Title: Unnatural Resources: Dynamics in the 21st Century Workplace
1Unnatural Resources Dynamics in the 21st Century
2Environmental Scan
- The 21st Century global village
- The contemporary workplace
- The modern day government
- leader
3 4Demography is Destiny
- Longevity
- The age wave
- Changing family structures
- Changing psychic motivators
5Implications of the Age Wave
- Recruitment and retention issues
- Widely diverse ages within teams
- Challenges for supervisors
- Potential for communication problems
- Potential for conflict within teams
- Potential to misunderstand constituents
6Evolving Workforce Generations
Quad Generational Workforce Quad Generational Workforce Quad Generational Workforce
Greatest Generation 1922 - 1946 52 m
Baby Boomers 1946 - 1964 76m
Generation X 1964 - 1984 51 m
Nexters 1984 - 2001 70 m
7The American Mosaic
- A minority-majority America
- Energized immigration
- A female workforce
- Multicultural workforce
8 9The 21st Century Workplace
- Radical changes in the nature of
- Work
- The workplace
- The workers
10From Manual to Mental
- Increased importance of knowledge work
- Moving into the global village
- More unknown than known
- Short cycle on obsolescence
11The Technological Tornado
- Families
- Workplaces
- Individuals
12247365.. and the 31 hour day
- Ability to work all the time, from anywhere in
the world - Difficulty in turning work off
- Unclaimed vacation time
- Crackberry addiction
- Runaway multi-tasking
- Disappearance of down time
13Shamrock Organization
Fewer permanent employees
More outside partners
More just in time workers
14The major cause of stress is reality.
- Lily Tomlin
15 16Blueprint for the ModernOrganization
- Flat structures
- Abandonment of silo thinking
- Consummate at building and maintaining
relationships - Constant thirst for knowledge and self-growth
- Focused on influence, not power
1721st Century Leadership Advantage
- 70 of essential work performance competencies
are emotional, not technical - Emotional competencies are twice as important in
contributing to excellence as intellect and
experience - EQ Peter Principle too much college and too
little kindergarten. - Increasing crisis of rising IQ, diminishing EQ
18Overall Conclusion
- At best, IQ contributes 20 to the factors that
determine LIFE success, which leaves 80 to other
19 20Good Wont Be Good Enough
Good is the enemy of great.
-Jim Collins Good to Great (2001)
21- What Got Us Here
- Wont Get Us There.
- - Marshall Goldsmith
22- In the end,
- you only hit what you aim at.
- -Henry David Thoreau
23Thank You!
- For more information, please contact
- The Whitten Group, P.A.
- 601-707-0580
- 601-707-0579 fax
- www.thewhittengroup.com
- amy_at_thewhittengroup.com