Title: Fact Sheet
1Fact Sheet 23 Transfer of Manure or Wastewater
Off Farm
- By Joe Harrison, Washington State University
2Transfer of Manure or Wastewater Off Farm
One of the requirements unique to large CAFOs is
to keep a record of transfer of manure or
wastewater to other persons.
3Producer Checklist
- Step 1. Prior to transferring manure, wastewater,
- or litter to other persons, a large CAFO
- must provide the recipient with the most
- current nutrient analysis.
- The required analyses are nitrogen and
4Producer Checklist (cont'd)
- Step 2. The following records must be kept and
maintained for five years - Date
- Recipient name and address
- Approximate amount of manure, litter, or
- wastewater transferred (see record sheet with
Fact Sheet 23) -
5Producer Checklist (cont'd)
Annual Report Record Sheet
Annual Report Record Sheet
6Producer Checklist (cont'd)
- Step 3. Check with local county and state
agencies for additional records or requirements.
7Definition of Terms
- AFOAnimal Feeding Operation
- CAFOConcentrated Animal Feeding Operation
- NPDESNational Pollutant Discharge Elimination
Joe Harrison, a Nutrient Management Specialist
at Washington State University, can be reached
at harrison_at_puyallup.wsu.
- The author wishes to thank Wendy Powers, Iowa
State University Nora Mena, Washington State
Department of Agriculture David Schmidt,
University of Minnesota and John Gillies,
Washington State Natural Resource Conservation
Service, for their review of this fact sheet.
10For More Information
Environmental Regulations Related ResourcesEPA
CAFO Phone Line202-564-0766 http//www.epa.gov/np
des/caforule/To obtain copy of
regulations http//www.epa.gov/npdes/afo/statecont
acts/To obtain state environmental agency
contacts http//www.epa.gov/agriculture/animals.ht
ml/To obtain compliance assistance information
from EPA http//cfpub.epa.gov/npdes/contacts.cfm?p
rogram_id7typeREGION/To obtain EPA Region
Animal Feeding Operation contacts
11For More Information (cont'd)
- Land-Grant University Resources
- The local contact for your land-grant university
Cooperative Extension program is listed in the
phone book under "Cooperative Extension" or
"(county name) County Cooperative Extension." - http//www.reeusda.gov/1700/statepartners/usa.htm/
To obtain state Cooperative Extension contacts - http//www.lpes/To view the Livestock and
Poultry Environ-mental Stewardship (LPES)
curriculum resources
12For More Information (cont'd)
- USDA Farm Bill Resources
- To obtain more information about the Farm Bill
2002, see the USDA-NRCS website at the following
URL http//www.nrcs.usda.gov/programs/farmbill/20
02/. - You can also contact your local USDA Service
Center, listed in the phone book under "U.S.
Department of Agriculture," or your local
conservation district.
- This material is based upon work supported by
the Cooperative State Research, Education, and
Extension Service, U.S. Department of
Agriculture the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, the National Agriculture Assistance
Center and the University of Nebraska
Cooperative Extension, University of
Nebraska-Lincoln, under Cooperative Agreement
Number 97-EXCA-3-0642.