly approach) - Peer review of products and reports
- Dissemination and adoption of educational
products - Evidence of national reputation (via
presentations, publications, collaborations) -
35How to make educational scholarship a part of
your career
- Always ask questions, and seek answers to the
best ones - Seek mentors/experts to help guide your scholarly
work - Build productive collaborations e.g., look
across disciplines at your institution for people
in similar roles, or look at other institutions
for people in same role take advantage of
ready-made networks in professional organizations - Find out what others have done (read the
literature, go to meetings, attend workshops,
email colleagues with questions)
36How to make educational scholarship a part of
your career
- Develop scholarship around your other
responsibilitiesmulti-purpose your academic
effort - Plan new teaching activities around current
educational program structures to avoid
political/scheduling challenges - Seek stakeholders to support your effort (look
up, down and across) - Be the solution, not the problemfind
opportunities in challenges faced by your
37How to make educational scholarship a part of
your career
- Pass it forward share your knowledge and
expertise among your peer educators locally and
nationally - Build your workand actively document itaround
the 3 hallmarks of scholarship - Public dissemination
- Peer review
- Providing a Platform for others to build on