Title: Infopipes
1Infopipes and the Infopipe Stub
Generator Galen Swint, Calton Pu, Younggyun
Koh, Wenchang Yan
- The Infosphere project
- Goals of the ISG
- Implementation
- Current results
- Infopipes and OEP
- Future Work
3The Infosphere Project
- Distributed computing with RPC is hard
- RPC semantics do not fit streaming applications
- Need services to be more composable
- QoS concerns
- expanded QoS
- eliminate redundant QoS coding
- Enhance portability
- Same specification can be made for several
different comm. machines
- Procedure call abstraction hides network
- Application must address QoS
- Does not understand application packets
- Request/Response is an unnatural fit for
streaming media (movies/sound) - Composable?
- Basis for CORBA, RMI, Sun RPC, SOAP
- We need an information-centric abstraction that
is network aware to complement RPC
5Goals for ISL/ISG
- Form the core of an Infopipe toolkit
- Simple description for flows
- Support datatypes
- Support basic composition
- QoS requirements
- Generate datatypes, communication stubs
- Support multiple communication layers
- Support multiple languages
- ISG becomes part of a process
- Brand new XIP (Young)
- New comm. added more quickly (but needs more
typing!) - XSLT allows easy modularity in templates
(xslinclude) - Must re-implement the aspects
- Buzzword compliant
7Implementation v0.2
- Round trip time (ping-pong)
- One number sent and received on separate simplex
channels - 100 experiments of 1000 ping-pongs
9Experiment 1 - UAV
- UAV demo
- DoD project
- ECho
- Remote camera sends data via wireless link
- Demonstrates code uploading
- ISG generates replacement comm. code from SIP/XIP
10Experiment 1 - UAV - Results
- Initialization
- 101 runs, discard first
- No statisical difference
Same performance with 36 fewer LOC!
- No performance hit
- Substantial LOC savings
- Time savings for development
- Potential portability
- LOC savings probably varies with App
12OEP Integration Recap
- Participation in BBN OEP
- Source-based filters for adaptive constrained
resource management in the Multi-UAV demo - New filters as Infopipes (compression,
encryption) - Better DRE application programs and better QoS
support (more platforms and dimensions) - Infopipe software tools
- Infopipe Stub Generator, program viewer, other
tools - Demo apps (BBN OEP, Boeing OEP, etc)
13New Infopipe Functionality
- Three kinds of filters (and more)
- Image filters (lower/higher resolution, BW)
- Compression (gzip, lzo, JPEG)
- Encryption (Rijndael)
- Two underlying platforms
- BSD sockets/TCP and TAO AVStreams/UDP
- And more event channels, publish/subscribe
- Automated QoS management
- Adaptation by choosing appropriate combination of
filters (also controlled manually at runtime)
14Abstract Infopipe View
BBN Video Distributor
Wireless Link-TCP
QuO Contract
Filter Control GUI
Source Filter
15Single Filter Experiments
GUI for Infopipe Specification
Infopipe Spec. Lang. (ISL)
(fixed, extensible)
16Multiple-Filter Experiment (1)
- Refining the information flow by combining
Infopipes through connectors
17Multiple-Filter Experiment (2)
- Self-configured Infopipes (when data stream is
unencrypted, system bypasses the decryption stage)
Image Filter
18Multiple-Filter Experiment (3)
- Adaptive and flexible distribution of Infopipe
stages at runtime
Image Filter
19Connector Specialization
Different machines
Socket Connector
IPC Connector
Function Call Conn.
Same machine
Same process/CPU
Function Call Conn.
20Future Work
- Stabilize comm. layers
- Some basic type checking
- Use aspects for QoS (w/Lenin S.)
- Wrap in specialization (w/Young K.)
- Use aspects for performance adaptation
21Planned Experiments
- Infopipe (filter) development and integration
- Development cost/time, variety of filter code
- Code quantity (ISL/XIP module size), quality
(runtime overhead), portability (variety of
underlying platforms) - Integration into OEP, making QoS work with new
filters (measure QoS dimensions below) - QoS dimensions and trade-offs
- Performance (e.g., latency, bandwidth, image
resolution) - Security (e.g., encryption level)
- Other platforms in OEP that support QoS
- Initial stub generator Morimori
- ECho Greg Eisenhauer, Karsten Schwan
- Java socket template Younggyun Koh
- C socket template Volkan Altuntas
- Initial QoS Wei Han
- Demo harnesses, demo integration Wenchang Yan
- Initial UAV demo Fabian Bustamante, P_at_rick
23XIP Example
- Creating a data type
- From the UAV demo, this holds a frame
ltdatatype name"Raw_data"gt ltarg type"integer"
name"tag" /gt ltarg type"char" name"ppm1" /gt
ltarg type"char" name"ppm2" /gt ltarg
type"integer" name"size" /gt ltarg
type"integer" name"width" /gt ltarg
type"integer" name"height" /gt ltarg
type"integer" name"maxval" /gt ltarrayArg
type"byte" name"buff" size"155000" /gt
24XIP Example
- Creating a filter
- From the UAV example, this crops an image to half
ltfilter name"cropImage1Cto2C"
uri"cropImage.ecl" inType"Raw_data1C"
outType"Raw_data2C" takesParams"1"
paramType"Params_rectangle" /gt
25XIP Example
- Declaring a simple, singular pipe
- From UAV example, the sender and receivers
- Note each is only a half-pipe
ltpipe name"uavSender" absMachine"ECho2"gt
ltoutport name"send1" type"Raw_data" /gt
lt/pipegt ltpipe name"uavReceiverNormal"
absMachine"ECho2"gt ltinport name"receive1"
type"Raw_data" /gt lt/pipegt
26XIP Example
- Connecting pipes together
ltcomposedPipe name"multiUAV"gt ltdeclarationsgt
ltpipe name"sender" class"uavSender" /gt
ltpipe name"receiver" class"uavReceiverNormal"
/gt lt/declarationsgt ltports /gt
ltconnectionsgt ltconnectiongt ltfrom
pipe"sender" port"send1" /gt ltto
pipe"receiver" port"receive1" /gt
lt/connectiongt lt/connectionsgt lt/composedPipegt
27ISG Template
- Snippet for current version of ISG
- Submit function for sending data
- for-each command generates for multiple outputs
- nodePipeOutConnect captures some semantic data
about the template
ltxslfor-each select"/xip/pipes/pipe_at_namethisP
ipeClass/outport"gt ltxslvariable name"portName"
select"_at_name"/gt ltnodePipeOutConnect
mark"true"gt int ltxslvalue-of select"thisPipeNa
) lt/nodePipeOutConnectgt lt/xslfor-eachgt
28Et voila!
//int sender__send1Submit( CarrierStruct
) int sender__send1Submit( )
- Single Integer
- Loop 100,000 times sending 1 integer (4 bytes)