Title: Developing a Common Exam Blueprint
1Developing a Common Exam Blueprint
- Fifth Grade Science Trial
- February 20, 2007
- To save individual districts time and energy by
pooling our resources. - To experiment with a possible format/template for
curriculum documentation that is driven by
standards and assessment. - Create documents that are practical, usable, and
- Background on the project
- Describe the process
- Pair up to create the 5th Grade Science blueprint
- Debrief
- Plan for the future
- State released the new standards last
spring/summer - Districts started revisions
- Regional professional development conference
(Dec. 12) - Regional curriculum meetings
- January 23, February 8
5What are our NEEDS?
- standards documents
- and ECAs
6But we also need to
- Maintain local autonomy
- Accommodate for a variety of different schedules
- Address various textbook differences
- Allow teachers flexibility to teach creatively,
yet provide sufficient structure for new or
struggling teachers.
7State Standards
- New Standards on Web Site
- Features
- Common structure of standards
- Standards consistent across grade levels
- Goals consistent
- Fairly specific objectives
- Content limits for ISAT
8Standards Format (5th Science)
Standard 1 Nature of Science Goal 1 Understand Systems, Order, and Organization Objective 1 Compare and contrast different systems. (603.01a)
Goal 2 Understand Concepts and Processes of Evidence, Models, and Explanations Objective 1 Use observations and data as evidence on which to base scientific explanations and predictions. (603.02a)
Objective 2 Explain the difference between observation and inference. (603.02.b)
Objective 3 Use models to explain or demonstrate a concept. (603.02.c)
Goal 3 Understand Constancy, Change, and Measurement Objective 1 Analyze changes that occur in and among systems (603.03.b)
Objective 2 Measure in both U.S. Customary and International System of Measurement (metric system)
9Standards Format (5th Science)
Standard 3 Biology Goal 1 Understand the Relationship between Matter and Energy in Living Systems Objective 1 Communicate how plants convert energy from the sun through photosynthesis. (608.01.a)
Goal 2 Understand the Cell is the Basis of Form and Function for All Living Things Objective 1 Compare and contrast the structural differences between plant and animal cells. (606.01.b)
Objective 2 Explain the concept that traits are passed from parents to offspring. (606.01.c)
10Now What?
- We have standards, with goals and objectives.
- How do we convert them into usable, testable
11The Process (Unpacking)
- Start with
- A table of specifications
- A list of instructional objectives
- Carefully analyze the objectives
- Identify a sample of the most important elements
of knowledge understanding - Create Propositions
- clearly stated sentences that reflect important
elements of content and stipulate the kind of
cognitive operation respondents must carry out.
(Stiggins, p. 132) - Develop test items. (Easy if you have good
12Writing Propositions
Objectives Propositions/Learning Statements Sample Test Items
Objective 1 Communicate how plants convert energy from the sun through photosynthesis. (608.01.a) Photosynthesis is the process
Objective 1 Compare and contrast the structural differences between plant and animal cells. (606.01.b) Plant cells
Animal cells
- American Government
- Government Standards Alignment
- Final Exam Blueprint
- 100 Concepts PowerPoint
14Time to Practice
15Suggestions? Ideas?
- (positive)
- Made standards more teachable
- Dialogue between districts
- Consistency across districts
- More efficient
- Quick
- Locally created, more buy-in
- End result is useful for new teachers
- Usable format, easy to follow
- Lends itself to EECAs (easy ECAs)
- Leaves flexibility (not overkill)
- Helps set pacing, priorities
? (change) Involve more teachers,
stakeholders Need computers set up Have samples
of textbooks Process for editing ISAT
vocabulary Finalize layout Many content
areas/grades dont have content limits Can this
process, format, document work across grade
levels and content areas?
16Whats Next?
- Short Term (today)
- Finish Standard 1, review, edit, etc.
- Medium (by April 1)
- Posted on site
- Show your 5th grade teachers
- Send feedback to davidm_at_sd215.k12.id.us
17Whats Next?
- Long Term
- Talk to the State
- Continue work (summer?)
- Assign team leadership to different districts for
different content areas? - Provide credit