Title: Calculations of Vibronic states in solid and liquid hydrogen
1Calculations of Vibronic states in solid and
liquid hydrogen
- Application of van Kranendonk theory
- Introduction (motivation of high pressure
studies) - Experimental results for excitations
- Van Kranendonk theory of excitations
- TB vibronic Hamiltonian
- Effect of intermolecular distance riations
- Effect of temperature
- Path integral method
- Numerical results
3Some research highlights on solid hydrogen
- Wigner-Huntington 1935 suggestion of possibility
of achieving a monatomic Bravais crystal
(metallic) of solid hydrogen (Pgt250 kbars25GPa,
T0K) - Neil Ashcroft 1968 prediction of high
superconducting transition temperature of
hydrogen in metallic state - Lack of ability (to present) to achieve metallic
hydrogen from static high pressure experiments up
to 300 GPa. - Discovery in 1996 of conducting state in shock
compressed hydrogen high pressure and high
temperature (Weir, Mitchell and Nellis) - Theory of excitations and vibron Raman scattering
by van Kranendonk and collaborators beginning in
4Electronic energy bands
51935 paper by Wigner and Huntington
6Melting curve of hydrogen
From Bonev, Schwegler, Ogitsu and Galli, A
quantum fluid of metallic hydrogen suggested by
first principles calculations, letters to nature
7Theories for vibrational-rotational excitations
- Dunham model of isolated molecule
- van Kranendonk theory of solid state
- Hamiltonian
- Wave function
- Raman intensity
8Experiments done for excitations
- Pure rotational
- Pure vibronic
- Phonon and elastic wave
- Mixtures (phonon vibron, etc.)
- Roton
- So-called overtones
- Experimental probes are
- Raman scattering
- Inelastic neutron scattering
- Infrared absorption
- Brillouin scattering
9Experimental Results from Hemleys group,
Geophysical Lab, Carnegie Institution of
10Overview of vibron-Raman P-T results
Gregoryanz, Goncharov, Mao and Hemley, PRL 2003
11One Vibron State
Note Each molecular function can be for a
different rotational state but for a 0-vibron
state except for one molecule
- Tight binding formalism
- Phonon-vibron coupling terms included in
renormalization of TB Hamiltonian parameters
13Low T results for vibrons
Experiments Eggert,Hemley,Mao De Kinder,Shoemaker
20 ortho T6K
50 ortho T77K
14Depiction of a vibronic state
Filledortho (L1), W4000 1/cm Unfilled para
(L0), W4006 1/cm
15(No Transcript)
16Effect of intermolecular interactions
- The hopping term is known to vary with
interatomic distance roughly as the van der Waals
behavior 1/r6. - Convolute 1/r6 (or 1/r6.8) with pair correlation
function, g(r). Assume g(r) is zero for r less
than some cut-off value and then Gaussian about
equilibrium value of r breadth is calculated as
function of temperature. - Previously only zero-point renormalizations were
discussed for the hopping term.