Title: Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
1Come Thou Fount ofEvery Blessing
2Come, thou Fountof every blessingtune my
heartto sing thy grace
3Streams of mercy never ceasingcall for songs of
loudest praise
4Teach me everto adore TheeMay I still Thy
goodness prove
5While the hope of endless gloryfills my heart
withjoy and love
6Here I raisemy Ebenezerhither by thyhelp I'm
7And I hope bythy good pleasuresafely to
arriveat home
8Jesus sought mewhen a strangerwandering from
thefold of God
9He to rescueme from danger interposed his
precious blood
10O to grace howgreat a debtordaily
I'mconstrained to be
11Let thy goodnesslike a fetterbind me
closerstill to Thee
12Prone to wonderLord I feel itProne to leave
theGod I love
13Here's my heartO take and seal itseal it for
thycourts above
14Here's my heartO take and seal itseal it for
thycourts above