Title: PSL: A Constraintbased, Adaptable Style Sheet Language
1PSL A Constraint-based, Adaptable Style Sheet
- Ethan V. Munson
- Dept. of EECS
- University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
2PSL Overview
- A declarative style sheet language
- Simple syntax and consistent semantics
- few special cases
- Built around general language facilities
- supports arbitrary expressions, if-then-else
constructs - Medium-independent (works with many media)
- Supported by Proteus, a style sheet system
- Represents a midpoint between CSS and XSL
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html DEFAULT LineHeight self.fontSize
1.5 ELABORATIONS url Content
(getAttribute(creator, "href")) visible
Yes fontSize 14 breakAfter Yes
arrow Markup ("ltIMG src\"arrow-grey.gif\"gt"
) visible Yes RULES HTML
MarginWidth 10 fontSize 12
visible No
A visible Yes fontSize 18
fgColor "blue" underlineNumber 1
createRight (arrow, url)
8Presentation Services
- Property Propagation - assigns values to the
formatting properties of each element - Box Layout - a constraint-based layout system
- elements can be positioned in any order
- Tree Elaboration - adds content to the
9Property Propagation
- The presentation of an element is specified by
associating property rules with the element's
- fontSize 14
- fontFamily "Times"
- lineHeight Self . fontSize 1.5
- marginLeft LeftSib . marginLeft 10
10Property Propagation
- Properties are typed
- types include boolean, real, string, and
enumerations - Property rules
- ltproperty namegt ltexpressiongt
- arbitrary expressions allowed
- many standard mathematical expressions and
functions - sin, cos, max, min, trunc, round
- types of property and expression must match
- currently, no implicit type casting
11Property Propagation (cont.)
- Property access expression
- ltnode expressiongt . ltproperty namegt
- Tree traversal functions
- Parent, LeftSib, RightSib, Self, Root
- FirstChild, LastChild, NthChild
- Example The fontSize of a cousin node
- FirstChild(LeftSib(Parent)) . fontSize
12Default Rules
- Property values are always defined
- Eliminates some unpredictability
- Order of evaluation
- Node-specific rule
- Explicit default rule
- Implicit default rule
- inheritance (e.g. fontSize Parent .
fontSize) - Per-attribute default value
- e.g. Italic No
13Box Layout
- Constraints between bounding boxes
- Four attributes per dimension
- Extent, minimum, maximum, center
- two degrees of freedom
- Dimensions and attribute names may vary between
applications - Uses property propagation
- Position rules have special syntax
- ltposition namegt ltpoint namegt ltexprgt
14Box Layout (cont.)
- Examples
- Width LeftSib . Width 2
- Height 100
- HorizPos Left LeftSib . Right
- VertPos VMiddle 250
15Specified vs. Actual Layout
- The actual layout of objects sometimes differs
from our nominal specifications - Graphics affected by strokewidth and rotation
- Paragraphs can be short
A short paragraph.
Actual Width
Specified Width
16ltTITLEgt Another Document lt/TITLEgt ltBODYgt ltPgt PSL
provides general language mechanisms ltOLgt
ltLIgt expressions, ltLIgt tree navigation
functions, ltLIgt conditions through an
if-then-else construct, ltLIgt tree
elaboration, ltLIgt access to both specified
and actual layout, and ltLIgt constraint-based
layout. lt/OLgt
HTML source
PSL provides general language mechanisms 1.
expressions, 4. tree elaboration, 2. tree
navigation functions, 5. access to both specified
and actual 3. conditions through an if-then-else
layout, and construct, 6.
constraint-based layout.
