Title: Move From Water Bottles to In-Cage Automatic Water
1Move From Water Bottles to In-Cage Automatic
Julie Watson MA VetMB Dipl ACLAM
- Cage change every 2 weeks
- Less disturbance
- Breed better
- Less labor
- Dedicated air supply
- Disease control
- Reduced allergens
3Whats the Problem?
Auto Water Valve
Water Bottle
- Water drop absent
- New skill required -
- Grasp lever in teeth and push
- Size strength needed
- Water drop usually present
- Touch only required
4Strength required to work the valve Weanlings
have difficulty in working the valve 5g pressure
required to operate the valve
5Mice Need to Learn New Skills Old mice
Singly-housed miceNeurological mutants
Often dont explore or learn new skills well!
6High Airflow Exacerbates Dehydration
50 Air Changes Per Hour
7Overnight Consequences of Water Deprivation
Hunchback seen prior to death
8Which Animals need to Transition to Automatic
- All animals previously on
- water bottles (May include
- vendor animals)
- All weanlings
- From microisolators
- From auto water
9SOP for Transition Period
- Water bottle 2 weeks
- Remove bottle if full
- Monitor twice daily 2 days
- Monitor once daily 12 days
- Transport gel plus bottle
- if mice dehydrate
- Water bottle 2 weeks if less than 4 weeks old or
new to auto-water - Remove bottle
10Repeat Once
TwoWeeks Water Bottle
Water Bottle Largely Full
Water Bottle Largely Empty
Remove water bottle 48-hour close observation 2
week daily observation
Fail twice, permanent water bottle
11Use the Auto Water Transition Cage Cards
Weanling card
Adult card
12Appearance of Auto Water Transition Card with
Cage Card
Designed to project above cage card
13Monitor closely twice daily for 2 days
Then daily until next cage change (2 weeks)
14For Signs of Dehydration
- Put transit gel in cage
- Replace water bottle
- Veterinary help if severely dehydrated
- 2 attempts to remove water bottle
- If fail twice, then permanent bottle
- use water bottle sticker to flag cage
15Animals that do not Transition-Check Food Supply
NOTE the water bottle takes up space normally
used for food. With large of mice in the cage,
food and water may need to be topped off before
the 2 week cage change
16Offspring Usually Transition to Auto-Water Even
if Parents Dont
17Additional Procedures to Prevent Problems
- Wean at 4 weeks
- bigger and more able to
- work the water valve
- ALWAYS use nest material
- - mitigates the effect of high
air flow
18Summary Mice New to Auto Water
- Use water bottle first 2 weeks.
- Remove water bottle ONLY if largely full
- Monitor VERY closely (twice) for dehydration
signs first 2 days, then daily until first cage
change. Toggle lickers each time. - Use Auto Water Transition cage cards
- Label cages with water bottle stickers and keep
on water bottles if fail to transition twice
19Summary Weanlings
- If new to automatic water or under 4 weeks old,
follow same protocol as adults new to automatic
water ie water bottle first 2 weeks after
weaning followed by close monitoring for 2 weeks. - If already on auto water and at least 4 weeks
old, use close-monitoring SOP only. - Remember weanlings may have problems with
STRENGTH and can dehydrate even after one week on
automatic water.
20The End