Formatted into two columns
17- Two Column Layout in PSL
- Each list item follows the previous one
- has the same left edge
- its top is below the bottom of the previous item
- Except the list item that starts the second
column - placed at the top of the list, moved to the right
- for n list items, this is the ( n / 2 1 ) item
Bounding Boxes Red for OL and Blue for LI
18PSL style sheet
- LI
- if ( childNum (Self) round (NumChildren(Parent
) / 2 1) ) then - VertPos Top Parent . Top
- HorizPos Left LeftSib . Left 200
- else
- VertPos Top LeftSib . Actual Bottom
- HorizPos Left LeftSib . Left
- endif
- Width 200
Bounding Boxes Red for OL and Blue for LI
19Tree Elaboration
- Adds generated material to document tree
- Generated nodes are first-class elements
- Can have their own property values and own
creations - Semantics of rules are the same as for source
document nodes - One node can create several others
- Two steps
- Declaration in Elaborations section
- Creation in Rules section
- Can create siblings or children
20(No Transcript)
html DEFAULT LineHeight self.fontSize
1.5 ELABORATIONS url Content
(getAttribute(creator, "href")) visible
Yes fontSize 14 breakAfter Yes
arrow Markup ("ltIMG src\"arrow-grey.gif\"gt"
) visible Yes RULES HTML
MarginWidth 10 fontSize 12
visible No
A visible Yes fontSize 18
fgColor "blue" underlineNumber 1
createRight (arrow, url)
22Why no tree transformations?
- Tree transformations have three purposes
- add material
- delete material
- reorder material
- PSL doesnt use arbitrary tree transformations
- Tree elaboration adds material
- it is a tree transformation, albeit a restricted
one - Visibility attributes can hide material
- Box (constraint-based) layout can reorder material
23Reverse order list
LI HorizPos Top RightSib . Actual
PSL provides general language mechanisms 6.
constraint-based layout. 5. access to both
specified and actual layout, and 4. tree
elaboration, 3. conditions through an
if-then-else construct, 2. tree navigation
functions, 1. expressions,
24Interface Functions
- Extension mechanism
- Allows applications to add concepts to language
- medium-specific information
- e.g. area of irregular graphic shapes
- editing state
- e.g. selection, cursor location
- results of document analysis
- e.g. XML/HTML attribute values, spell checking
- useful functions not built-in to PSL
- roman numeral strings
html DEFAULT LineHeight self.fontSize
1.5 ELABORATIONS url Content
(getAttribute(creator, "href")) visible
Yes fontSize 14 breakAfter Yes
arrow Markup ("ltIMG src\"arrow-grey.gif\"gt"
) visible Yes RULES HTML
MarginWidth 10 fontSize 12
visible No
A visible Yes fontSize 18
fgColor "blue" underlineNumber 1
createRight (arrow, url)
- PSL style sheet interpreter
- Portable C library
- Configurable
- can support any application using any medium
- configured by MSPEC specification language
- based on a formal model of media
- Has been used in two research prototypes
- Ensemble and MPMosaic
- plus undergraduate ASCII XML formatter projects
27Proteus Features
- Fast, space-efficient runtime system
- Lightweight
- Based on Hudsons incremental attribute evaluator
- Supports multiple simultaneous presentations
28Configuring Proteus and PSL
- Application designer writes MSPEC specification
- Primitive data types
- name and type signature(s) for creation
- Attributes
- name and type
- Dimensions
- attribute names
- Interface functions
- name and type signature
- C glue
29PSL Pragmatics
- Vestigial syntactic features
- Position names
- Unrecognized property names are illegal
- Node function syntax
- Needed features
- Contextual selectors
- Integer type
- User documentation
- e.g. some changes since 1996 paper
- Units of measure (cm, inch, pt, second, minute)
30Proteus Pragmatics
- Distribution available in July
- Unix-based
- but no Unix system calls, so it should port
easily - Tutorial on our Web site
- Plenty of known bugs (some even documented)
- Cyclic dependencies cause crashes
- Conditional statement support is unstable
- Problems on Alpha processors (little-endian?)
- due to details of bit-level manipulations for
space efficiency
- PSL shows that it is possible to have
- A declarative style sheet language with
- simple syntax,
- straightforward, general semantics, and
- considerable power
32For more information
- General information on PSL/Proteus
- www.cs.uwm.edu/multimedia
- PSL A New Presentation Language for Structured
Documents - MSPEC/Theory of Media
- A Representation of Media for Authoring and
Browsing Systems - More papers available on our Web site